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TypePad Push Notification

Push Notification for TypePad Blogs via PubSubHubbub

More Information:
TypePad is currently testing an experimental instance of PubSubHubbub Hub for push-notification of TypePad blogs. This service enables improved response times and update intervals compared to typical RSS feeds. All public TypePad blogs now publish pings to this hub. By using this endpoint, you can subscribe and receive updates via a web-hook. PubSubHubbub supports SuperFeedr, FriendFeed, Google Reader and Livedoor Reader. To access non-TypePad powered blogs, please use Google’s open hub . This service is currently experimental and offered as an Alpha product only.

  • Subscribe to a feed or debug your subscriber.
  • Debug published feeds and send us your feedback on fixes and recommendations how to improve this service. If you like this and would like us to release it from Alpha as a full product, let us know!