What is that deleeshus smell? Ahhh, custard cream pie with fresh ferret filling and chocolate crumb crust!
Cute Overload XTreme Pretty Phallic Ferret Close Up! (C.O.X.P.P.F.C.U.)
Silver is a cutie pie, Anny.
What is that deleeshus smell? Ahhh, custard cream pie with fresh ferret filling and chocolate crumb crust!
Cute Overload XTreme Pretty Phallic Ferret Close Up! (C.O.X.P.P.F.C.U.)
Silver is a cutie pie, Anny.
At training camp this week, US rookie Floyd Bleaarrghth is making progress in the sock-catching event, but still has a long way to go to beat the current record-holder, Sven Stuffem of Ikeastan.
For the safest grip while lifting planking cats sharp objects, get the new Love Handle®; a new way to carry all types of planking cats sharp objects easily and conveniently.
We can’t handle the cute! Weasley, sent in by Kay W.
Oh yeah, who’s got two wings and leaves otters eating his dust? This guy!
Hobo kitteh lives in a box, has no job, passed out, and comes from a long line of beggars.
Daniel S. says this is, “Louis P. Louis (the P stands for Peepers since she has great, big beautiful eyes. And yes, she is a she named Louis).” And we thought the P was for Pawverty.
Part real cat, part puppet, part CGI. And a llllllll redonk, this hilarious TV ad from China is making the rounds. BUT WHAT DOES IT MEAN!?
Sender-Inner Ant of Quality Foraged Links sent this one in.
“To MORROW! To MORROW! I love ya, to MORROW! You’re always a day awayyyyy!”
Thank you, Mischa and Chris. NEXT!
(Wow, what luck! I usually can’t get anywhere near the treadmills; there’s always people on them! Now, let’s see if I can hit my target heart rate…)
OMG 28 seconds in!
OMG 28 seconds in!
OMG 28 seconds in!
Brinkie McBrinkersons sent this anerabuhl video in. Holy crap.
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