•January 20, 2012 • Leave a Comment


By now you’ve been informed about the latest government attempt on behalf of the big media companies to censor media companies presumably to protect copyrighted content. However, what is not so known is that not only will a lot of popular sites to shut down be on the verge of being plunged into a cyber abyss, but this could create a cataclysm within the internet – and beyond.

For years, media companies have been hellbent trying to assert their power on those behind the piracy of their material i.e. movies, TV shows, music videos, and the like. So, they’ve persuaded the government to enact action against those domains by suing them or shutting them down altogether. Even though some sites have been closed, others sprang up overseas enabling users to continue obtaining media. The major media corporations became more frustrated and ravenous, and so, SOPA and PIPA were created.

SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Private Intellectual Property Act) are two bills within the House of Representatives and the Senate respectably. Both bills are supposedly geared towards preventing internet piracy and further copyright infringements from foreign websites. The methods are similar to China’s own brand of censorship and internet control.

Some may consider it as a business strategy to protect content and save money. However, SOPA and PIPA – if passed – would begat some desolate effects. 

As you know over 90 percent of the mainstream media is controlled by a handful of companies: Viacom, News Corporation, CBS, Disney, GE, and Time Warner. If all goes according to plan, they would invade the internet in almost no time and block out certain websites that they believe may pose a threat against their companies. This will include popular websites like Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Wikipedia and WordPress (to name a few). So, that means social networking, which includes blogging, will be heavily monitored and moderated.

If these bills become laws, the government will bleach not only the copyrighted material, but also the websites hosting the material. Plus, they can even sue or imprison the website owners AND the users! Even singing a hit song on a web camera could land you and the company in hot water!

Here’s where it will get catastrophic: Internet companies like AOL, Google, and Yahoo may be at risk for losing their companies. Thus, people will lose jobs, pause innovation, and will help decimate the already ruined economy. Plus, these bills would put a huge dent not only in independent media, but also in social activism.

Since it’s inception, critics have argued that the proposals will do nothing to prevent internet piracy. Websites can change their addresses if necessary. Even so, this will put a huge kibosh on a technological outlet for freedoms of expression and press.

Big media have always tried to obtain any form of media within reach. They are responsible for most of what is shown on television and movies. Now, they want to get their hands on the internet. That means that your favorite videos from back in the day and around the world will be taken away. That means your chance of watching foreign movies and television will be deleted. More importantly it could destroy any chance for artists and writers to present their work to the world, and your right to speak online will be in jeopardy.

The media moguls will do anything to gain more and more power even if it destroys society. It’s already been proven. But they are not alone as other major corporations have join in the war. Their avarice is relentless and devastating. This is why SOPA and PIPA must be put to rest. Unfortunately, the big wigs will find other ways to control what you can and can not watch, write, hear, or read.

Welcome to the quickening of the New World Order. It’s up to us to abort it!

Good Intentions, Bad Results

•January 18, 2012 • 19 Comments

The following is a response to the Black Youth Project’s post regarding an article from WREG Memphis.

First, here’s an overview of a news report regarding Germantown High School’s test scores and how the principal used race as the cause of the school’s drop in its (GPA) grade point average:

-The high school unveiled programs to boost the school’s score on the Tennessee Report Card.

-The principal, Tom Horrell, a white male, pointed out data that black students appeared “less smart” than whites.

-Parents said that black students were taunted after the presentation. One parent mentioned that her daughter came home upset.

-Horrell said that he didn’t mean to offend anyone and apologized. “The intention was not to offend, embarrass, or to upset any of the students.”

Before this gets ugly, we must break it our point by point. Some issues need to be considered before we go crazy with anger. When I first read about this BYI, I shook my head. I was offended for the children. I was angry for them. However, I had to think long and hard about the scope of this controversy before drawing my own conclusions.

First, while Horrell’s intentions may have been for a good cause, it created a dangerous backlash. The result from his presentation made many black students upset. As you know a negative black stereotype is that we are docile and stupid. We are seen as less intelligent than whites from EVERY angle in society. Any one of us that fits that stereotype is enough to satisfy their antipathy towards us.

Some black people have unknowingly or purposely accepted that image as a part of blackness. Hence, the phrase “acting white” comes into play.  Some blacks, including the youth, believe that a black person with intelligence, hardworking, and courteous is acting like a white person. However, some never consider that if it was true, then being black means to be the exact opposite. That’s what it means to be brainwashed by white supremacy.

Second, another aftermath from this presentation give white students a confidence boost right up to arrogance. The article suggests that black students were taunted presumably by white students. This can further damage the self-esteem of black youth. Even the ones who make high marks may feel low after hearing the report and getting abused by other students. It can have a strong effect on their grades which will make the school’s situation worse.

