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Ahmadinejad in Managua: WikiLeaks Reveals U.S. Fears of Nicaraguan-Iranian Rapprochement Republican Vultures' Primary: "My Super PAC is Bigger Than Your Super PAC." Global Corporations Have No Allegiance to US, Move Headquarters and Divisions Overseas I'm Confused: It's Okay to Kill Afghanis, But Not Okay to Urinate on the Bodies? Will Occupy’s Winter of Discontent Morph into a Glorious Spring?![](
Headlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- Wisconsin Democrats Submitting Recall-Walker Petitions Today
- Romney Pays Taxes Like a Rich Guy
- Santorum Staffer Says Women Shouldn’t Be President Because It’s Against God’s Will
- ‘Occupy Congress’ Protest Planned as Lawmakers Return
- Virginia Republican: "Children with disabilities are God’s punishment to women who previously had abortions."
- Even Texas Republicans Don't Want Perry
- "A record 84 percent of Americans say they disapprove of the way the Congress is doing its job compared with just 13 percent who approve of how things are going."
- Nancy Pelosi: GOP Knows Mitt Romney Can’t Win
- Sarah Palin Slams Newsweek for Giving ‘Conspiracy Kook Writer’ Andrew Sullivan Cover Story
- French Judge Seeks Access to Guantanamo over Torture Claims
- Obama Administration Warns the Left: You Will Not Like Our Budget
- California Lawmakers Try Another 'Single-Payer' Health Care Bill
- Montana TEA Party Calls for Boycott of All News
- EPA Sees Risks to Water, Workers In New York Fracking Rules
- Protesters Ready Igloos to Occupy Davos (Site of World Economic Forum)
- A New Batch Of Racist Ron Paul Newsletters Released
- The Poorest Counties in America
- Fact Checking the Fox News-WSJ debate in South Carolina That's some job, fact checking a FOX-WSJ (Both Murdoch Run) Run Debate
- The Myth of No-Fault Capitalism
- Rick Perry Says Turkey Should Be Expelled from NATO, Calls Leaders 'Islamic Terrorists'
- Once Hot, Tea Party Goes Cold
- Burma's Tightrope: Burma's mysterious president insists that he wants democracy. But can he deliver?
- US to Force Drug Firms to Report Money Paid to Doctors
- Rick Perry Faces Backlash Over Daniel Pearl Comment
- Iran's Nuclear Scientists Are Not Being Assassinated. They Are Being Murdered
- "Right-to-Work" and the Jim Crow Legacy That Affronts King's Memory
- Since August, 88,000 Pennsylvania Children Have Lost Medicaid Benefits
- Fukushima's Owner Adds Insult to Injury - Claims Radioactive Fallout Isn't Theirs
- On MLK Day, Romney Steps Up his Attacks on Immigrants
- New Bill Would Put Taxpayer-Funded Science Behind Pay Walls
- Ten Reasons the US Is No Longer the Land of the Free
- Get used to living with Mom and Dad: The era of empty nests may be over unless we change our work culture and our economy
- Time Is On Our Side: The Survival of Social Security
- Romney's Clueless Flip Flops
- The Straits of America
- Thirteen Quotes from Social Justice Crusader Martin Luther King Jr.
