
Inspiring Americans to collect one another's stories in sound. Participate at StoryCorps.net.


Apr.16.2008 The US Supreme today upheld a three-drug cocktail method for conducting lethal injections. Hear the story of Carol Weihrer, whose experience of awakening during an eye operation some say mirrors the possible risks of lethal injection as a form of capital punishment.

Oct.15.2007 We were saddened to hear of the passing of Rev. Robert Shields, author of the Worlds Longest Diary, on October 15, 2007. Rev. Shields stopped compiling his diary in 1997, after suffering a stroke, but never lost his humor or spark. He is survived by his wife Grace and three daughters. He was a beloved member of the Sound Portraits family, and we send our heartfelt condolences to the Shields family.

Aug.22.2007 Herta Freiberg, who along with her family, heroically hid Siegbert Freiberg from the Nazis during World War II, died quietly in her sleep last night. She was 96 years old and lived in New Jersey. Siegbert and Herta were the subjects of our Yiddish Radio Project program "Reunion." Siegbert passed away on April 20, 2002. Their courage, love and devotion will inspire us always.

Jun.26.2007 The famed Cyclone roller coaster turns 80 years old today. Meet the the Cyclone's devoted repairman Walter Williams in the radio documentary Coney Island.

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[Photo: Billy McCune's self portrait, from the cover of his autobiography.]

My Last Mile
Forty years ago, photographer Danny Lyon was granted unprecedented access to the Texas prison system, where he met inmate Billy McCune. These tapes were recorded by Lyon, documenting their historic partnership.

[Photo: LeAlan Jones and Lloyd Newman]

Ghetto Life 101
The audio diaries of LeAlan Jones and Lloyd Newman, two young boys living in one of the most notorious public housing projects in America.

[Photo: Nate Smith, Sunshine Hotel manager]

The Sunshine Hotel
A journey into one of the few remaining flophouses on the Bowery in New York City, led by Nathan Smith, the hotel's longtime manager.

[Photo: Guards at the Walls Unit in Huntsville, Texas]

Witness to an Execution
The stories of men and women involved in the execution of deathrow inmates at the Walls Unit in Huntsville, Texas.

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Telephone (646) 723-7020 | Fax (646) 723-7026

This site is made possible with funding from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.