The Rude Pundit

The Rude Pundit

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The Rude Pundit
Joe Paterno dies as the greatest example of the "You fuck one goat" joke.
The Rude Pundit
Shit, forgot the link for that last one:
The Rude Pundit
Romney's Mormonism is the main reason he lost so badly in SC, pure and simple.
The Rude Pundit
And let's all be grateful that we'll have Newt Gingrich to kick around for a while.
The Rude Pundit
My advice to all: let's go out, have a nice (if icy) evening, and not watch the parade of people saying how great Newt is.
The Rude Pundit
Oh, well, fuck me. Looks like my big and bold pronouncement on live-tweeting the SC primary was a waste of time.
The Rude Pundit
By the way, I won't be live-tweeting anything tonight on the GOP primary because fuck all of them.
The Rude Pundit
One more Etta James note: For many of us of a certain age, Northern Exposure introduced us to her music:
The Rude Pundit
Don't give Gingrich credit, MSM: He only released 1 year of tax returns. Romney's being asked to release 12, like his dad.
The Rude Pundit
What's awesome about the SOPA withdrawal: NewsCorp, Viacom, and others got their asses kicked by new media.
The Rude Pundit
First person to make an Etta James death/ "At Last" joke gets a punch in the face:
The Rude Pundit
Moments in the Life of Newt Gingrich from the 1990s:
Steve Silberman
@ Between them, Gingrich and Limbaugh have had 7 marriages. And they want to abolish my one.
Sandi Behrns
Excuse me, but if you didn't whine about the lost jobs when Walker, Scott, Christie killed rail projects -- STFU about Keystone "jobs"
The Rude Pundit
Let me be a good capitalist and remind you to pre-order the 2012 edition of The Rude Pundit's Almanack.
The Rude Pundit
Gotta tell ya, all things being equal, Santorum won tonight. I mean, fuck that guy, totally, but he still won the debate.
The Rude Pundit
And it's over. Right now, John King is getting ready to head to a bar to drink away the image of the jowly Newt...
The Rude Pundit
Rick Santorum: This is my last time on the stage, so I'm going to stretch this out as long as possible and say...
The Rude Pundit
Romney: We are one hopeless bunch of motherfuckers in this country. God, we're so despicable. And I want to be your leader.
The Rude Pundit
Newt Gingrich: "President Obama is the most dangerous president ever." And "Saul Alinsky radical," which means...