- The Foreclosure Crisis: A Government in Denial
- The Republican Field on Martin Luther King: It's Complicated
- The Crash and Burn Future of Robot Warfare: What Seventy Downed Drones Tell Us About the New American Way of War
- Seven Things Poor Voters Want Rich Candidates to Know
- US Ranks 27th in Social Justice
- Chris Hedges: Why I’m Suing Barack Obama
- The Five Most Outrageous Examples of Hidden Charges Companies Pass Off on Consumers - And How to Fight Back
- Asserting Its Sovereignty, Baghdad Detains US Contractors
- Who’s afraid of “The Tempest”? Arizona's ban on ethnic studies proscribes Mexican-American history, local authors, even Shakespeare
- Donors Gave as Santorum Won Earmarks
- Why Development Aid is Not Enough
- Huntsman Calls It Quits, Endorses Romney
- From Resurrection City to the Occupy Movement
- Mexico Pipeline Oil Spill May Take a Month to Clean
- "Memory is the Active Agent of Collective Social Progress": Randall Robinson on His New Novel, "Makeda"
- Romney's Bain Made Millions as SC Steelmaker Went Bankrupt
- Honor Martin Luther King By Spreading His Message: Share Text and Audio of His Final Speeches
- Michele Bachmann Accuses Santorum Staffer of Sexism; He Questioned Whether a Woman Could Be President
- Obamas Attend DC Church on Sunday Before Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
- Oh the Irony! Republican Sponsor of Bill to Require Drug Testing for Georgia Welfare Recipients Arrested for DUI
- The New York Times Public Editor's Very Public Utterance - Brisbane's question on reporters' duty to challenge misleading political speech has permanently altered readers' expectations
- Desperation Row: Perry defends Marines accused of urinating on corpses, calls them "kids"
- When Romney ran Bain Capital, his word was not his bond Bain used dishonorable practices to acquire companies, former Wall Streeter claims
- Missouri GOP Introduces Second Creationism Bill In State Legislature
- Top GOP Tweets of the Week
- Ahmadinejad in Managua: WikiLeaks Reveals U.S. Fears of Nicaraguan-Iranian Rapprochement -- Nikolas Kozloff for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- CNN Contributor On Marines Urinating On Dead Bodies: "I'd Drop Trou And Do It Too"
- Rupert Murdoch Goes All Twitter on Barack Obama
- PBS's Dishonest Iran Edit
- Israel's Top Court Backs Bar on Palestinian Spouses
- Religious Right Endorses Santorum; Aims to Stop Romney in South Carolina
- Bill Black: More Proof of Obama Policy of Covering Up for Elite Financial Criminals
- Want to Understand the Economy? Don't Read the Press
- Silencing Donahue and Anti-War Voices
- Why Romney Tags Obama as "European" - Avoids Overt Racism While Throwing a Bone to Bigots
- Fury as Goldman Sachs Unveils Bankers' Pay
- Stop the School-to-Prison Pipeline
- Apple Report Reveals Labor, Environmental Violations
- Gingrich Faces Questions in South Carolina of Whether He's Racist, Bigot
- France Steps Forward With Robin Hood Tax
- Ron Paul's False Founding Narrative
- Controversial Online Piracy Bill Shelved Until "Consensus" Is Found
- Colbert Super PAC Releases Romney Attack Ad In South Carolina
- Gingrich Suggests Illegally Firing Federal Employees Over Liberal Views
- US, Israel Split on Iran? Joint Military Drill Cancelled: Netanyahu Deputy Voices "Disappointment" With Obama on Iran
- Republican Vultures' Primary: "My Super PAC is Bigger Than Your Super PAC." --Will Durst for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- South Carolina Predictions: If Romney Wins, He's the Nominee
- The Evolution of American Debt: Over the last century, over-borrowing has gone from shameful to commonly accepted. An expert explains what changed
- Gingrich: Voters More Comfortable With Me Than Mitt
- What They Don’t Want to Talk About
- The Energy Playing Field Is More Unbalanced Than Ever
- Fire Hose of Your Tax Money Gushes to Libya
- Tea Party Official on How to Win Over Latinos: Don't Mention GOP
- Do You Have a Sign?
- Nigerian Strikes Set to Resume Monday
- Combating Slavery in Coffee and Chocolate Production
- That’s Citizens United at Work, and Republicans May Be Reminded to Be Careful What They Wish For
- Film in the Making from Citizens United is Likely to Portray OWS Protesters as Anti-Democratic Anarchists
- Iowans Frustrate Reporters With Their Multiple Opinions
- Swaziland: Critics Want Coke d'état in the Country
- Threatened Species
- Rick Santorum’s Terrible, Horrible,No Good, Very Bad English, But Christian Conservative Leaders Back Him Anyway
- After Battling Fracking and Cancer, Lucinda Lost, and Found
- California Carwashes Agree to $1 Million Back Pay Settlement
- The Dream That Came True: In these sour, pessimistic times, it is important to remember the great lesson of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s remarkable life: Impossible dreams can come true.
