Happy Holidays!!!

Hello, my dear Raisinettes! I haven’t been kidnapped, just enjoying time with my crazy sister (yeah, I’m the normal one :P ). Just stopped by to wish you all a happy holiday. I miss you, and I’ll be back during the week. Mmmmwwwaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Now behave yourselves, or Santa won’t bring you any presents.


Filed under humor, Mighty Mikk0mouse, Raisin, snark

Lipstick & a Pig


Michele Bachmann appeared on Meet the Press earlier today, and in the middle of talking about her chances in Iowa next month, David Gregory brought up the uncomfortable exchange she had with Newt Gingrich during last week’s Republican debate. Gingrich accused Bachmann of “not getting her facts correct,” and Bachmann responded by calling his comments “outrageous,” insisting she is a serious candidate for the presidency.


Bachmann did not answer the question of whether Gingrich was being sexist towards her, but she did acknowledge it felt “condescending” to have him talk down to her as if she was one of his students.

sausage ad pig french now serving 3 tiffany bagOriginal advertisement

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Filed under parody, snark, humor, politics, Republicans, Newt Gingrich, Advertising, Wordpress Political Blogs

Missionary Reposition

From The Telegraph:

It was a rare reflection by Mitt Romney on his life as a young Mormon, offered as proof to struggling Americans that despite being born into privilege and amassing a $250 million fortune, he too had known hard times.

A day after being labelled “out of touch” for casually offering a $10,000 bet to a rival candidate, Mr Romney told supporters he had experienced austerity as a missionary in France, using a bucket for a lavatory and a hose for a shower. “You’re not living high on the hog at that kind of level,” he said.

But the Republican presidential hopeful spent a significant portion of his 30-month mission in a Paris mansion described by fellow American missionaries to The Daily Telegraph as “palace”. It featured stained glass windows, chandeliers, and an extensive art collection. It was staffed by two servants – a Spanish chef and a houseboy.

moroni joseph smith book of mormon brigham young pinocchio 4 seasons flip flopsOriginal painting (Louis XIV by Rigaud. 1701)

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Filed under parody, snark, humor, politics, Mitt Romney, Republicans, Painting, France, Wordpress Political Blogs, Mormons

‘Tis the Season for Such Folly

(CNN) – The avalanche of negative campaign ads from Mitt Romney is wearing on rival Newt Gingrich, but he said Thursday he won’t break his pledge to stay positive.

Speaking to Iowa Public Television, the former House speaker said the onslaught of vitriol coming from Romney headquarters jarred with the spirit of the holidays.

“I think it’s counterintuitive,” Gingrich said. “We have an ad that will come up next week where Callista and I are wishing people a Merry Christmas, and we’re talking in a totally positive way. I think if these guys keep up this kind of negative junk, it’s so discordant with the spirit of Christmas.”

Yeah, let’s keep with the spirit of Christmas by saying that poor kids should have to clean toilets for their richer classmates.

diamonds tiffany tiffany's cash Original DVD cover

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Filed under movies, parody, snark, humor, politics, Mitt Romney, Republicans, Iowa, Newt Gingrich, Wordpress Political Blogs

Fighting over who’s wealthy? Oh, that’s rich!


In these hard economic times, Mitt Romney’s millions are not something the candidate wants to wear on his sleeve. But ever since he offered Rick Perry a $10,000 bet during Saturday’s debate, Mitt’s wealth is the story that won’t go away. Which is presumably why, in a conversation with CBS, Romney tried to shift some of the attention to his “very wealthy” rival, Newt Gingrich.

“Newt Gingrich has wealth from having worked in government,” Romney told CBS News political correspondent Jan Crawford in an interview in New York. “He’s a wealthy man, a very wealthy man. If you have a half a million dollar purchase from Tiffany’s, you’re not a middle class American.”

campaign button christine o'donnell cash moneyOriginal image (Scroll through.  It’s really cool to see how people colorized the pic and how each one is just a little bit different)

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Filed under movies, parody, snark, humor, politics, Mitt Romney, Republicans, Newt Gingrich, Wordpress Political Blogs

Bewitched, Bothered, and BeWillard


Former tea party candidate and U.S. Senate hopeful Christine O’Donnell has cast a, er, endorsement Mitt Romney’s way.


Mostly, O’Donnell is best remembered for the “I’m not a witch, I’m you” ad that she produced, through admaker Fred Davis (now with the Jon Huntsman super PAC), which was met with much derision.

Derision?  I wonder from whom.

flying monkey bats black cat witchOriginal DVD cover

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Filed under humor, Mitt Romney, movies, Newt Gingrich, parody, politics, Republicans, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber

From the Atlantic wire:

The Players: Glenn Beck, a conservative provocateur who has a burgeoning news site called The Blaze ; Andrew Breitbart, a conservative provocateur who’s run his own news site Breitbart.com and conservative-slanted Big aggregation network.

The Opening Serve:  Glenn Beck hasn’t been shy about voicing his opinion on Newt Gingrich ever since the former Speaker of The House began to surge in the polls. We noted he played a little bit of gotcha journalism with Gingrich, but Beck took it a step further and went on Fox Business this past weekend to air his grievances:

If you have a big government progressive, or a big government progressive in Obama… ask yourself this, Tea Party: is it about Obama’s race? Because that’s what it appears to be to me. If you’re against him but you’re for [Newt Gingrich], it must be about race. I mean, what else is it? It’s the policies that matter.

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Filed under Barack Obama, Glenn Beck, humor, Media, movies, Newt Gingrich, parody, politics, Republicans, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs

Mittsie: The Bête Noire of Governor Little Ricky Goodhair

From The New York Times:

AMES, Iowa — Mitt Romney became the target of mocking criticism on Sunday from several of his Republican presidential rivals — except Newt Gingrich, whose silence underscored his growing confidence as the party’s nominating contest enters a critical week featuring the final televised debate of the year.

A day after Mr. Romney unwittingly created a fresh punch line when he extended his hand during a debate and tried to make a $10,000 bet with Gov. Rick Perry of Texas to settle a disagreement over health care, Mr. Perry said that the exchange was the latest sign that his opponent was out of step with most voters.

corndog cashOriginal DVD cover

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Filed under Democrats, humor, Mitt Romney, movies, Newt Gingrich, parody, politics, Republicans, snark, Wordpress Political Blogs