We Just Kept Looking and Looking for a Connection That was NOT There
These researchers sat on the result for two years, trying to torture the data to make it come out "right."
Nod to the Blonde.
Labels: let em eat broccoli, social science
Come for the hate, stay for the Hayek!
Labels: let em eat broccoli, social science
This crow is the absolute bizzle:
Labels: and they did it all without Theo Epstein, climate change, clothes are overrated, I got the bourgeois blues
Labels: Jon Stewart, journalism, nice work fellas
It is so important to this professor that people only pay attention to him in all his narcissistic glory that he forced the class into a smaller room....
You don't have to be an idiot to write for the NY Times.
Labels: elections, idiocracy, white people are everywhere
Sometimes people wonder what kind of people want to write for the lefty bed-wetting press. Why would such a talented person want to "give" so much of themselves, taking a low salary just so they can speak truth to power? Those guys must be VERY good people....
Labels: economics is hard but not that hard, Lefty Bedwetters
This is just remarkable. Mr. Overwater did convince me of the importance people on the left attach to good intentions, regardless of whether the consequences are actually good. I think that is a big explanation of the popularity of "fair trade": I am paying more for this, an act of sacrifice and therefore of virtue. The fact that essentially none of the money actually makes it to the farmers is beside the point. I sacrificed, and therefore I am a good person.
Labels: articles to read, public goods
Does the number of sex partners affect educational attainment? Evidence from female respondents to the Add Health (older version, ungated)
Lant Pritchett is guestblogging up a storm about conditional cash transfers.
Labels: aid, development, seeing like a state, wish I had said that
Name of the Year. You can vote, America.
Labels: a rose by any other name
Okay, I'm not proud of this.
Labels: #whitegirlproblems, I love Twitter
This would be Alan ("Nominal") Krueger, not Anne ("Real") Krueger. The problem is that Alan is not adjusted for infliction (of nonsense).
Labels: economic growth, inequality, think and grow rich
Check out these amazing turntable decks made from LEGOS! This one came from Germany and has a construction manual available here along with more pics:
Labels: this is the modern world, victory, what a wonderful world, when people were shorter and lived by the water, your kung fu is very powerful
Every single day of my life I thank the universe with Tebow-ish fervor that I was not doomed to live in an age when THIS was considered entertainment:
Labels: it sounds great when you're dead, low hanging fruit, more leeches please, no youtube in the jungle
Labels: absolutely fabulous, an appreciation, and they did it all without Theo Epstein, I didn't see that one coming
Labels: capitalism is a hell of an ism, t-shirts
Headline on Yahoo this morning condemning "human zoo" where indigenous people danced for tourists in exchange for food.
Labels: economics is harder than that, travel
Fuel companies fined for their petty refusal to an additive in gasoline.
Labels: energy, environment
People, check out the tweets at #ronpaultroofs
Labels: and that's the name of that tune, and they did it all without Theo Epstein, baby it's cold outside, big fun, democracy
Three suggestions about things you never say, or always say, or should say, to a potential mentor.
Labels: good advice
....because its CEO, the ubiquitous Mohamed El-Erian is a nincompoop!
Labels: a little knowledge is par for the course, in the land of the blind this guy is still a dope, knowledge is good, statistics
From Alternet.... Tom makes a lot of sense.
Labels: google santorum, Republicans are hopeless hypocrites
Okay, so a tactical tip: If the Jon Stewart show wants to interview you, say no. Because not only will you be reamed, you will be complicit in your own reaming. I cannot understand how JS can find such self-important idiots. The Republican here... wow.
The Economics of Faking Ecstasy, Hugo Mialon, Economic Inquiry, January 2012, Pages 277–285
Labels: sex, social science, women
On the Utah State U campus, a team of crack investigators ask the question, "Can men and women 'just' be friends?"
Labels: man's best friend, sex, women
KPC friend Susan Dudley on regulatory capture. Nicely done, ma'am!
Labels: big uncles, crony capitalism is a hell of an ism, regulation
David Brooks says this:
We need a new scare for funny.
Labels: political theatre
Wealthy Chinese man dies after eating poisoned stew made from slow-boiled cat.
Labels: man bites cat, Mr. China Bubble
Labels: a rose by any other name, great apes, that's gonna leave a mark
So, if all you are doing is building a factory that will create hundreds of jobs, and produce something people want to buy, you will be blocked by the Endangered Species Act. In fact, you may even have to close an existing golf course, because the nice froggies might not like it.
Labels: animal stories, chilipunk'd, environment
It's in the Atlantic and it's called "Why do so few blacks study the civil war?"
Labels: freedom, history, let's get real, sophistry
When faced with a home invasion, this Oklahoma woman, grabbed the family shotgun and pistol, called 911 for directions, and then shot and killed the person who kicked down the door to her home.
Labels: be careful what you ask for, get 'er done, Okie horn blowing