Friday the 13th

I was never that superstitious about Friday the 13th. Until the day my ex’s psycho ex decided to pay me a visit at work. “Hi. I don’t think you know me, but I’m his girlfriend.” Oh really? I was too angry and emotional to realize she was playing me for information. She was actually his ex and wanted to know more about our relationship.

The information I provided didn’t sit well with her. He sent her a mixed bouquet. He sent me roses. They went on a trip to Santa Barbara. Us, Singapore. (And I paid my own way, thank you very much, you gold diggin’ bitch). She got a necklace. I got a ring. Even though I was mad as all hell, I felt strangely superior – higher up on the girlfriend pole. Anyway, on that Friday the 13th, I went from pissed to smug to crying to screaming at him across time zones. And from that point on, I never cared for Friday the 13th and agreed with its “unlucky” designation.

Today turns that all around.

It’s Friday, January 13, 2012, and SpinnyLiberal is a year old. I wrote my first post on January 13th!

It’s been an amazing experience. I’ve met so many brilliant people on here. Some of your posts and replies have made me laugh, agree or disagree with you. Others infuriated me, but they always made me think.

Thank you for reading and commenting here. And thank you for your great blogs!

Happy birthday to me!

It’s Official. I’m a Twit.

I have succumbed to the dark side. I joined Twitter.

I’ve avoided Twitter for a lot of reasons. Reading that someone is “in the kitchen drinking lemonade and heating up lasagna” didn’t sound particularly exciting. And sharing that I am “in the kitchen drinking lemonade and heating up lasagna?” I know that isn’t exciting.

But, my partner, self-diagnosed with ADD, loves it. She’s always sharing these cool Tweets with me. Some were hilarious! Others, profound. I had to check out for myself. So, tonight, I leapt into last decade. I wonder if this will stick, though. I’m pretty much MIA on Facebook.

Anyway, if you are on Twitter, please share your username. I’ll follow/stalk you. You can follow/stalk me, too.

Mitt Romney: The Most Beautiful GOP Nominee in the World

Sometimes I wish I could live in a GOP Primary state during election season. I’d love to see all the action firsthand. The mud-slinging ads, the townhalls, all of it. I think it would be very exciting.

Anyway, back to Romney. So he won New Hampshire. Quelle surprise, right? Come on. I didn’t need a Magic-8 Ball to predict this one.

I’m not really surprised that Ron Paul got 2nd. After all, it is New Hampshire, Libertarian capital of the United States. The sad thing is that Jon Huntsman skipped Iowa to seriously work New Hampshire. And he got 3rd place. He should give it up. He is the one that doesn’t give a lot of Liberals like me the full body heebie jeebies. And that is the reason why he’ll never get the nomination.

That leaves Rick Santorum and Rick Perry. Santorum. He’s riding that Iowa caucus “high,” and the next primary is all about religious Conservatives. He may pick up a few votes in South Carolina – maybe come out ahead. He is not going to get the nomination, though. He has a long list of quotes (some nearly unbelievable) that show his very extreme views. He’s very trigger happy when it comes to Iran. And what we’ve seen what a cowboy President can do. Plus, he’s still trying to downplay that gaffe of blah people on welfare.

Perry? Good hair can only get you so far. All the self-deprecating humor in the world will not erase the fact that he forgot the third of three government departments he wanted to dismantle. And it was the Department of Energy – tied to his answer to the nation’s problems. O-I-L. I think that stuck in people’s minds. Plus, suggesting troops be sent back to Iraq? Final nail in the coffin. Like Santorum, he will probably pick up a few votes in South Carolina, but that’s about as far as he’ll go.

We should just skip all the pleasantries and crown Romney. He has the most money behind him and the “electability” thing. And, sorry Rick, but he has really good hair too. Hand him the bouquet and let him wear the “GOP Nominee” sash. Almost time to walk down that plank…I mean, ramp.

Totally Twisted Quote Tuesday 1/10

GOP Debate: It’s What’s for Breakfast in Concord

After an evening of debating? I guess Meet the Press didn’t think we could live without another debate after 12 hours. It was a bit spicier, and Romney took some hits early on. I think they’re exhausted and cranky. Huntsman sounds like he’s coming down with something. Anyway, for those who didn’t bother, enjoy. :-)

Newt Gingrich
1. “I know the red light doesn’t mean anything to you because you’re the front runner.” Thanks for laughing even though I’m serious. Seriously tired and bitter.
2. Environmental Solutions Agency. No, it is not like the EPA because they suck. Mine won’t be all about punishment. Gotta make business want to stop polluting.
3. Do you know what the Washington Post’s “Four Pinocchios” means? That Romney is a liar.

