Cause V-Belt Quick Disconnect

Filed under: automotive

Generally, the life of the v-belt in skubek 15000-20000 miles. However, the passing of it, v-belt usually drop out without any warning. It is recognized Raymond from JP Racing Cengkareng, West Jakarta, who had the arrival of the consumer to shop because the bike broke up abruptly v-belt.
In addition to its service life is over, there are several things to be the cause of breakup v-belt, and everything can be detected if you want to go through a little. Here’s the parts that need to be observed. (more…)

Creating a Green Environment Hybrid Cars

Filed under: automotive

We know that the condition of the planet is getting damaged, the amount of air pollution that occurs increasingly pollute the air on this earth. Furthermore, we will accumulate and become what we call the global warming. Most polluting vehicles donated by the fumes, so no surprise if the current environmentally friendly car with low air pollution into one of the demands at the moment.

Government efforts to reduce motor vehicle pollution is heavily smoke is implemented. One of them is by limiting exhaust emissions. If it exceeds a predetermined threshold, then the car must be taken to the garage to re-do the settings so that later dump gas emissions will be lower. (more…)

Danger in the Air Bubbles Car Radiator

Filed under: automotive

Almost all modern automobile engines using water cooling system to maintain the heat. Thus, the water into “blood” that distribute heat from generating sources to the final release.

The problem, it rarely appears in the path of an air bubble water cooler. Could disrupt the incoming air pressure in the system and eventually interfere with the task of the engine cooling water. The risk is greater because of overheated engines between components position in the cars are now more tightly. (more…)

Problems In Car Air Conditioner

Filed under: automotive

No way that is not jammed in Jakarta or other big cities in Indonesia. While I was driving, face conditions like that, certainly suffered greatly because there is no air conditioning (AC).

Until air conditioning was not functioning due to negligence of the owner to perform maintenance. It could also be the life of the component or the high frequency of use. More aggravated, “a lot of car owners who lay on AC. So when a problem many baseball understand about his serve, “explained Ferdian, air conditioner repair shop owner in Arteries Kedoya Panca Jaya, West Jakarta. (more…)

Understanding NOS Nitrous Oxide System

Filed under: automotive

NOS (Nitrous Oxide System) is a gaseous compound which filledof two parts nitrogen and one part Oxygen. The oxygen content of which is owned NOS was 36% of the total weight of the NOS itself.

In the combustion chamber, Nitrous Oxide split into Nitrogen and Oxygen. When mixed with fuel, Oxygen will assist combustion. At high pressure, around 800psi, Nitrous Oxide as a liquid. Bottles and tubes that would be strong enough to contain it. If the valve tube is not working properly, fluid will seep out and instantly turned into more.Nitros Oxide gas is very sensitive to heat changes. At the pressure becomes very dangerous. If the affected limb, the limb will freeze and break. This is commonly called frost bite, the thing that is often experienced mountaineers at an altitude of 5000 km above sea level. (more…)

Addressing Machines ridiculous

Filed under: automotive

Engine knocking or detonation, or also known as absurdengine is burning event parts that have not been in effecting the spark plugs in the combustion chamber. Burning of the parts that have not been subjected to this fire happened very quickly and cause an increase in pressure is very high.

Of the incident causing the engine rev the engine produces absurd sound coming from the engine compartment and of course can be very annoying when driving. Yet many still underestimate ngelitik if the engine sounds, but this should not be allowed because it can cause potentially fatal damage to the machine. (more…)

Things That Need to Look For Car Users Matik

Filed under: automotive

Driving in a traffic jam like in big cities is more convenient to use than the automatic transmission car manual transmission car. But behind the comfort obtained, the automatic gearbox takes care of more than a manual transmission, especially in dealings with girbox. Here are things – things that must be considered by the owner of a vehicle automatic transmission.

1. slip Clutch
Damage the automatic transmission can be felt from the slip clutch. The indication there is an imbalance engine speed with the car’s speed. The engine has been roaring at high speed, but the car is running at a rate that is not balanced by the roar of the car. (more…)

Four Dead Triggers Car Engine

Filed under: automotive

Damage to a car engine classified in three parts, ranging from mild, moderate, to severe. Well, for heavy damage, there are four main causes (for non-turbo engines). But if you are careful enough, know the features and functions of the vital components, as well as maintain and care for her, surely the damage can be prevented. To that end, preventive action is required.

This is vital damage and preventive measures.

For machines equipped with modern computers, when operating temperatures exceed the limits of work, then the computer will automatically protect a way to disable the engine gradually. For example, the computer will stop working AC compressor, goes into safe mode (safe mode), until the moment the engine stopped completely. (more…)

10 Ways to Save Fuel Consumption

Filed under: automotive

There are many factors that affect fuel consumption cars. As the capacity of the engine, transmission, vehicle weight and tire pressure. In addition, the level of traffic density, driving patterns and conditions of the car also helped make an impact.

Then how do I save on fuel consumption as well as extend the mileage of the car? You can save on your car’s fuel consumption by 10 in this way.

1. Keeping the engine speed

Generally, the maximum torque the engine is at 2500-3500 rpm. Do the gearshift on the rev range the engine. If the engine rev too high, then the supply of gasoline will increase. Moderate if too low, need stamping on the gas pedal deeper to increase the speed. (more…)

Best Places Finding Cheap Car

Filed under: automotive

For those of us who want to switch from bikes to cars to meet certain constraints, one of which is where we look for a cheap car that suits our budget. If we are ready with the budget to buy a new car, we just go to a car dealership there we will find a car with a certain condition is still excellent.

But if we are not ready with a new car, the choice we can switch to second-hand car or used car. Currently, many dealers who sell used cars. With various types and brands and also with a variety of prices offered. But foresight is required if you want to buy a used car. (more…)

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