Third, the education system have largely contributed to the school-to-prison pipeline, a national trend of students being funneled out of the school system straight into the juvenile and prison systems. According to the ACLU, “ Many of these children have learning disabilities or histories of poverty, abuse or neglect, and would benefit from additional educational and counseling services.” Due to stricter discipline and zero-tolerance policies, the youth in these circumstances are criminalized even for minor infractions of school rules. Plus, educators are encouraged to eject students with low performance to improve the school’s overall test scores. The students most affected are youth of color.

If Germantown High has a plan that would improve test scores while making sure students don’t get expelled in the process, it would be very beneficial. However, if their plan includes sacrificing students, it will only add more oil to the pipeline.

Also, don’t forget that that everytime a policy to improve any problem in a white dominated society usually ends up screwing black people over. The school-to-prison pipeline and the War on Drugs are two perfect examples.

Fourth and finally, society in general doesn’t want black youth to have a quality education. They are bombarded everyday of images of materialism and fame that sends a message that you don’t have to be educated to be successful. If you have cash, cars, bling, and (in some cases) women, why would you want to learn to read?

Of course, with the school system trying to censor ethnic studies for fear of solidarity and resentment, and books trying to whitewash American history even further, black kids are learning less and less about who they truly are let alone who they could be aside from athletes, rappers, and drug dealers. Plus, there are not a lot of black (and male) teachers around to show them different positive images of black people. So, what does a black child, or any child or color for that matter, hope to gain when all he (she) hears or sees is how marvelous white people are?

Now ask yourself these questions: With more and more budget cuts towards funding for public schools (and colleges), what are we really saying about our concern for our youth’s education? When we spend millions on law enforcement for more police to patrol the streets and millions more to build more prisons for private sectors, what does that say about our priorities? Lastly, if we spend even more millions of dollars to publicize fame and fortune and advertise greed mixed with total unapologetic ignorance, then, why should we be shocked if the youth think and feel the way they do? Whether we like it or not, the answer to all those questions is simple: We want certain people in our nation to be protected – rich white people. We want the strongest military in the world so we can use and bully the world whenever we please. And, we want Americans to be too stupid to know or care.

While many of us are rightfully offended by Mr. Horrell’s presentation, particularly with the falling-out felt by black students and their parents, we must realize that this is part of a major problem. The education system is failing many students of color mostly because of this nation’s obsession with protecting and uplifting its privileged citizens. I don’t know what Germantown High’s policies are for fixing it’s drop in overall test scores, but I hope that it will not improve at the cost and expense of black students.

What MLK Said

•January 16, 2012 • 5 Comments

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”

“I have decided to stick to love…Hate is too great a burden to bear.”

“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”   

“Not only will we have to repent for the sins of bad people; but we also will have to repent for the appalling silence of good people.”   

“On some positions, Cowardice asks the question, “Is it safe?” Expediency asks the question, “Is it politic?” And Vanity comes along and asks the question, “Is it popular?” But Conscience asks the question “Is it right?” And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must do it because Conscience tells him it is right.”   

“Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.”

“To save man from the morass of propaganda, in my opinion, is one of the chief aims of education. Education must enable one to sift and weigh evidence, to discern the true from the false, the real from the unreal, and the facts from the fiction.”

“The function of education, therefore, is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. But education which stops with efficiency may prove the greatest menace to society. The most dangerous criminal may be the man gifted with reason, but with no morals.”

“When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, militarism and economic exploitation are incapable of being conquered.”

“The curse of poverty has no justification in our age. It is socially as cruel and blind as the practice of cannibalism at the dawn of civilization, when men ate each other because they had not yet learned to take food from the soil or consume the abundant animal life around them. The time has come for us to civilize ourselves by the total, direct and immediate abortion of poverty.”

“The sweltering summer of the negro’s legitamate discontent will not pass until there is a invigorating autuum of freedom and equality.”

“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”

“Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.”

“Discrimination is a hellhound that gnaws at Negroes in every waking moment of their lives to remind them that the lie of their inferiority is accepted as truth in the society dominating them.”

“It is incontestable and deplorable that Negroes have committed crimes; but they are derivative crimes. They are born of the greater crimes of the white society.”

“One who breaks an unjust law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for law.”

