Once again, the Tea Party proves itself to be the home to the most violent, ambitious gun-toting nutjobs and militia whackjobs. This time it’s a gang of retirees plotting to overthrow the government to “restore the constitution” by shooting all manner of government workers, bombing federal buildings, and indiscriminately mass-murdering as much the public as possible through biological and chemical warfare. All hatched at local waffle house in semi-rural Georgia.

These dangerous domestic terrorists doddering geezers were arrested after buying “silencers” and “explosives,” both inert, from an undercover FBI agent. In their possession at the time of their arrest were many of the necessary ingredients for ricin, which they intended to use to poison the public by spreading on roads and elsewhere. One senescent shooter boastedI could shoot ATF and IRS all day long. All the judges and the DOJ and the attorneys and prosecutors.” Just in case that wasn’t clear enough, one statedThere is no way for us, as militiamen, to save this country, to save Georgia, without doing something that’s highly, highly illegal: murder,” … “When it comes time to saving the Constitution, that means some people have got to die.

According to the complaint, one of the arrested repeatedly cited as the source of their plan the novel Absolved, authored by Tea Party leader and Fox News “expert” Mike Vanderboegh. This is the same Michael Vanderboegh who as a Tea Party leader and former militiaman, called for an armed march on Washington on April 19, and urged people to break Democrat party office windows. He’s also is on government disability. Douchebag.

It’s about time the rest of us, the normal sane people who believe in rational, civil political discourse, say Enough! to violent, unhinged Tea Baggers and Fox News who fan their flames.

It’s just not where you think it is, Ms. Teatard.

If you're going to challenge someone's competence, it's important to be competent yourself, first. If you can't get the spelling of your own message straight, how competent can you be?

Self-righteous dimwits like her give us a crisis of incontinence.

The quality of thinking and understanding in Tea Partiers: Something so lacking in necessary qualities as to inspire ridicule

For fuck’s sake. Most illegal immigrants can spell better than Tea Baggers. Perhaps we should seriously reconsider who it is that warrants being deported…



Tea Party: The Joke that Writes Itself

Brian “Sonny” Thomas, the racist pinhead responsible for the above tweet and others like it, turns out to be a contributor to the Tea Party’s culture of intimidation, too. No surprise there. “Sonny” was charged with menacing his ex, who had a restraining order against him, and was convicted of ignoring the restraining order. Another bigot Tea Bagger bully.

Bullying and intimidation march hand-in-hand with racist hate once again in the form of another disgraced Tea Party leader.

This is David Bugert, violent convict and Tea Bagger militia-gun nut, now subject of a manhunt for shooting at police.

Burgert looks like the film actors that play the part of people like him. He’s his own characterization.

This isn’t this dim mouth breather’s first run in with the police: As former leader of the Montana militia group Project 7, he  plotted to assassinate local officials, go to war with the National Guard and overthrow the federal government. Burgert was never charged in an assassination plot because he reached an agreement with prosecutors in 2003 and plead guilty to federal weapons charges including possession of a machine gun. Four other members of Project 7 pleaded guilty in the case and received lesser sentences. And he was just as big a nutcase then.

Burgert’s “militia HQ” gets visitors…

Of course gun nut fringe militia freaks are nothing new in Montana. Burgert has support from the usual wingnut fringe media types.  Then there’s this Tea Bagger whackjob who wants the city of Helena to allow the carrying of loaded firearms in public places. Yes you read that right. LOADED firearms. That’s Tea Party insanity for you… Because everyone needs to carry a fucking loaded gun in public.

In all fairness, news reports say Burgert has some real psychological problems. Gee, you think? But if that’s the case, then he needs help. Whereas Palin is simply a certifiable dumbass. No cure for that.

We’ve had a lot of fun here since the Tea Party has turned out to be the joke that writes itself. Sometimes though we wince more than we laugh, and this is one of those times.

Oklahoma state Rep. Sally Kern, a Republican, has abandoned the oblique racist references that serve as dog whistles to the Tea Party / GOP base and has come right out and laid her racism bare:

“We have a high percentage of blacks in prison, and that’s tragic, but are they in prison just because they are black or because they don’t want to study as hard in school? I’ve taught school, and I saw a lot of people of color who didn’t study hard because they said the government would take care of them.” – Sally Kern

That’s right Sally, it’s because they’re lazy that blacks end up in prison or on the dole.

