Report: Mossad agents posed as CIA to recruit Iranian terrorists
Agents with Israel’s Mossad agency posed as American CIA agents in operations to recruit members of the Pakistani militant group Jundallah, a report in Foreign Policy magazine said Friday.
Tenn. GOP Rep. stands by threat to ‘stomp a mudhole’ in transgender people
State Rep. Richard Floyd (R) was quoted recently as threatening to “stomp a mudhole” in anybody who might be wearing the clothing of the opposite sex if they came anywhere near his family.
Protester spends 3 weeks in jail for sidewalk chalk
An Occupy Orlando protester has been freed after spending three weeks in jail for using chalk to write on the sidewalk.
Newly discovered molecules in atmosphere may offset global warming
A newly discovered form of chemical intermediary in the atmosphere has the ability to remove pollutants in a way that leads to cloud-formation and could potentially help offset global warming.
Activists deface Bank of America ATMs
Activists with the Rainforest Action Network recently devised a clever way of promoting their message: defacing Bank of America ATMs with non-adhesive stickers.
Defense industry favors Obama over GOP
Given Romney’s pro-business platform, you would think he’d be the favored son of the defense industry, even in the early stages of the 2012 race. You’d be wrong.