Generator 21 Generator 21 The World's Magazine
The World's Magazine
Website Updated Wednesday, October 05, 2011

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This website is the ongoing online
Generator 21 Magazine.
Rod Amis, the founder, passed away in March 2010.
The website is now maintained on a voluntary basis by a group of writers, past and present,
for Generator 21 Magazine Online.
For further information or to contribute articles, times and/or effort, please contact, thank you. 

Rod AmisA Brief History
of G21

Once upon a time and not so long ago, there was a man by the name of Rod Amis. As a young boy he was deeply fascinated by the life and achievements of Alexander The Great.... PLEASE READ MORE CLICK HERE

Rod's Own Hand writing Prophecy

Links to Articles & Items

First generation Generator 21First Generation G21 The Original World's Magazine



Second generation Generator 21Second Generation G21
Rod Amis' NEW G21 Lightning Strikes



Rod Amis' My Glass HouseRod Amis' My Glass House We gathered together some of the past personal and biographical writings of Rod Amis under his own title of "My Glass House"


Cathedral of WordsCathedral of Words tributes to Rod Amis

A Brief History of Generator 21A Brief History of Generator 21
Once upon a time and not so long ago, there was a man by the name of Rod Amis. As a young boy he was deeply fascinated by the life and achievements of ... READ MORE....




Search and find contents and items on our pagesSEARCH ALL of Generator 21 here
Full site wide search of over 3,000 pages


Offsite LinksOffsite Links to some of Rod's writings; Lightning Strikes at BlogTalk Media  and G21 Podcasts at


* Please contact me if any of the links  on this page fail so that I can fix them. Thanks! from the Editor, Kim Carter ( )

Generator 21 NEWS October 2011

by Daniel Patrick Welch
"White Hats - Americans' remarkable incapacity for self-reflection bodes ill for the rest of the world".

Generator 21 - NEWS September 2011

Liberty LynchingNEW ARTICLE
by Daniel Patrick Welch
"The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia"



Generator 21 - NEWS August 2011

"This website is the best I could do to gather together the a complete-as-possible archive of Rod Amis's work on the web. Rod was an extraordinary writer, editor and publisher who helped so many new writers get their "feet on the ground".

The original website hosted at was about to close down a couple years ago after Rod's demise. However, I managed to download the large amount of files on the original server, managed to "get hold" of the domain name and set up this new website - - to house as much of the original material as I could organize.

I'm Kim Carter, I used to write the occasional article for Rod's magazine Generator 21. After Rod's demise, I inherited this website. Really, I just took it over because it was about to close down for ever and I know how to deal with domain name, web hosting and web server issues. I don't do much creative writing these days, mostly I do this, web hosting, web design, technical support, website updates and so on and so forth.

(plug warning) Send me an email if you would like to discuss web hosting or design issues with me, or to order a new web design or domain name or web hosting or whatever. Send me! Or you could just to take a look at my business website, Carsena Web Services offering web design and hosting and domain name management"

PLEASE, if anybody would like to contribute an article for publication here, contact I'd love to have fresh stuff to put up here! Thank You.

This is an interview with Rod when he was living at Union Station

Offsite LinksDirect Links to Sections/Items
in the original G21 publication




world wide colours
of g21
little round
flags of the world


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