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  1. Let me get this straight: Obama's whining about a gov't shutdown, yet still plans on going to Williamsburg this weekend?
  2. Note to this bumble bee: I am not a flower
  3. Obama 2012 slogan unveiled: "Fore More Years!"
  4. @GayPatriot Did you read what SC is trying to do? Search "light bulb freedom act"
  5. @dmataconis @jazzshaw I find it interesting that neither of you tend to say the say demeaning things about Democrat politicians
  6. Scary thought: Obama presiding over 9/11 tenth anniversary
  7. Happy Birthday @MichelleBachmann!
  8. “@kyleraccio: Obama called the city of Eau Claire, WI a "state." Does that make 58?” | 59. Libya's 58
  9. Debbie Wasserman Schultz as DNC head? Howard Dean will look sane by comparison
  10. @captainfish awesome stuff, Captain. I'll use one wed!
  11. Pull up to the last pump, asshole
  12. Looks like it's opening day of garage sale season