LINDSAY DAVIS of 4-H sends a "heart-warmed thank you to LUM'S AUTO CENTER and the whole community (4-Hers, volunteers and community members) who helped vote for 4-H in the Lum's Auto Center BIG GIVE event." The votes garnered a $5,000 check to the CLATSOP COUNTY 4-H from Lum's.
Nurse's aide, dental assistant, 87
Longtime Knappa resident, 67
Ocean Park, Wash., resident, 55
Thanks to all who sent kind words and thoughts about Mom's death.
Reporters form The Daily Astorian discuss some of the news stories that made headlines in 2011.
The Daily Astorian is a newspaper and website serving the Columbia-Pacific region of Oregon and W...
Interview with Rob Cornilles, Republican candidate for Oregon's 1st Congressional District.
Interview with Suzanne Bonamici, Democratic candidate for Oregon's 1st Congressional District. <...
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