- Who Knew There Was So Much Poverty? The Poor, That's Who
- Global Corporations Have No Allegiance to US, Move Headquarters and Divisions Overseas -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- U.S. troops quietly surge into Middle East
- The Bain and Simple Truth
- GOP Leader McConnell Can’t Get His Stories Straight for a Week
- Successful Defense of Poor, Black Tenant in Landlord's Shooting Shows Strength of Unlikely Coalitions
- Few Keystone XL Jobs Would Go to Residents on Pipeline Route
- GOP Rep. Berates Student Concerned About Pell Grant Cuts, Tells Her To Join The Military
- Occupiers Take Wells Fargo’s Rooftop, demand meeting with CEO
- Activists deface Bank of America ATMs in San Francisco
- The Apocalyptics
- Permit Awarded for NATO/G8 Demonstration But Emanuel Still Pushing Protest Restrictions
- Kansas GOP House Speaker "Prays" That Obama's "Children Be Fatherless and His Wife a Widow"
- ND seeing increase in radioactive oil waste
- Mining Ban: Good for the Grand Canyon, but Not for El Salvador?
- I'm Confused: It's Okay to Kill Afghanis, But Not Okay to Urinate on the Bodies? -- Jacqueline Marcus for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Iran says it has evidence U.S. behind scientist's killing
- France Loses AAA Credit Rating, S.&P.; Says
- North Carolina Workers Seek to Form Union to Fight Unfair Conditions at Sitel
- Santorum: Obama wants constitutional amendment to redistribute wealth
- Will Occupy’s Winter of Discontent Morph into a Glorious Spring? -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Occupy Wall St. Takes Up Immigration Reform
- Occupy the Neighborhood: How Counties Can Use Land Banks and Eminent Domain
- Big Shoulders in Chicago and Kabul: Get Ready for NATO in May
- Bomb Kills Dozens in Southern Iraq
- What does this say about our society? 4th homeless man in month killed in S. Calif.
- Why Mayor Rahm Emanuel's Proposed Anti-Protester Ordinances Are Everyone's Concern
- William Rivers Pitt | In the Clearing Stands a Boxer: One Man's Fight Against Fracking
- Michelle Obama Takes on Bigoted Stereotypes and Shows Grace Under Pressure -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Selling Military Weapons to Create Jobs: A Momentum of Cynicism -- Robert C. Koehler for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Glenn Greenwald: Arthur Brisbane and Selective Stenography
- Occupy Newt: Gingrich Backing Down on Romney/Bain Attack Film
- Krugman: America Isn’t a Corporation
- False Flag: "A series of CIA memos describes how Israeli Mossad agents posed as American spies to recruit members of the terrorist organization Jundallah to fight their covert war against Iran."
- What the Battle over Bain is Really About, in One Chart
- Mitt Romney: Banker and Pornographer
- Santorum charity for the poor spent most of its money on management, political friends
- GOP Contenders Keep the Faith in Fight for Evangelical Vote in South Carolina
- Kansas GOP House Speaker ‘Prays’ That Obama’s ‘Children Be Fatherless And His Wife A Widow’
- "Sister Citizen": Black Women in a Crooked Room
- GOP Muffs Up Hispanic Outreach Effort Pretty Much Immediately
- Co-Opting GOP Arguments
- Leftist ‘Bath Water’ Party Wrong on Obama. 9 Facts on FDR, Truman, LBJ Show Why.
- GOP Candidate Passed Off ‘Home Economics’ Degree As ‘Economics’ Degree. It's Derptastic.
- Tennessee Bathroom Bill Sponsor: ‘I Would Stomp A Mudhole’ In A Transgender Person
- The Horror: What a Republican President Could Mean for the Supreme Court
- GOP War on the IRS Costs US Billions
- Rising Share of Americans See Conflict Between Rich and Poor
- Democrats Take Lead in Congressional Ballot
- Welcome to South Carolina: Tim LaHaye, 'Left Behind' Author, Endorses Gingrich, Says Jerry Falwell Backs Newt From Grave
- Mr. 1 Percent (Romney) is Clueless about Inequality
- Stephen Colbert’s Super PAC Starts Buying Up South Carolina Airtime
- The Looming Threat to the Internet
- "I think, maybe, it's time for the nation to rise up and point out to the Republican party that, root and branch, it is a racist embarrassment to democracy and a blight on this nation that all the world can see"
- Newt Goes Occupy on Mitt
- AFL-CIO Head Rich Trumka: ‘Congress Is Effectively Controlled By Climate Change Deniers’
- Oops, He Did It Again: Perry Forgets The Three Federal Agencies He Wants To Abolish. Derp.
