
Twitter: @RecallFitz
Facebook: Recall Scott Fitzgerald
Media contact: Lori Compas (text: 920-550-4107 urgent inquiries: 920-397-9749)
Headshot of Lori Compas

In the News
1-2-12: 12,000 signatures gathered in Fitzgerald recall (WISC TV)
12-21-11: Wisconsin GOP leader schooled by constituent (Ed Schultz Show, MSNBC) (raw video here)
12-6-11: Discussing hijinks on the state legislature’s website with John “Sly” Sylvester (WTDY)
11-29-11: Interview with Amy Barrilleaux (WTDY)
11-17-11: David vs. Goliath: Fort Atkinson woman takes on Sen. Scott Fitzgerald with independent recall effort (Dane 101)
11-16-11: Personal Recall? Photographer focuses on Fitzgerald (Wisconsin Reporter)
11-15-11: Petitions Filed to Recall Four Republican Senators (WKOW TV)
11-15-11: Fort Atkinson woman petitions for Fitzgerald’s recall (Jefferson County Daily Union)

Media Releases
12-20-11: Fitzgerald recall effort has 10,700 signatures
12-13-11: Fitzgerald recall committee passes halfway mark
11-28-11: Fitzgerald recall effort right on track
11-22-11: Fitzgerald recall effort exceeds first week goal
11-17-11: Fitzgerald recall committee now accepting donations
11-15-11: Recall papers filed against Scott Fitzgerald

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