Looking to add a little Halloween spice to your account? Halloween-themed Custom Userheads heads are one treat that does the trick! New Halloween-themed Custom Userheads have popped up at the LJ Shop. A zombie is also on the way in the next few days!
But ya. I wish they didn't have the 'no faces' for the entire user head collection. The witch that they did have, would have been my second choice. lol Ah well.
And if you ever do a peacock (you could totally do the fanned out tail behind the body) I would love you FOREVER. It should be clear why by my username. XD
EDIT: Saw the zombie head is coming! Very happy about that! Hope it's like last year. :)
Edited at 2011-10-28 01:50 am (UTC)
Please, please bring back this one? -->
Pretty please?
I really wanted the new witch with dark hair and red clothes, but it was blurry. Now that it got fixed (they all look much more pretty in 16x16!) I'd buy it, but I feel like using the other witch I bought for a while. So I would prefer to buy it later, but if they will be removed I'll buy it right now, and use it in a couple of months.
If you're not sure, just say so, and I'll buy it just in case, I really love it. lol Sorry for the long comment, and thank you for your time.