Republican Racism

•January 12, 2012 • 22 Comments


Well, this year’s Republican Presidential Campaign has been an interesting one so far to say the least. The GOP candidates and their supporters have shown American and the world where their intelligence and heart lies. When Rick Perry said that he wouldn’t lose any sleep over the outrageously high numbers of people executed in Texas – innocent or not – during the Republican Debate in 2011 the audience erupted with a thunderous applause. A member of the same audience shouted “Yeah!” in response to a question direct to Ron Paul as to whether a critically ill person without health insurance should die. Then, we have Herman Cain, the conservative coon on steroids who apparently lusts for women more than he dislikes blacks. And let’s not forget Michele Bachmann who’s limited knowledge of American history portrayed the Founding Fathers as among the first to abolish slavery.

What is not so surprising was the Republicans and their conservative followers’ stance toward black people. During their run, we’ve heard some of the most ignorant and disheartening comments aimed toward the black community based on nothing more than racist stereotypes that conservatives can’t seem to let go.

In the minds of most conservatives black people don’t have a strong work ethic. They believe most black people are poor, and are poor because they don’t want to work – The key words are ‘don’t want’. Therefore, they get fat off of government assistance and have as many children as possible to get more welfare. Hence, the ‘welfare queen’ image is plastered in their minds.

Furthermore, most conservatives believe that poor blacks that do earn money do so by illegal means through drug trafficking, robbing, and stealing. The image here is that blacks are not into doing an honest day’s living. So, they earn money by breaking the law.

All in all, the basic message is that black people don’t deserve any help from the government or anyone for that matter because they lack what it takes to get a job. Of course, most conservatives believe that the most people on welfare are blacks. It ultimately tells them that Black Americans don’t want to work, but instead, prefer to be coddled by this nation’s government taking money away from good, honest, hard working Americans – White Americans.

However, most conservative Republicans are known for using myths and lies to express their views avoiding truths that will upset their personal world. Fellow blogger Brother Peacemaker explains:

“The truth is that there are more white people on welfare than any other race of people here in this country. The truth is that there are people in poor neighborhoods who go to work each and every day who work hard to earn a living and do their best to stay off of government assistance because if anyone knows anything about government assistance it is that it is a sorry substitute for a paycheck and it is temporary, if you can get it. And when you do get it, be prepared to jump through regulations bureaucratic hoops that are mandated by government agencies that want you off that assistance as soon as possible and are designed to inspire people to do just that.”

Yet, people like Newt Gingrich, who’s political and moral record leaves a lot to be desired, think that young people in poor communities don’t have a work ethic. His “solution” is to fire most of the janitors that work in school, and replace them with poor students to they will learn what it means to have a job and not engage in criminal activity (as if he assumes that poor kids do nothing but commit crimes because they want to). Now, when Gingrich included “criminal activity” in his statement, that usually means it’s directed towards young black people. The image of black people in the conservative mind is often connected with the words “poor, lazy, welfare, and criminal.” It’s no surprise given this nation’s history of racism against blacks.

Most conservatives and Republicans have acknowledged in their own coded language that the rich and hard working white man and his subservient white wife living in a peaceful, white neighborhood are the symbols of what America is all about. They seem to liken these images to the old 1950′s sitcoms where the husband goes out and works, the wife stays home and cooks, and the 2.3 children are playing around with their Golden Retriever named Rover. This is their America, and only their America. Anything and anyone outside of their America is rejected and demonized and that can include liberal whites. Those who are more liberal-minded are believed to hate America because they acknowledge the problems that this nation has, and conservatives don’t want to hear how screwed up “their” nation truly is.

Conservatives and Republicans don’t want poor people to get any assistance because the poor chose to be poor. They want less government and more corporate freedom, and they oppose science that upset their pseudo-religious beliefs. But what’s really insane are the beliefs held by this party in regards to blacks. Most of them genuinely believe that black people are this nation’s problem, and some won’t hold back on their views because they believe that is the truth.

Brother Peacemaker warns us that to listen to anyone who paint the problems of America with a black brush will blind voters to go against their best interests:

“People shouldn’t be so quick to rely on the racist rhetoric to drive their decisions about our collective political future. Don’t believe the hype that black people are the problem and vote for the guy that promises to give corporate America all the tools necessary to earn as much wealth as possible while the rest of us are left to fend for ourselves.”

This election year will be an interesting one indeed. Be alert for more political rhetoric on the Black American menace and the White American Dream

Shit White Girls Say

•January 10, 2012 • 8 Comments

I have no words to express how great this video is. I will try to give you a little review while you check it out and see for yourselves.

Here’s a run down on what you’re about the watch: it’s a parody of another video entitled “Shit Girls Say”. The sista in the video goes by the Youtube name Chescaleigh. She puts on a blond wig and acts like a stereotypical white girl spouting racist and sexist memes white girls tend to say to black girls.

This video has already generated over four million views and counting. Many people thought that the video was hilarious and true. While many others, mostly white, felt offended. Personally, it is a gem. This girl deserves an award for this video.

