American Society, Congress, Government/Politics, News, Uncategorized
Below are the names and links to the websites of all of the sponsors and cosponsors of both SOPA & PIPA. If any of these people represent you, get on the phone now! Call them. Tell them you don’t want to live in another China. If you lose the free internet, the HORN won’t be [...]
Continue ReadingThe HORN joins with the rest of the freedom loving members of the internet to protest the possible passage of both SOPA and PIPA. We will be covering this tonight on Headon with Jon Fox filling in, but the black box is symbolic of what passage of these bills will make your internet look like. [...]
Continue ReadingAmerican Society, Feature, Government/Politics, News
When the announcement came, I didn’t really pay attention. After all, who believes politicians? Even if it is the President? This war had been going on too long and we had been lied to too many times for me to even raise an eyebrow. Then, I’m cruising the net and see the picture above. Suddenly [...]
Continue ReadingAmerican Society, Congress, Feature, News, State and Local, Uncategorized
By Cassie I’ve always been different from other kids. Smarter, prettier, more resourceful. Mostly more resourceful.For instance, in elementary school I carried an empty lunchbox to school most days and a full lunchbox home. My school cafeteria had a little table near the exit for used lunch trays, and a tray in the back where [...]
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Technorati Author: Weston McCready Published: November 04, 2011 at 10:11 am Remember, remember the masks from November. Or any other month for that matter. As the Occupy Wall Street, as well as many Occupy (Insert city name), protest grows, it seems the movement has taken a page from “V for Vendetta” and adopted the Guy [...]
Continue ReadingAmerican Society, Feature, Government/Politics, Uncategorized
Keith Olbermann blasted the mainstream media on his show Wednesday night for being either “too corrupt or too dense” to understand the “Occupy Wall Street” movement. Numerous media outlets repeated the criticism that the protest had no specific purpose or demands. Fox News host Charles Gasparino called the protest “idiotic” and CNN anchor Erin Burnett [...]
Continue ReadingHuffington Post Steve Jobs, Apple co-founder and former CEO, has died at the age of 56. Apple has posted this statement on its website:
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To all the men and women who came out to their friends and families after the end of DADT–Blessings upon you and your families. It is my hope that all your families’ reaction was something like young man’s father’s reaction. It was so wonderful and so very touching. That father and son are blessed. From [...]
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Added on 23 July 2010
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