Jon Huntsman
1. Mittens pissed me off. You dogged on my service as ambassador. I will now use my stern tone.
2. There are no sacred cows. Medicare and Social Security? Be afraid Seniors. Be very afraid.
3. The American people are looking for a unifier. Crap. I should not have used anything Obama has used.

Ron Paul
1. Entitlements aren’t rights. We want to help the poor, but the real people who are getting the entitlements are banks and the military industrial complex.
2. As President, it’s going to be tough to change our foreign policy of 100 years. But if we don’t, it will be the death of America. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
3. I will continue to preach the gospel of Liberty. Libertarians are here. And we’re here to stay, baby!

Rick Perry
1. I’m going to mention the Tea Party as many times as I can. I have to get them to love me as much as Social Conservatives do.
2. The ones who will feel pain are the bureaucrats of the Departments of Commerce, Energy, and Education that we’ll do away with. Yay! I remembered all three this time.
3. Obama is a Socialist. Yeah, I said it. What are you going to do about it?

Mitt Romney
1. Natural gas! Yes, it’s alternative energy, but even a Conservative can support this one. Well, maybe not Perry.
2. In MA, I appointed gay judges and a member of my cabinet was gay. But ix-nay on the gay marriage-ay.
3. Dude! I can’t direct PAC ads. You know that. You’re just jealous that I’m getting their support.

Rick Santorum
1. If my son told me he was gay, I’d love him just as much as I did before he said that. Then, he’d be on the first plane to Marcus Bachmann’s reparative clinic.
2. Ron Paul is a loser who’s done nothing of importance and has no friends in Washington. I’ll need extra security on my way out today.
3. We can’t live with a nuclear Iran because they’re Mus-…uh, a theocracy

GOP Debate: Saturday Night Fun in Manchester

After a shamefully long absence, last night provided the perfect opportunity to resurface: The ABC News/Yahoo! GOP debate in New Hampshire. Here are the highlights:

Newt Gingrich
1. Anti-Christian bigotry! It’s bigger than two chicks wanting to get hitched.
2. “Obama’s desperate attempt to create a radical European social model is sincere.” Dang the audience loves me. I’m here all week. Don’t forget to tip your waitress.
3. If I weren’t here, I’d be watching the college basketball championships. Oh oops. Football. You caught me. I’d really be holding Callista’s purse at Tiffany’s.

Jon Huntsman
1. A gay couple’s relationship doesn’t affect my marriage one bit. Stay with me, social conservatives. No to gay marriage, yes to civil unions.
2. Simpson Bowles! Eliminate the loopholes. But not all of them. I got your back, big business.
3. I just called Romney a douchebag in Mandarin.

Ron Paul
1. Nice comment on the bell, junior. Still doesn’t change the fact that you’re a big government spender and lobbyist lover.
2. Ugh those newsletters again! I didn’t write that racist crap. Since we’re on the subject, black people get the shaft in the justice system. Maybe that will get me a few of their votes.
2. Ping pong is the cornerstone of my foreign policy. Rescuing Iranians from pirates and stopping sanctions will bring world peace.

Rick Perry
1. You just witnessed a brawl between Ron and Rick. They’re what’s wrong with government. And neither have good hair.
2. My vision is O-I-L, but you knew that.
3. Back to Iraq, soldiers. It would be your 7th tour? Suck it up, son.

Mitt Romney
1. CEOs aren’t managers. If you weren’t a career politician, you’d know that managers are under me. I mean CEOs.
2. Quit badgering me on the contraception thing, Stephanopoulos. I’m this close to saying that I’m sad it didn’t work for your parents.
2. China sucks. They lie, cheat, and steal, but make really good dumplings.

Rick Santorum
1. Don’t ever question my Conservatism, old man. I can arrange a permanent tour of a coal mine.
2. I hate Iran so much. I want to choke Ahmadinejad with my own hands.
3. There is no such thing as the middle class. And the sky is green, I swear.

Another Manson in the News

Providing Necessary Evil: Jules Manson Calls for Assassination of Obama and His ‘Monkey Children’

Move over Charles. There’s a new psycho in town. Although, there is a striking resemblance.