The Kardashian Obsession

•January 9, 2012 • 18 Comments

I’m not knowledgeable about many things. I know that I live in a racist, white supremacist nation that considers me a drain on society. I know that I’m surrounded by voices and images from unseen forces gunning for my self-esteem, or what’s left of it. And I know that this nation is practically a hoax when it comes to “liberty and justice for all.” However, there are a lot of mysteries that I wonder about. Who killed JFK? Are we alone in the universe? What force in the universe would allow George W. Bush to stay in the White House for two terms?

There is one mystery that’s on a lot of minds as of late. The one mystery that may be the mystery of the new millennium thus far. Why the hell is the media obsessed with the Kardashian sisters, Kim in particular? 

Let’s review some facts: Their father, Robert Kardashian, was a powerful attorney. Their stepfather is Olympic athlete Bruce Jenner. They had an overprivileged upbringing with rich and famous friends and neighbors. Kim was on a sex tape with Ray J. Kim had an expensive and very short-lived marriage to Kris Humphrises. And all three sisters have reality TV shows.

So, in other words the Kardashians are famous for absolutely nothing special. Then again, the mainstream media in recent years have gone further south when it came to content.

It seems like every channel must have a reality-based show with either once-famous stars from a bygone era, ordinary people doing dangerous (and)or stupid shit, or just  ignorant young people with emotional baggage and open legs. And it’s no secret that American audiences love the hell out of it. We have a guilty pleasure of seeing drama happening, and when it happens to “ordinary” people, it’s a treat to watch. That’s why more and more reality shows are being pumped into networks. America can’t get enough of this stuff no matter how fucked up it truly is.

It’s no surprise why this is happening. Almost all of the media is owned and operated by white males exclusively. This explains a lot as to why the content broadcast into our television sets is the way it is. With reality TV being as addictive to network executives as it is, they look for the kind of people seeking fame. They can come from anywhere, a rich community, a quiet suburb, or the inner city. They don’t have to be talented. They don’t have to be educated. They don’t even have to be nice and polite. Those who are gullible enough to want to appear on TV will jump at the opportunity to star on a reality TV. Some of them will believe that it will lead to bigger and better things like starring in sitcoms, movies, and music videos even though their chance of that happening would be the size of a cobblestone.

Those who came from rich families and those who used to be stars in their heyday are seen as perfect stars for certain reality shows. America wants to see what their favorite past stars are up to. That’s why the Osbornes had a show. That’s why Flavor Flav appeared on three shows. That’s why Ice T and Coco have their own show. That’s why Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie had a show, or two. And that’s why Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney have shows.

However, the media is overly fixated on the Kardashian sisters, Kim especially. There has never been as much fascination with any of today’s or yesterday’s reality TV show pseudo-stars. So, I’ll ask, why is Kim Kardashian famous? Is it because of her beauty? Is it because of her booty? Is it because of her sex tape? Is it because of her father? No. She’s just famous for being famous it seems.

Fire In the Booth

•January 8, 2012 • 13 Comments

Thanks Prison Culture.

