Wednesday 11 January, 2012

OccupyNashville to Demonstrate Against U.S. Torture Outside Federal Courthouse

Occupy Nashville protesters on Wednesday plan to protest the United States’ use of “enhanced interrogation techniques,” which scholars and international human rights lawyers agree amounts to torture in violation of the laws of war, outside Nashville’s federal courthouse. It is enshrined in the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that “cruel and unusual punishment” is [...]

Tuesday 10 January, 2012

Ms. Bailey Information Kit and Potluck Press Conference

Occupy Homes – Bailey Public Packet  

Tuesday 10 January, 2012

Foreclosure Action to Save Ms. Bailey’s Home

At 10:00 a.m. on Thursday January 12th, Occupy Nashville will partner with Occupy Atlanta to coordinate direct actions against Chase Bank. Occupy Nashville will be protesting, delivering a letter to, and foreclosing on Wilson & Associates, the lawyers representing Chase Bank in the foreclosure of Ms. Bailey’s home.  We will meet at 10:00 a.m. in the [...]

Monday 09 January, 2012

Chase: Don’t foreclose on Helen Bailey – Petition

Helen Bailey is a 78 year old woman who participated in the civil rights movement, worked as a childcare provider for autistic children, and was a community volunteer. She has paid her mortgage since 1999, but now she can’t keep up the payments. All she wants is to stay in her home until she dies, [...]

Monday 02 January, 2012

Happy New Year! / Direct Action Update – #OpBlackOut / Info Tech Update

All of us at Occupy Nashville would like to wish a happy new year to one and all! In 2011 we saw and participated in some of the most world changing events this planet has seen in recent history. Though by far the most impressive aspect of the actions of the people across the globe [...]

Tuesday 20 December, 2011

#OccupyNashville Protests NDAA, to Hold Mock Funeral for Bill of Rights

For Immediate Release Dec. 20, 2011 Occupy Nashville Protests Legislative Passage of NDAA; Plans Mock Funeral for the Bill of Rights Occupy Nashville will be holding a call to action on Wednesday, Dec. 21 in support of our country’s Bill of Rights, which is under direct assault by our elected representatives, attempting to pass the [...]

Tuesday 20 December, 2011

#OccupyNashville Call To Action: Demand VETO of NDAA S. 1867 & Indefinite Detention

Last week, Congress gave final approval to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), despite the fact that it allows the president to put “any person who has committed a belligerent act” in military detention. By giving Obama and any future president the power to imprison anyone indefinitely and without trial on the basis of accusation—even [...]

Thursday 15 December, 2011

Occupy Nashville Urges Public to Defend the Threat Against Their Civil Liberties Posed by the NDAA

Occupy Nashville Urges Public to Defend the Threat Against Their Civil Liberties Posed by the National Defense Authorization Act December 13, 2011 Occupy Nashville strongly urges citizens to contact their representatives, in order to remove constitutonally damaging provisions, within the National Defense Authorization Act. Christopher Anders, senior legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union, [...]

Sunday 27 November, 2011

#OccupyNashville Hosts First State Wide General Assembly

We are proud to announce that on Friday December 2nd through Sunday December 4th we will be hosting the first State-Wide General Assembly for “Occupy Tennessee” in an effort to increase the level of Solidarity between all of the Occupations taking place in Tennessee and in surrounding areas.  We encourage anyone, from anywhere, be it [...]

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