- The Danger of SOPA: "This Web-censorship bill could destroy free speech on the Internet. Yet this bill — and the backlash against it — have received virtually no coverage from major television news outlets."
- GOP Presidential Candidates Would Have A Hard Time Finding Coverage Under Their Health Reform Plans
- Pakistani PM Called UK, Fearing Coup
- PG&E; Diverted Safety Money for Profit, Bonuses
- Obama to Propose Combining Agencies to Shrink Federal Government
- Millionaire CEO Breaks Waiter's Finger for "Bad Service"
- The Value of Teachers
- Right-Wing Media Lash Out At Michelle Obama For Addressing "Angry Black Woman" Stereotype
- This Should Get Interesting: "A court ruling confirmed that the Redneck Shop, run by a white supremacist, is in a building that belongs to a black pastor."
- OWS Protesters Charged With Felony For Mic-Checking Mayor
- Rick Santorum’s Communist Clan in Italy: Back in Italy, the ultraconservative has a family full of liberals and communists. Barbie Latza Nadeau on their reaction to his surprise surge—and their advice now that he’s sinking.
- Yes, Romney Could Lose
- Obama Asks Congress for $1.2 Trillion Increase in the Nation's Debt Limit
- Bill Moyers and Michael Winship | Is This Land Made for You and Me - or for the Super-Rich?
- Pepsi to Pay $3.13 Million for Hiring Discrimination Against Black Workers
- Last Ditch "Anyone But Romney" Evangelical Effort
- Super PACs Keep Zombie Candidates Alive
- Tom Donohue Pushes Civilization-Ending Pollution Agenda In Chamber Of Commerce Annual Address
- Military refers all charges against Bradley Manning to court martial. Despite Clear Evidence of Bias, ‘Show Trial’ of Accused WikiLeaks Whistle-blower Set to Proceed
- Gingrich Attacks Romney as "Predatory Capitalist": The Sharks Are Eating Each Other -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- For-Profit Medicine Can Be a Killer -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Just Passed New Hampshire Law Is Broadside Radical Attack on Public Education -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Why Now? What's Next? Naomi Klein and Yotam Marom in Conversation About Occupy Wall Street
- On Democracy: Is This Land Made for You and Me?
- Romney’s Tax Cut For Millionaires Would Be Nearly Twice The Size Of George Bush’s
- Maddow: "And this is what autocracy looks like"
- What if Rep. Issa (R-Idiot) Held a Hearing on SOPA But Nobody Knew About It?
- Nashua City Clerk Demands Charges Against James O'Keefe
- Libertarian Ron Paul is a Dilemma for Republicans
- Leash The Kraken! GOP Looks To Shut Down Newt's Romney/Bain Attack
- Greenspan Image Tarnished by Newly Released Documents
- Hollywood or Silicon Valley? — Obama Faces a Difficult Choice on SOPA
- 'Mass Suicide' Protest at Apple Manufacturer Foxconn Factory: "Around 150 Chinese workers at Foxconn, the world's largest electronics manufacturer, threatened to commit suicide by leaping from their factory roof in protest at their working conditions."
- Obama's Mission Accomplished Moment? And a Military-First Policy on a Destabilizing Planet
- 15 Major Differences Between Occupy Wall Street And The Tea Party Protests
- "The moment is finally here: the anti-Romney documentary produced by a pro-Gingrich Super PAC has been released." And It's EPIC.
- The Downside of All Those Black Friday Sales
- MSNBC Should Finally Drop Kick "Brown Shirt" Pat Buchanan Over the Goal Posts and Into Oblivion -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
THE LIGHTER SIDE: - Romney Vows to Undo Everything Obama Has Done: ‘I Will Make Bin Laden Alive Again’
- The Rude Pundit: A Brief List of Conservative Men Who Need to Be Punched in the Balls
- Reaction: President Signs Controversial Defense Bill