“Yes, I grew up on the dole in a single parent family
Been through a little bit of tragedy
Yes I was around drugs and violence
Before the day that I started secondary
And that’s part of it
Not half of it
Get the picture, the rest ain’t necessary
Growin’ up, got a little caught up
But that ain’t even half of my life
I was also given the knowledge of self
That is all we actually need to survive
If you saw me aged 9, reading Malcolm just fine
Teachers still treated me stupid
Students that couldn’t speak English, they put me in groups with
And the irony is
Some of the first man to give me schoolin’
You would call gangsters
But I already explained, we know what the truth is
They used to say ‘Don’t be like me’
Yeah I got a name and dough on the street
Night time comes, I can’t sleep
And that’s the part that rappers don’t speak
We don’t hit the road cos we are thugs
Don’t come out the womb, wanting to sell drugs
If we got the right guidance and love
Would we fight people just like us?
How could I knock the hustle to get by?
How do you think I ate as a child?
Judge no one, done many things wrong
I just don’t boast about it songs
But listen to my older bars
I was just as confused as you probably are
But you grow and you learn
Travel and f*** up,
One too many man you know get cut up
One too many man that could’ve been doctors
End up spending their whole life boxed up
You learn, if you study
Its all set out just to make them money
No cover, it’s all about getting poor people to fight with one another
So its logical that us killing our brothers,
Dissin’ our mothers
Is right in line with the dominant philosophy of our time
But time is a cycle, not a line
Comes back around you regain your mind
You be ready for the energy I channel in my rhymes
Remedy the pedigree, the jeopardy of mine
When the world’s this f***ed up, lethargy’s a crime
We can all fight with our brothers over crumbs,
Far harder to fight the one who makes guns
We can all talk sh** and get two dollars
Far harder to be the one who seeks knowledge
If we understood economics
We’d know money’s nothin’
Think nothing of it
Money is a means to get wealth, not the wealth itself
Don’t get confused, I’m far from broke
All that you see me do I own
But I wont hang what I make around my neck
I know from where that the diamonds came
But I do quite literally own a library,
That definitely costs more than your chain
And businesses, and properties
Far from starvin’, I eat quite properly
And I don’t care, just said it for the kids
Who need to know that you’re not broke to listen
Don’t know an asset from a liability
They’ve never been shown or told the difference
So they don’t change situations
Richest man in Britain is Asian
That’s significant, not coincidence,
Asian people build businesses,
Not by flossin/going out shoppin’
Giving out their culture for everyone’s profit
Who run’s Bollywood? Indian people
Who owns our shit?
So we shake our arse and dance
As if racism just upped and vanished
But has it? No its right on course
You’re beaten so bad, you’re trained to ignore
Let me not just make sweeping statements
Gimme a second, I’ll explain it
For small amounts of drug possession there’s more black people in jail in America than there is for rape and armed robbery and murder all put together
You can say they’re just locking up thugs,
Imagine if they locked up every middle class kid that had ever held drugs,
Oh that’s right, that’d be your kids!
Bigger than that what is going on with this,
Prison in America’s a private business
They get paid 50k per year per inmate by the State, just wait…
Also legally are allowed to use their prison inmates as slaves
Cheap slave labour, big corporations
They come out of jail, can’t get a job
So when we celebrate going to jail,
Add to that, that the hood that you’re livin’
Engineered social condition that breeds crime by design
Where do you think you get your nine?
You can say that they’re just black,
But I like to deal with facts
In the 1920s you would’ve found in America
Black towns,
Prospering centres of economics and education to make you proud
But some people couldn’t bear that the former slaves would not just lie down
So the KKK and other hate groups burnt those towns to the ground
Killin hundreds,
If it ain’t understood,
You think you were always livin’ in the hood?
Shit it’s only been sixty years
Since they hung blacks and burned em’
And that was so cool
Day reel passes, picnic baskets
Even gave kids the day off school
To go see a lynchin’
Have a picnic
It’s fun to watch the little monkeys die(!)
Then people act a little dysfunctional
You wanna pretend that you don’t know why
If your colour means you can be killed
And you’re powerless to get justice about it
Is it difficult to figure out how you would then end up feelin’ about it?
And that ain’t excuses,
Just dealing with the roots of abuses that make a reality
Where a generation of young men speak of ourselves as dirt casually
That’s America,
This Britain,
Some things are similar,
Some different,
In this country the first enslaved were the working class
What’s changed?
Worst jobs, worst conditions
Worst taxed, look where you’re livin’
You go to the pub, Friday night,
You will fight with a guy,
Don’t know what for,
But won’t fight with a guy, suit and a tie,
Who sends your kids to die in a war,
They don’t sell the kids of the richer politicians,
It’s your kids, the poor british
