The American Enterprise Institute prides itself on producing leading research in several key policy areas that weave a tapestry of the organization's core beliefs: respect and support for the power of free enterprise, a strong defense centered on smart international relations, and opportunity for all to achieve the American dream.
"Uncertainty, of course, will not go away during 2012, but if it moderates just a little, this should be a better year for some economies and investors."
"Instead of using his position as a bully pulpit for reform, Manmohan Singh presides over a government synonymous with policy paralysis and reckless populism."
"Wisconsin has emerged as a central battleground in the fight over the outsized political role played by, and the enormous privileges enjoyed by, public employee unions."
"Charter schools provide an intriguing opportunity to rethink the role of public schools in preparing students to become informed and engaged participants in the American political system."
"Hill Republicans are likely to end their resistance to the so-called tax cut, for political reasons, regardless of strong policy reasons against doing so. Ironically, it might be time to consider moving away instead from another arm of the payroll tax—Medicare."
"All we need is a president who doesn't have to be arm twisted into keeping us strong and prosperous."
"We have to make the case for free enterprise and economic growth from a moral perspective, using language about opportunity and happiness and living a meaningful life."
Why do public employees get a generous deal that is available pretty much nowhere else and to no one else?