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Sunday Secrets

PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people mail
in their secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard.

See More Secrets. Follow PostSecret on Twitter.

PostSecret Community

The Rape Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) is the largest anti-sexual violence organization in the US. [Help outside the US]

My fiance volunteered on their hotline, and I attended a support group for male victims of sexual assault, so I know how much these types of resources are helpful - even crucial- in someone's recovery. Please Frank, post that resource for her and anyone who relates to her secret.

I'd love to save the Nothing Helps secret to my computer but I have two problems:
1. I can't figure out how to save just the front image without it switching to back image.
2. You left that stupid little sticker on it ; )

Best of the PS App

The PostSecret App has been closed for a week now and I'm still feeling the loss, like many of you. I miss the secrets and the stories of lives changed. Below, I've posted some of those remarkable stories and secrets. In the coming weeks, I'll share more of both. Add yours in the comment section below.


Dear Frank:
It’s sad that you had to close the app, but before you did I was able to meet someone—a beautiful woman from Australia. I’m currently at the airport in Dublin, Ireland, waiting for my flight to Australia. I’ve found love on the other side of the world.

I responded to a secret on the PostSecret App, someone wanting to be "Secret Santa " for others. That person chose 11 responses, me included, asked us individually what we wanted/needed and within a week I received a priority shipped package from "Santa". I asked for a food gift card for my homeless teen son and loose tea for my college age daughter. Santa sent me exactly that. I cried.

Times are bad and my income doesn't even cover basics. My kids dont know how dire my situation is. I want to keep it that way and santa helped. The same wk I scraped together enough money to get my heat turned back on.

can you give us a book from all the app secrets? I know I have a few I will never forget! A book would be great to come out of all of this.

Glad I spent $1.99 on that piece of shit @postsecret app. I better get my money back!

[Apple has an App Store refund policy. If you are still not satisfied, mail me a self-addressed stamped envelope and I'll mail you a refund. -Frank]

When the PostSecret app first came out, I posted a secret that had a picture of 2 driver's licenses. One had a picture of me taken in 2004, when I had a cocaine and prescription painkiller addiction; the other was me in 2011, now five years sober. My secret got a lot of support and I hoped that seeing the difference in my appearance and health would inspire others.

Today--one day after the app was closed--I went to a convenience store to buy cigarettes. When I produced my driver's license, the clerk stared at it for a second, then asked if I had the PostSecret app. At first I panicked and considered lying--but then I said yes, and asked if she'd seen my secret. She pulled out her phone and showed me a screenshot of it. Turns out she had an addiction to painkillers as well, and when she saw my "before" and "after" pictures she saved it as inspiration, and got help. She looks at it every day.

Thanks to your app, I have not only made a new friend (we are going out for lunch later this week!) but have been able to help someone with their struggle with addiction. I understand why you closed the app and respect your decision completely, but I wanted you to know that it brought people together and saved lives. Thank you.

For that lovely lady living with cancer, I’m praying for a miracle. For the folks who don't have the heart to tell their huge dog that it's not a lap dog, I laughed hard at 2AM. And for the father taking dance lessons to surprise his daughter for her wedding...man i would love to crash that event. ♥

Dear Frank,

Just a note to let you know how much the Postsecret App has changed my life. November 4, 2011 I attempted to end my life. I've since spent a lot of time in psychiatric treatment as my world came crashing down around me. My psychiatrist encouraged me to journal because it would be "healing". I've tried and I've tried but every time I put pen to paper nothing comes out.

But I post secrets.

Dozens and dozens of secrets. Some are funny, some are shocking, some are vulnerable, and some even surprise myself. But they are mine to release anonymously and I shared them with the App. And the replies? Oh the replies! Complete anonymous strangers come together in humor and in sadness and you find that you aren't alone.

Through posting these secrets and sharing others, I've started to discover myself again. It's still going to be a long road to recovery, but there is hope. Last night when I logged on to read the Sunday secrets I smiled through the tears. I was happy I was part of the fleeting project of the PostSecret App. It was the shining star in the dark night of my depression. Thank you Frank for bringing people together. I will continue to log in every Sunday and read the secrets. Happy new year.

For 4 months 6 continents were connected through one app called PostSecret. We learned about people struggling with suicide, working through addictions and those fighting eating disorders.

We expressed our innermost thoughts and opinions and were greeted with understanding and support. We bought meals for elderly couples and paid off layaways. And we supported gay people and lesbians as they got up the strength to tell their loved ones.

We helped a dying person see the world through pictures. Most of all we realized how much we truly are the same. Although it is gone, I will never forget the PostSecret App and I will forever look at the world in a different way.

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