That they send to go die in a foreign land
For these wars you don’t understand,
Yeah they say that you’re British
And that lovely patriotism they feed ya
But in reality you have more in common with immigrants
Than with your leaders
I know, both side of my family
Black and white are fed ghetto mentality
Reality in this system,
Poor people are dirt regardless of shade
But with that said,
Let’s not pretend that everything is the same
When our grandparents came here to Britain
If you had a criminal record you couldn’t get in
Yet that ain’t protect them from all the stupid, stupid abuses they would be livin’
Kicked in the teeth,
Stabbed in the street,
Many times fired bombed our houses,
Put faeces through our letter box
And of course the cops did so much about it(!)
Daily, up to the 80s
People spittin’ into my pram cos’ I was a coon baby
But of course that has had no effect on why today we are crazy
And none of this was for any good reason
They were just dark and breathing
To ease the guilt now for all of this treatment
Constant stereotypes and needed
So if I celebrate how big that my dick is,
Bricks that I’m flippin’
Clips that I’m stickin’
Chicks that I’m hittin’
I’m playing my position
But if I teach a kid to be a mathematician,
Messin’ with the schism,
How they gonna fill a prison when materialism is no longer our religion?
What do you think we got now in Britain?
Just like America, private prisons
Prisons for profit!
That mean when your kids go jail people make money off it,
So keep environments that breed crime
Build more jails at the same time
Market badness to the kids in the rhymes
As long as rich kids ain’t dying its fine!
Get em’ to the point where some are so lost
They actually believe that if they don’t celebrate killin’ themselves off
That it’s because they’re soft
Was Malcom soft?
Was Marley soft?
Tell me was Marcus Garvey soft?
Well? Was Mohammed Ali soft?
Nah, Nah I think not!
But they want us to think that the road is cool
Being on road is all we can do
We don’t control the wholesale productions
Who benefits from us movin’ the food?
Or thinking there’s no way out of road life
But Malcolm X used to hustle out on the roadside
When Marcus Garvey organised more than 6million people
With no Facebook or Twitter
Why is this something you cannot equal?
One of my homeboys did a ten straight in the box in yard
Now what’s he doing?
Passin’ his doctorate
Don’t tell me that it’s too hard!
Who trained you to believe that you’re inferior?
Sungbo Eredo in Nigeria are the remains of an ancient moat,
Dug 1000 years ago
20 metres wide, 70 down,
Round the remains of an ancient town
That’s 400 square miles around
400 square miles around
Please, please don’t believe me,
It was a documentary on BBC!
But we ain’t studyin’ history,
Too busy watching MTV
And MTV said wear platinum,
Now everybody wanna go and wear platinum,
And MTV said pop magnums,
Now everybody wanna go and pop magnums
If MTV said drink prune juice
You would start hearing that in tunes soon,
‘Hey! Today I wore my Cartier,
Is it now more important what I got to say?’
Oh and I drive a Mercedes by the way
So everybody listen to what I got to say
Huh, does that make you all happy?
Ahh but shit my head’s still nappy
Think for myself, still some mad at me
But on the mic ain’t not one bad as me
All of this here’s good for the rhymes
Put us in the same place at the same time
And it’s clear to everybody that I’m out of my mind
Some of these guys are runnin’ out of their rhymes
Clear to everybody that has got ears
I’m the guy that they just might fear
They wanna get near but they can’t have a peer
Ah dear I’m hard liquor you’re just like beer
Front on the kid for another five years
Come to my shows and some cry tears
It mean that much to em’, it’s a movement!
I don’t speak for myself but a unit,
Black, white, man, woman, anyone that respects truth we put in
Dudes are like dinner with no puddin’
Yeah you’re sweet but no substance puddin’
You could never ever be with a level on
Our songs get out played out there in Lebanon
We speak for the people properly
Not for the old fat guys in offices
And the girls love him, it ain’t fair
He can’t even be bothered to comb his hair
Anyway that’s enough kissin’ my own arse
Back to the more important task of being so shower
I got half the hood screaming “KNOWLEDGE IS POWER”
And I ain’t saying that will change rap
But I do know this for a fact
Right now there’s a yout’ on your block
With his hands on his balls, face screwed up
Swear he don’t care, don’t give a fuck
That he won’t let nobody caught his block
But the words go in
Open your shackles
Because once that’s happened there’s no going back
Once you start to see what is really happening
Who the enemy you should be attackin’ is
Stuck on the block, READ, READ!
Sittin’ in the box, READ, READ!
Don’t let them say what you can achieve
Cos when people are enslaved
One of the first things they do is stop them reading
Cos’ it is well understood that intelligent people will take their freedom
Cos’ if we knew our power we would understand that we can’t be held down
If we knew our power, we would not elevate not one of these clowns
If we knew our power, we wouldn’t get arrogant when we get two pennies
If we knew our power, we would see what everybody sees, that we’re rich already!
But never mind MCs go run for your mummy
I’m hungry, I run for my tummy
That’s enough back to worshipping money
I’m off, back to the study!”