When and where did this bigoted Tea Bagger make this stunning proclaimation? In a private email to other Tea Baggers? Nope. On the floor of the Oklahoma House of Representatives in middle of the arguing for a constitutional amendment seeking to ban affirmative action programs in the state! I am not making that up.  Sally Kern’s racist rant is now immortalized in Oklahoma’s congressional record. More mainstream (meaning sane) Republicans have been wisely distancing themselves from Kern for at least two years now. To date none of her constituents in her district have called for her to step down, meaning to a large degree they support her in what she said. Racists voting in racists, it appears.

This is not the first controversy this racist douchenozzle has raised. Sally Kern is a committed theocrat who believes God told her to run for office and her bigotry extends beyond blacks to gays and non-Christians. Kern publicly and proudly blames the nation’s current economic and other problems on gays, abortion, divorce, and all around lack of Christian faith. In 2008 this asshat claimed that homosexuality is more dangerous to America than “terrorism or Islam.” Amazing.

How many more Tea Bagger bogey men, and hate, can a  racist Tea Party pinhead fit into one idea? Judging by recent events, Sally Kern is determined to find out.

Another Tea Bagger reveals their true self. And she’s a GOP official and luminary.

Birther, prominent Tea Party activist, and California GOP party officialMarilyn Davenport, emailed this racist image of Obama to fellow GOP officals.

Davenport captioned this as “Now you know why no birth certificate.”

But remember, there are no racists in the Tea Party, according to Tea Partiers. Or bigoted homophobes.

A former California GOP chairman says that the email is Davenport’s third strike. He’s is calling for her resignation, citing two previous incidents in which Davenport defended the racist actions of two fellow Orange County conservatives. Another is calling for an ethics investigation. So this particular Tea Bagger has a history of racism… We’re all soooo surprised.

And this pissy epistle is how Davenport excuses her racism:

Oh, come on! Everybody who knows me knows that I am not a racist. It was a joke. I have friends who are black. Besides, I only sent it to a few people–mostly people I didn’t think would be upset by it. … I will NOT resign my central committee position over this matter that the average person knows and agrees is much to do about nothing.

“I have friends who are black…” Seriously Marilyn? Could you possibly be more tone deaf? Or predictable.

Not satisfied with run-of-the-mill douchebaggery, Davenport upped the crazy and came out swinging at whichever of the recipients who objected to her racism: Marilyn sent another email to fellow California wingnut activists demanding to know the identity of “the coward” who supplied the press with a copy of her offensive email! Nice work, Marilyn. You shameless bigot.

How many other unhinged, racist, whackjobs are lurking in the Tea Party’s ranks? The GOP? Experience (and the examples here) indicate many, many more, and we expect to be here covering them for a very long time.

I dare you to try to sit through the one minute and thirty seconds of her “bim bam boodle” visual and aural shrillness without your head exploding from her complete, without qualification or exception, inanity.


Failed former Saturday Night Live comic and current Tea Partier Victoria Jackson published a blog post condemning the creators of Glee for airing a gay kiss and mocking the Christian religion. As if her shrill brand of homophobia and racist hate wasn’t enough of a mockery of Christianity. In it she referred to Glee’s producers as “shoving the gay thing down our throats.” And there I was thinking she couldn’t be funny.

Adjudged long ago a mean, right wing racist harpy, Jackson is reduced to writing a column at that place of all things conspiratorial and wingnuttish, WorldNetDaily, where she is known for her anti-Muslim and Arab diatribes.

Here she is, performing her new Tea Party shtick for the rubes and yokels:

If there is any justice in this life this feckless sack of skin will get knocked up by Charlie Sheen during one of his drug-fueled moments of even poorer judgment and deliver unto us a gay hermaphrodite which she will feel compelled to raise and learn to love. Now that’s entertainment.

And shining justice.

The Shame of Illiteracy…

Posted: March 20, 2011 in Illiteracy, Tea Party

does not exist within the Tea Party.

There was a time when the illiterate hid their handicap. With the emergence of the Tea Party and its’ willful ignorance and anti-intellectualism, illiteracy is a badge of honor.

Why should anyone take the opinion of people who chronically can’t spell, much less make a coherent argument, seriously? The answer is they shouldn’t.

Only if he can remember where he keeps them…

Seriously, WTF is this supposed to be if not a threat? Thank God he won’t remember any of this after his nap. Better bring an extra pair of Depends with your musket, Gramps: Not all liberals are unarmed.