Interviews, Articles, Etc.
(An incomplete archive, sporadically maintained)
- Bat Segundo Show, 2006
- Briah Lehrer Show, WNYC (3-27-06)
- Briah Lehrer Show, WNYC (11-20-03)
- Whad ‘Ya Know?’ (10-28-98)
- Fresh Air (9-23-98)
Articles and Interviews
- Washington Post, interview; slightly longer online version here (10/2/09)
-, interview (9/15/09)
- New York Times, Bad Luck Turns Good: That’s Rock ‘n Roll (9/7/09)
- Fairfield Weekly, The War on Humor (2/5/09)
- Washington Post Express, The Uncertain Future: Tom Tomorrow (10/2/08)
- Glenn Greenwald, Hell in a Handbasket review (10-10-06)
- Beyond Chron, profile (3/31/06)
- San Jose Metro, Here Today, Tom Tomorrow (11/2/05)
- Sacramento News and Review, This Modern Cartoonist (10/30/03)
- Buzzflash, interview (10-20-03)
- Salon, Tomorrow’s News Today (8-14-03)
- The Progressive, interview (3-1-03)
- New York Times, Is Weblog Technology Here to Stay or Just Another Fad? (2-25-02)
- Kilometer Zero, interview (Winter, 2002)
- LA Times, “A Modern World Full of Controversy (1-11-99)
- Village Voice Press Clips, No Mort Tomorrows (2-18-98)
- Entertainment Weekly, book review of Penguin Soup for the Soul (9-9-98)
- Salon, Sparky vs. Dogbert (12-9-96)
- A 1992 Mediafile, Tomorrow Never Knows (1992)
Book Introductions and Forewords
- Penguin Soup for the Soul (1998) introduction by Tom Tomorrow
- The Wrath of Sparky (1996) foreword by Tom Tomorrow
- The Wrath of Sparky introduction by A. Friend
- Tune in Tomorrow (1994) foreword by Tom Tomorrow
- Greetings From This Modern World (1992) foreword by Tom Tomorrow
- Greetings From This Modern World (1992) introduction by Bill Griffith