R.I.P. Gordon Hiyabayashi

•January 6, 2012 • 6 Comments

The following is a small essay posted at the Angry Asian Man blogsite through Racialicious about the recent passing of a activist Gordon Hiyabayashi (1918 – 2012) who fought against the unlawful internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. Here is a summary of the landmark case found at the Seattle University School of Law’s website

“During World War II, Gordon Hirabayashi was a 24-year-old senior at the University of Washington – an American citizen by birth – when, as acts of civil disobedience, he defied a curfew imposed on persons of Japanese ancestry and refused to comply with military orders forcing Japanese Americans to leave the West Coast into concentration camps.  He appealed his convictions to the U.S. Supreme Court, which, in one of the most infamous cases in American history, held that the curfew order was justified by military necessity and was, therefore, constitutional.  A year and a half later, in Korematsu v. United States, the Court relied wholly on its decision in Hirabayashi to uphold the constitutionality of the mass removal of Japanese Americans.

Forty years later, in 1983, represented by a remarkable and dedicated team of lawyers, Mr. Hirabayashi reopened his case, filing a petition for writ of error coram nobis in Seattle, Washington, seeking vacation of his wartime convictions on the ground that the government, during World War II, had suppressed, altered, and destroyed material evidence relevant to the issue of military necessity.  In 1986, the Ninth Circuit, in an opinion authored by Judge Mary Schroeder, vacated both Mr. Hirabayashi’s curfew and exclusion convictions on proof of the allegations of governmental misconduct.”

Hirabayashi v. United States, 828 F.2d 591 (9th Cir. 1987).”

In response to this sad moment in history I will say that Hiyabayashi was a true warrior against the oppressive American establishment. His courage against the government imposted sanction against Japanese Americans during the worst war in human history (thus far) is truly honorable. It symbolizes great bravery against injustice masked as patriotism. Hiyabayashi will always be remembered as a noble freedom fighter. Rest in peace.

The Blame Black Syndrome

•January 4, 2012 • 19 Comments

The following is based upon an article at the Black Youth Project.

“I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money; I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money. And provide for themselves and their families. The best way to do that is to get the manufacturing sector of the economy rolling again.”

These were the comments uttered by Republican Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum when asked about foreign aid policies at a campaign stop in Iowa. Now, I think it’s more than obvious to anyone that the response has absolutely nothing to do with the foreign aid. So, why was there a need to bring up black people and the stereotype that (only) they are largely responsible for sponging off government welfare, especially since most people who are on welfare are whites?

There is no logical explanation behind Santorum’s useless, unfounded comment. However, it sounded similar to when this society blamed the drug problem on poor, inner city, young, black males during the 1980′s. It reminds me of the usual condemnation of black youth and their families for social violence. I even started to remember how pundits on the right blamed the black community for the sub prime loan crisis. Let’s not forget the regular drones who point the finger at black people for anything and everything wrong going on in this nation whenever people acknowledge racism against blacks. And don’t get me started on the stories of whites who have committed crimes or made up stories about crimes and blamed phantom black people who never existed.

Already, you’re noticing a pattern here. It’s been going for many years. There is a tendency for people, mostly whites, to blame the ills of society, particularly poverty, crime, onto black people. That same illness may cause whites to go off the deep end “create” black suspects out of thin air.

There’s an inverted side to this that produces the same results. People will blame blacks who are doing well or seem to be doing well because they don’t think they’ve earned it through hard work. Some people believe that the government is helping black communities across this country even though that’s far from the truth. Many white folks think that blacks who are in positions higher than them, or have taken positions they were looking for got there by unfair means (e.g. affirmative action) even though whites as a whole still benefit from the job market. It’s just a way of believing that black people didn’t earn their steady rise to the top, but just got a handout instead.

And, anything created for blacks by blacks is seen as racist. The NAACP is racist. A channel such as BET is racist. Scholarships for blacks are racist.  So, what do they do? You guessed it. Blame black people.

This is a sickness born from suspicion, fear, disdain, jealousy, and conceit. Despite more-than-enough evidence that contradict these claims, most white people will still demonize black people. I call it the Blame Black Syndrome. We’ve seen it in politics (as shown above). We’ve seen it in the news when they over-report report crimes committed by blacks and never the causes of their crimes. We’ve seen it online courtesy of several hate websites and the usual cornball trolls. We’ve seen it everywhere, and it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down anytime soon.

So, why is the theme always “It’s always black people’s fault”? I believe that it’s a cover-up. Most people who scapegoat blacks refuse to believe that this nation, a nation they love so dearly, is anything but a land of life, liberty, and happiness for all people. This was never the case of black people in the past, and it certainly isn’t a case today. Whites especially don’t want to take any blame for the sins of their fathers let alone be held accountable for today’s inequality and oppression. So, instead of doing the honorable thing, they go into scapegoating mode and find the people they hate the most which is black people.

It’s troubling, not to mention frustrating, that black people are the poster children for all things lousy in a white supremacist nation. It’s ridiculous that many will rather join in on the bandwagon than to blame and fight against those who are truly responsible who are almost all rich, white and men. This syndrome is not born out of intelligence and compassion. It is a way to comfort and justify their inner racist spirits, spirits they seem to be very comfortable having.

White Movements

•January 3, 2012 • 13 Comments

The following is a response to We Are Respectable Negroes‘ and Racialicious’ posts concerning the Occupy Wall Street Movement as well as the equally controversial Slut Walk movement.

2011 saw the rise of many events that made many of us reflect on the kind of society we live in and if society’s machine is user-friendly to all people or a select few, the ones who can afford to operate it. We’ve witnessed everything including the media’s treatment towards rape against minority women. We’ve seen small uprisings against the social and corporate order coined as “flash mobs” by the mainstream media. But two events truly stood out on their own rights: Occupy Wall Street (OWS) and Slut Walk (SW).

