Our Newest Book
166 Pages
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Disasters, Terrorism,
Crime & Civil Unrest
have become a sad fact of daily
life. Twelve years ago the concept of foreign
terrorists killing 3000 civilians on American
soil was preposterous. Hurricanes, earthquakes
and other natural disasters seem to show up in
the headlines on a weekly basis. Gangs, drugs,
crime and corruption have turned many parts of
our country into war zones. The government is
incapable of mounting an offense.
Americans have lost their critical thinking and
survival abilities. One emergency call used to
quickly bring police, fire or medical help.
However, budget cuts, reduced staff and hiring
freezes have increased response times and forced
some departments to only respond to major
incidents. Large disasters can delay response
for hours and even days. In many instances,
you are on your own.
In Most
Emergencies; Time is of the Essence.
in many emergencies we become flustered or don't
have the faintest idea as to what to do. How to
Handle a Crisis walks you through almost every
conceivable crisis.
Even if emergency personnel are on the way,
minutes often count. There is often much that
can be done in a crisis to mitigate damage or
injuries. There are some situations where help
is hours or days away. Disasters like blizzards,
floods and earthquakes and emergencies like
riots and terrorist threats require the proper
response. The difference between a safe
resolution and an ongoing disaster is almost
always directly related to your level of
preparedness . Just having the information
available is a big step toward being prepared.