I currently write and publish online in a few places. Photography commentary over at Picture Pundit. Random thoughts here. The occasional train photo at Dogcaught. Various social networks.
In the meantime, I’m observing that (at least in my circles) I’m finding that communities are moving away from an information- or niche-centric model and into one built on stronger personal relationships. I’m much more interested in connecting with interesting people who share one of my interests than I am in simply reading a news article.
I’ve observed that many of my interests overlap and it’s often hard to decide which silo to attempt to dump something into.
I’m consolidating my online publishing in a few ways. I want people to form relationships with me rather than with my articles.
You’ll want to head over to aaronhockley.com – that’s where you’ll start finding new articles. My roundups of links, thoughts on media, and other content which previously would’ve been published here are now going to be published on my personally-branded site.
Please join me at aaronhockley.com. It’s easy to subscribe via RSS or email.
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