OWS was created to combat corporate abuse, avarice, and negligence against big businesses and banks, the heart of the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression. SW was formed to counter excusing or explaining rape while transferring blame unto the victim. It was formed in Toronto, Canada as a result of a police officer’s statement suggesting that “to remain safe, women should avoid dressing like sluts.” Both movements sound like a noble cause against the ravenous spirit of Capitalism and the injustices of a male-chauvinist world, but recent blogs and articles suggest that they were created in the name of justice for certain people – white people.

A report by The Guardian, a British news site, reports on how a young black woman was disrespected at the movement, not by cops or security, but by other members of the movement who were white and male. She was forced to evict her camp after that incident. However, she gave her two cents on the matter by suggesting that white men are used to being in charge of damn near everything, seen as experts on everything, and are allowed to speak and write about (drumroll) everything! So, it’s no surprise that some would feel white and male enough to shut this woman up no matter how wrong they truly are. After all, they know more about being oppressed than a young woman of color.

Months later, another confrontation occurred. A march on behalf of an Asian soldier, Private Danny Chen, who was killed by his fellow officers because he was Chinese. The movement on behalf of the young man was to fight against the U.S. Military’s resistance to disclose any information pertaining to Chen’s death. The conductors of the march reached out to several organizations, one of them was OWS. They wanted to reach out and stand with the movement as both were created for just causes.

However, as soon as the march reached the Occupation, they were “upstaged” by the OWS protesters, one of them individual white man taking it upon himself to represent the march holding the Chinese Communist flag. Of course, the people asked him to refrain, but then, he got pissed and started screaming about how the march was “Anti-Communist.” Soon, things have gone down hill from there due to certain liberal and progressive OWS members – with privileges.

As for SW, the movement against rape and sexual harassment against women seemed like a good idea. It sounded as if was an opportunity for women to stand up against the male mindset towards the crime of rape and would give women more empowerment. However, the emergence of a certain racial slur during SW helped revealed what kind of women wanted to be empowered – white women.

Signs with the N-word were shown during the SW trek. Some white women started using the word at will as if to make a point. Some condemned them while many defended them. Apparently, the point was, as one of the signs has written, ‘woman’ is the new n*gger of the world, a statement that holds little weight given historical references. But some ladies have argued that to use the word in such a way, even with good intentions, is no less damaging than using it as a means of degradation against someone’s color. Still, the (white) women who had a different opinion cursed out and insulted those who confronted them to correct their thinking thereby shifting the blame unto them. Gee, where have we’ve seen this before?

These three, separate incidents, and possibly some similar others that have gone unnoticed or were suppressed from the limelight, have taught me that in a racist and sexist society such as the United States, movements consisting of a majority of white people are racially exclusive. Both movements have certain members within its ranks that are not seeking justice in the truest sense of the world, but instead it demands a sense of white entitlement. The white males in the OWS incidents reported wanted to feel like “experts” as well as victims of this economic downfall while the white women involved in the N-word fiasco wanted to feel free to use racial epithet while playing victim and expect no consequences.

The fallacious habit of white entitlement is a roadblock against marginalized people, male and female and a serious obstacle for white activists. It further divides people for a cause against society’s wrongdoing. While some whites are more understanding, knowledgeable, and considerate of people of color (POC) and would invite them to join their activism, whiteness rears its ugly head (either by other members or the ones inviting them) preventing their membership. Therefore, questions are raised as to who these movements are truly for, all people or certain people.

So, marginalized people have to create their own movements – Occupations. We know that capitalistic greed has gone out of control, and we know that it’s responsible for the ongoing forms of institutionalized oppression that hold many of us down. It is because of this nation’s 1% and the government that coddles to them like hoes to a pimp that we’ve seen mass incarcerations, harsh sentencing for the poor, more death sentences, poor education, racist healthcare and pollution, racist and sexist, biased, media content, police corruption, more prisons, more money for prisons, extreme and excessive militarism, unemployment, crime and an unquenchable thirst for materialism. No one has felt the sting of this oppressive system more than POC.

Now, as this nation continues to crumble under the weight of its own greed and false sense of supremacy, most white people are now victims of a system many of them supported. They have only given a small taste of what their POC counterparts go through on a daily basis. One would think some of them would have sense enough to invite them as activists with equal rights and privileges, but that is not the case it seems. Thankfully, not all are the same, but if these certain so-called “liberal” and “progressive” whites continue to flaunt their privileges around, they won’t be seen as freedom fighters but as spoiled brats.

Stop Censorship

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