
by Barak Ravid
| Last Update: 12.01.2012
by Mira Sucharov
| Last Update: 13.01.2012
by Yossi Melman
| Last Update: 29.12.2011
by Bradley Burston
| Last Update: 10.01.2012
by Carlo Strenger
| Last Update: 11.01.2012
by Natasha Mozgovaya
| Last Update: 12.01.2012
by Chemi Shalev
| Last Update: 11.01.2012
Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich - AFP - December 10, 2011

Romney’s victory prize: a South Carolina 'bloodbath'

Hurt, wounded and newly armed with a five million dollar check reportedly given to him by Sheldon Adelson - Gingrich has already purchased millions of dollars of advertising time in South Carolina in which he intends to attack Romney.


Closer ties between conservative Evangelicals and Catholics may distance U.S. Jews

The overwhelming majority of American Jews are liberal on social issues and consequently not great fans of the overtly-theological Republican approach to 'family values.'


Romney may have won, but Santorum is the hero of Republican photo-finish in Iowa

Santorum underwent a sensationally rapid metamorphosis by changing within a few weeks from a sad joke to an intriguing curiosity to a surprising phenomenon and finally to a blazing meteor who is now poised to take on Romney, the leader of the pack.

More West of Eden >
by Mira Sucharov
| Last Update: 13.01.2012
Israel Song Festival

A revival of old-time songs can be Israel’s revival too

Without the broader-market pressures of an American-Idol type of show, contestants will have the opportunity to sing honestly and openly. From the opening chords, a dialogue leading to empathy might just result.


Four individuals who enriched my life in 2011

If Jewish ethics through Pirkei Avot instructs us to 'make for yourself a teacher, and acquire for yourself a friend,' I am all the richer because of the people I have met.


Jewish leaders mustn't be afraid to reject unethical policies

Disheartening as it must be for those still committed to the organization, maybe Morrison’s letter will serve as a flaming baton of change -- if others are ready to grasp it and run with it.

More The Fifth Question >
by Yossi Melman
| Last Update: 29.12.2011
Isfahan nuclear facility - AP - 2005

2012: The year that could bring a U.S. strike of Iran

It is obvious that recent Obama administration rhetoric is not intended only to win re-election. It is also intended to signal to Iran that the United States stands by its word.


The complicated relationship between the Mossad and Israeli media

The Mossad's attitude toward journalists: Respect them, suspect them and use them.


Speaking about Iran, Israel's leaders are delirious

Our defense minister is way off the mark when speculating about an easy war with Iran.

More The Arms Race >
by Bradley Burston
| Last Update: 10.01.2012
Benjamin Netanyahu - Emil Salman - 9.1.2012

Netanyahu: The man who cannot lose - or can he?

With glimmers of resurgence in Israel's political center, Netanyahu, who might rather run as Gingrich, may have to run as Mitt Romney: a little bit of this, a little bit of that, a fiddler with policy, no one's enthusiastic choice, a non-stick if still-vulnerable target for all.


Thank God for Ron Paul

The candidacy of the gynecologist from Galveston has much to teach Israel's premier Republican, Benjamin Netanyahu, about extremism. If Netanyahu takes the trouble to learn.


If you could see Israel naked

We need to begin to again see Israel as it truly is. Naked and vulnerable. Real. Ailing. Still worth saving.

More A Special Place in Hell >
by Carlo Strenger
| Last Update: 11.01.2012
Tel Aviv coffee shop 29.03.09

Do Israeli liberals need a State of Tel Aviv?

There are moments when I feel that Israel’s democracy is truly threatened; but there are also moments where I take a wider perspective.


What Israel can learn from Steve Jobs and the culture of creativity

Steve Jobs’ life and achievement was made possible by an environment that created a space in which a variety of cultural traditions could coexist, compete and interact.


2011: The year the two state solution died

Netanyahu can now take partial credit for having killed the two state solution. The other half goes to the Palestinians.

More Strenger than Fiction >
by Natasha Mozgovaya
| Last Update: 12.01.2012
netanyahu - GPO - May 20 2011

Washington's ultimatum to Israel

A new work of fiction about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict sounds at times a lot like fact.


Republican candidates take their gloves off before the New Hampshire vote

With Romney leading in the polls, the presidential candidates face off in two debates in the lead-up to the New Hampshire primaries.


Obama signs bill that includes added U.S. military assistance to Israel

Week's wrap-up: U.S. announces bounty of $10 million for information leading to the capture of al-Qaida financier Ezedin Abdel Aziz Khalil; Joshua Pollack tells Haaretz why he believes India is the 'fourth customer' of Abdul Qadeer Khan's nuclear know-how.

More Focus U.S.A. >
Israeli and U.S. flag, April 8, 2011.
What did Israeli lawmakers learn about the U.S. Jewish community?

A group of MKs spent a week in the U.S. with selected members of its Jewish community to learn what life looks like right of the Atlantic; their impressions were varied.

by Natasha Mozgovaya 11 comments
jet - Eliahu Hershkovitz - October 6, 2010
As midterms near, Israel is again a battleground for U.S. politicians

Democrats angry at Republican attempts to 'manipulate assistance to Israel for political ends'.

by Natasha Mozgovaya 3 comments
Ahmadinejad Lebanon- AP- Oct. 13, 2010
MESS Report / Did Ahmadinejad visit to Lebanon help or hurt Hezbollah?

Ahmadinejad visits southern Lebanon while Nasrallah stays hidden in his bunker

by Avi Issacharoff and Amos Harel 0 comments
Yishai Lieberman Knesset Jan2010 Emil Salman
Loyalty oath is not about Arabs, it’s about hatred of liberal values

Isaac Herzog is wrong when he says that fascism lurks at the fringes of Israeli society. It is now in the mainstream.

by Carlo Strenger 0 comments