Professional Staff Congress | 61 Broadway, 15th Floor, NYC 10006 | 212-354-1252 |212-PSC-CUNY | | AFT Local #2334
PSC's State Budget Testimony for Fiscal Year 2013
PSC President Barbara Bowen delivered testimony about how the Governor's Executive Budget proposal will affect faculty, staff and students at CUNY. In her testimony, Bowen highlighted important positive developments in the Governor’s budget plan, like the inclusion of adjunct health insurance and funding for CUNY's mandatory cost increases, and she made a powerful case for more public investment in CUNY.
PSC to NYC Council: All students should have access to ASAP-like investment
On Thursday, January 19, PSC Secretary Arthurine DeSola testified before a joint hearing of the City Council’s Committees on Education and Higher Education. At the hearing, DeSola contrasted the public investments and impressive success rates of the Accelerated Study in Associate Program (ASAP), a pilot program that serves about 1,100 community colleges, with the chronic and severe underfunding that plagues the general student body at CUNY community colleges. Read her testimony online.
Statement on Funding for CUNY in the Executive Budget
A preliminary examination of the Governor’s proposed budget for CUNY suggests that it comes close to the amount CUNY has requested for CUNY senior colleges. If that proves true, the PSC will be heartened to see that the Governor has begun to stabilize funding for CUNY. That said, the budget proposal leaves base aid for CUNY’s over-crowded, under-resourced community colleges at its current reduced level. It also fails to reverse the damage done by the last three years of austerity budgets, and introduces a new, poorer pension tier. Read President Bowen's statement.
PSC Delegate Assembly
February 16, 2012 - 6:30pm -
PSC Delegate Assembly
March 15, 2012 - 6:30pm -
PSC Delegate Assembly
April 19, 2012 - 6:30pm -
PSC Delegate Assembly
May 10, 2012 - 6:30pm