Monthly Archives: September 2009

Raisin' Hale Episode XXXVII


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Feminism and Rape. And Whoopi Goldberg is an idiot.

According a recent conversation on The View, there are apparently varying degrees of rape. And Whoopi Goldberg doesn’t think that oral, anal, and vaginal pentration, despite being told no (several times), was actually rape.

So here’s the thing, Whoopi. Rape is rape. As AllahPundit pointed out, Samantha Geimer’s testimony claims that it was, in fact, a “rape-rape”. And really, the only other person involved admitted to giving quaaludes and champaigne to a child before sodomizing her, so who do you trust?

Tommy Christopher sums up my thoughts exactly.

Whoopi floats the notion that rape “wasn’t the allegation,” and that the victim “was aware,” and Melissa Gilbert thinks it makes a difference that “Mom was in the building.”

What the EFF? I hate to even point out the sickeningly obvious here. First of all, “rape-rape” was the allegation. Samantha Geimer testified that she told Polanski “No!” While Polanski denies this, he loses a couple of credibility points by drugging and sodomizing a 13 year old girl. I’d say she gets the benefit of the doubt here.

Notwithstanding that, though, is that the standard of consent now, “She was aware?” Keep an eye on your drinks, ladies, because in Whoopi’s world, the right dose of rohypnol will leave you just conscious enough to have deserved it.

The clip on Jezebel disturbed me even more than the first one I watched in Tommy Christopher’s post. Whoopi’s pseudo-logical rant about defining what it actually was that he did about sent me over the edge.

I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but Joy Behar actually said something I absolutely agree with. You can’t have sex with a 13 year old kid without it being rape. There is no such thing as consensual, it is always rape according to the law. Hence the term “statutory rape”. Even if they do it in Europe, Whoopi.

Apparently the fact that there were drugs and alcohol involved complicates the issue for Whoopi and the girls. Here’s the thing: it doesn’t matter. If she said no, which she did, it’s rape. There is no such thing as “gray area” in the real world. Rape is rape. When someone says no, and they are then pushed into sexual acts, it becomes “rape-rape”.

I know what it looks from Samantha’s side. People default to “blame the victim” mode when there is any questionable behavior on the part of the victim. I suppose it just makes it easier for them to handle the idea that it could happen to them, or someone they love. The logic behind this just blows my mind. Essentially, what’s being said is that because a girl has a few drinks, stays out too late, wears the wrong clothes, etc., guys have the right to her body. In this case, the girls on The View start asking where mama was in a warped version of the same game. When it happened to me, the backlash was “well, you were drinking…” or “there was someone down the hall, why didn’t you do anything?”… which compounds the problem. Women struggle enough with guilt after a rape, and they shouldn’t.

Maybe that’s part of the “rape culture” that feminists are always talking about. Which beings us back to Whoopi’s weird “it’s okay in Europe so it should be okay here” mentality. One of the tenets of feminism is that the US is a horrible patriarchy that we need to fight. But we’re supposed to accept it in other countries? It seems to be a battle that they choose to fight when it suits their purpose.

Regardless, this is not okay. You can’t categorize rape. You can’t pretend that it’s not really rape because one of your friends did it. And you certainly can’t downplay the significance of the rape of a child.

Stop trying to drown out the issue with legalese, Whoopi.

Deliver us, Obama!

Creepy vid of the day.

Letters to Sebeilius: Drop the gag order.

Who knew they still had a spine?

Sept. 24 (Bloomberg) — Senate Republicans vowed to block President Barack Obama’s nominee for surgeon general and other health officials unless the government drops what they said is a “gag order” barring insurers from lobbying their Medicare policyholders on the health-insurance overhaul.

The move by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and seven other Republicans would delay confirmation of almost a dozen nominees for Health and Human Services positions, including Dr. Regina Benjamin to become surgeon general.

“Until your department rescinds its gag order and allows seniors to receive information about matters before Congress, we will not consent” to move forward with the confirmations, the eight Republicans said in a letter today to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

How’s that whole transparency thing working out, huh? I’m actually kind of shocked that they called it what it is – a gag order. What else can you really call legally silencing a private company?

Humana has every right in the world to disseminate information to their insured. In fact, they have an OBLIGATION to do so! There are Clintonian rules still in place that allow insurers keep their insured informed about legislative changes.

But why on earth would the one calling for dialogue and action work so hard to shut down opposing voices? Easy: the facts are inconvenient. The “solution” driven left seems to ignore the fact that there are ethics involved. That maybe companies have a reponsibility to let the people that rely on them for their health care know that their coverage may be affected.

“Republicans jeopardize their own credibility when they choose to defend big insurance companies trying to make false claims about senior citizens,” Schultz said.

Except… they may not actually be false. No one can seem to prove otherwise. Instead of doing so, they issue nothing short of a gag order to keep the whole thing under wraps, and hope it goes away.

Read the letter to Sebelius here. Yes, that’s Grassley’s signature… I was surprised too.

My bet? They’re hanging on by a thread, desperately trying to sell this false ideological argument, and praying that the short attention span of the general public allows this to slip through.

Don’t let it happen.

GOP: Standing in the way of Utopia.

Because clearly they’re entirely too accomodating to dissenting viewpoints.

If anything, the Democrats’ problem is that they permit too much dissent—unlike the Republicans, who demand “lockstep marching.” In fact, if Democrats would learn to be just a little less tolerant of dissent, they might get a lot more done.

Yeah, they just get STEAMROLLED. Poor little Democrats, bullied by the Republicans over and over again. Like that time they kept the House floor open to make sure that Republicans also had time to speak. Or maybe that time they took the time to hear the concerns of the public on the stimulus package before it was rammed through.

Or maybe when they listened so closely to concerns about health care. They were SO RECEPTIVE to widespread concern that President Obama didn’t have to go on TV 4 times a day for an entire 3 month stretch to say the SAME THING over and over. Republicans were just bastards who didn’t bother offering any other plans.

Uh, right. (Side note: I need a sarcasm font desperately.)

They have done everything in their power to silence protesters and dissenting voices. Period. The media coverage has been laughable.

They have a 60 seat supermajority in the Senate. They have a 70 seat advantage in the House. They have a President who is willing to ram through as much horrible legislation as possible. They don’t need one Republican to accomplish anything. Not one nasty little GOPer has the ability to stand in the way of the their Utopian society under Team Lightbringer.

I have no patience for the pity game. Man up, lefties. You have the power to do whatever you want. You claim the the whole world wants your version of America. In the words of our President, “the stars have aligned”. Why aren’t you making this happen?

Democrats are realizing that their constituents don’t want them to support these proposals. They’re risking their jobs by consistently casting “yes” votes for bad bills. We are the ones that hired them. We have the ability to fire them.

WE are the ones standing in their way- you, me, and everyone else who has voiced their opposition. Keep holding their feet to the fire.