Archive for January, 2010
Pick an Economic Strategy, Mr. President
Mark Steyn has drilled down to the real reason we’re still stuck in a recession we should have been climbing out of months ago. Functioning societies depend on agreed rules. If you want to open a business, you do it in Singapore or Ireland, because the rules are known to all parties. You don’t go [...]
What To Do With Wikipedia
I got an e-mail from long-time reader and fairly new blogger Paul at Comic Nut’s Jar (conservative politics, comic books, and metal? Nice!) asking that I pass along his latest post. Paul has grievances against Wikipedia and he thinks we conservatives who relish fair play should look for other sources of information to link. I [...]
Which Way Did The Puck Go, George?
I don’t know what part of this clip is more funny: how Thrashers goalie Johann Hedberg attempted to make the save or what happened to him after he blocked the puck. Puck Daddy summed it up very nicely, though. The only comparison we can make is when you’re putting on a shirt at an odd [...]
Is There Any Honest Global Warming Evidence?
It is possible that all the evidence supporting anthropogenic global warming is bogus? The President Wednesday night cited “the overwhelming evidence on climate change” but when I look around I find that evidence is no evidence at all. I do see claims that have either been fraudulently manufactured or misrepresented as actual science when they are nothing more [...]
Great Mysteries in the News (or, All Those Terrorists, and No Place to Try Them!)
Sometimes, when I read the news, I come across a story that asks a question so puzzling that I am, well, puzzled. Take this one, for instance. “White House orders Justice Department to look for other places to hold 9/11 terror trial” The White House ordered the Justice Department on Thursday night to consider other places [...]
That’s What You Said