The Legacy of Tactical Media

Yo, scholars;  tactical media has been in effect in one incarnation or another for a long time.  Now technology is making it much easier for us.  So these kind brains from Amsterdam put together a little history to date of the Media that Uses "Any Means Necessary".   Click the Expand Button to read the full pamphlet on line.

Exclusive Unseen Livestream Footage of the OWS Raid

Lorenzo Serna stayed behind with the OWS camp as it was being stormed on Nov 15th.  This is what he saw that no one else did.  This footage was not able to be live streamed at the time because of technical difficulties. this footage is the only known footage of this late point in the raid.

Occupation Analysis - CNN Damage Control

A couple days ago I was interviewed by CNN for a piece about the live
streaming of Occupy Wall St. events and the development of

I botched the question about the historical
importance of the Occupy Movement and it's been buggin' me so I made
this video in response to my own stupid answer. The CNN piece will
likely be released in a couple of days.

for more on the occupation

NYPD Occupys Zuccotti Tuesday Morning Post Raid

NYPD gave OWS a break fom occupying for the morning by occupying the park for them.

Watch her get punched in this video.

Occupy St. Louis Press Release Re: Eviction

Official Press Statement


Occupy St. Louis Cites City for Violations

November 7, 2011—Today OccupySTL is issuing an open statement regarding the group’s presence in Kiener Plaza. The statement reads:

Occupy St. Louis is one of many cities that exist as a solidarity movement with the Occupy Wall Street movement, which formed to publicly attest to the fact that corporations control far too much of our economy and political life. This movement has received vast support across the country. How ironic, then, that Mayor Slay has decided to stop listening to the complaints of the people and instead heed the complaints of the corporate groups who control the city.   This week, Downtown Partnership met with the mayor’s office and told him to shut us down. He responded to their call. No more fitting example could illustrate who is pulling the strings. (For a list of who voiced the words behind the Mayor's blog:

A Cold Play on Occupy Wall Street

Thursday the NYPD in conjunction with the Fire Dept. seized all generators from the occupation at Liberty Plaza despite predictions of freezing temperatures and snow.


Lawrence Lessig Invites the Tea Party to join the Occupation Movement at Occupy DC

Lawrence Lessig addresses the Occupy DC encampment at McPhearson Square about the need to invite Tea Partiers into the movement and agree to agree on what we agree without getting bogged down in the details of our disagreements.


Occuppying Washington, DC x2

2 groups have occupied separate areas of Washington DC.  One planned for months permitted until this evening. the other sprang up Oct 1st in solidarity with Occupy Wall St.

The dichotomy is a metaphor for what is organically becoming the protest movement of occupying public space.  To the degree that the degree that the old guard and the new guard can join together and learn from each other ... that will define our future.  Will we embrace the unity and feel our power or we will get caught up the diversions, the fine print.. do we practice the solidarity that we preach or is it just another dog an pony show.   Everybody wants a pony... but someone's got to clean up the shit.

This video shows glimpses from both camps and the results of the 1st unified march down to the air and space museum where they proudly display remote control airplanes design to kill people from the sky.

OWS Oct 5th Post Labor March Mosh Pit

over 30,00 people with several labor unions represented marched through
the streets peacefully. Afterward several hundred took there voices
down to Wall St.

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