The author says that he’s a “necessary” evil? He states:

“Succinctly, people like Jules Manson are necessary as a check to existing systems, as examples of contrast to appropriate behavior.”

Nope. There are already so many racist, ignorant people out there. This one isn’t even the pick of the litter. He isn’t even close to being necessary.

That said, he’s here, spewing his hatred. The First Amendment gives him the right to do so. So let’s look at what he’s said:

“Assassinate the f—– n—– and his monkey children.”


I wrote the most vile and hateful words to express my condemnation for him doing this to the American people. It was horrible. I deeply regret it and I’m deeply shamed by it. I cannot express how much I wish I had not done that.


After much consideration, I have decided to throw my hat in the ring for California’s 28th State Senate district for the 2012 elections. I intend on representing the Democratic Party with due dignity, and loyalty for my campaign contributors which will happen to be public-sector labor unions and other collective bargaining institutions that help keep the poor man down and dependent on government.

Yup. That’s the beauty of the First Amendment. The more you exercise it, the more you reveal about yourself. He basically revealed that he’s crazy.

The racist, ignorant crap doesn’t surprise me. I’ve always thought there are still a lot of people who can’t accept that there is a black man in the White House. As a President, he’s encountered things that I believe wouldn’t have happened to a white president. Representative Joe Wilson yells “You Lie!” in the middle of Obama’s State of the Union Address. An Orange County Representative Marilyn Davenport sends an e-mail with an image of Obama superimposed on to a chimpanzee. There are many more examples, but you get the picture.

So nope. We don’t “need” people like Manson. Jules, like Charles (they must be related), is just a piece of crap disguised as a crazy, ignorant human being.

Tebow Again?

Pat Robertson Blasts SNL Tebow Skit: ‘There’s an Anti-Christian Bigotry‘ That’s ‘Disgusting’

Oh Lord here we go. People were up in arms about him being very demonstrative of his faith. Now Pat Robertson is up in arms about Saturday Night Live doing a skit about Tebow, featuring Jesus.

1. Who cares if he kneels, points to the sky, or openly thanks God for his wins? It’s nice. Refreshing even. It’s a lot better than listening to the ones with the gigantic egos that make you wonder how they fit their heads into those helmets.

2. Lighten up, Pat. It’s a skit. A lot of people, myself included, found it funny. That’s the point of a skit on a sketch comedy show. “Anti-Christian bigotry” is a tad much. It’s taking the story du jour and making light of it. Like they do with whatever news story that has people talking.

Anyway, if you haven’t seen the video, here it is. Enjoy! I did. :-D

Totally Twisted Quote Tuesday 12/20

Holiday Ramblings

The holidays are really strange for me. I never really was into Christmas. Actually, I couldn’t stand it for the longest time. The commercialization was my main complaint. After my oldest niece Isabella was born, I started getting back into it…slowly. It was fun watching her get so excited. And even more fun to be able to use Santa to get her to eat her vegetables, do her homework, etc.

It doesn’t work now since she’s 13 and knows all about Santa. This is the first time she’s asked for money as a Christmas gift. *sigh*

Thankfully, her little sister Juliana (7) is still really into Christmas. An Easy Bake Oven is on its way from some eBay seller in Texas. It sure beats hitting 3 different stores trying to find her Pilow Pet Penguin, only to find out Christmas morning that she already had one. She just wanted “another one.”

I don’t know why I’m writing about this. The holidays throw me for a loop. I rush around getting stuff done. And then when it’s done (or very, very close), I don’t know what to do with myself. I think that’s where I’m at now. I’m just about done. So here I am in bed, writing this post, with the blinking lights of the parol (Philippine Christmas Lantern) in the window.

The headlines just add to the goopy mess that is my head now (more than usual). Kim Jong-Il is dead. Sidebar: It’s spooky that last Tuesday’s twisted quote was his. Will his son be better? Worse?

Don’t even get me started on the payroll tax cut extension debacle. Honestly, what the hell does the GOP want? They rejected the year extension, and they’ll reject the 2 month stop gap. Would 6 months work? Do they realize that having the tax cut expire in January would actually make the economy suck more? What do we working schmucks do with the extra cash? A lot of us spend it. Spending = stimulating the economy.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see what happens with this vote. Will the middle class get screwed again? Can’t take much more screwing before being totally……..screwed.


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