Portland Oregon Photography - Images and Dreams from the Oregon Street - A Photographic Landscape of Urban Oregon
Portland from the ground up, all ground up
When all you've got is a camera the whole world looks like a photograph.
Geo-localized mimetic documentary visual representations of cosmopolitan social infrastructural reality. HUH? You mean, like, snapshots of buildings, streets and people?
Quantum Theory: Bits of Portland Flow in Waves of Light
A Digital Picture Postcard from Portland Oregon
Localized Cybernetic Visions of Community Building and Place Making
"I'm walking these streets ... and I don't lie awake at night. But every once in a while, right out of the blue, I remember you."
Street Level Portland - An eye on the town, a foot on the ground
This is your brain. This is PDX. And this is your brain looking at PDX on Portland Ground. Any questions?
Visitor Guide: See the Portland a Tourist Never Sees
Oregon's Latest Slogan: You Have Got To Be Dreaming.
The Fine Art of Street Photography
Moving to Portland? What does Portland look like anyway?
New Urbanism, I'd like you to meet the Old Urbanism and... oh look! There's Land Use Planning and Green Urban Design! Such a lovely couple... don't you just love a party?
Looking for the best Portland look
Photo shoot in a rainstorm
Show me Portland!
Visiting Portland: A Quick Visit to PDX
Photos from the Local Life of Neighborhoods
"... grant dew and rain as a blessing." Jewish prayer
Traveling? See Portland before you travel
The appearance of Portland in space and time
Photoblog from a Western Town
Get real Portland, now showing here
Young creative... and looking for work
Portland Documented: The ebb and flow of metropolitan experience in documentary photographs
Place-based photo journalism direct from the surface of Planet Earth
Looking for a few good photos
What's happening in the Portland scene?
High tech meanderings through low technology streets by a medium technology guy
Walking around beneath a soggy sky
Reality? An interesting theory!
A Man, a Camera, a Raincoat, Portland
Vision of Decay and Rebirth in a Pacific Northwest City
Portland: Image and Reality
Beer food bikes and long hot summers
I walk the streets of Portland so you don't have to.
Far away, and kinda likes it that way
A virtual perspective on the Portland village
Photograph Definition: A photograph is a shallow map of the play of light upon surface, a deep record of time, place and human experience, and a re-presentation of the familiar in a form that enables us to see our world in ways we might not otherwise have imagined. No really. I wouldn't just make that up.
Portland Oregon: Just a rusty old machine for turning coffee into life
PDX Definition - University (PSU), airport (Portland International), urban environment
If this is a photo journal, am I a photojournalist?
A wedding of photography and Portland, a marriage of convenience and necessity, a celebration of the inevitable and the improbable
Events in Your Head Are Closer Than They Appear
A mind with a view
Virtual Tour Portland: A visitor's trail guide to walking environments and people
Giving Portland my best shot
Portland Secret: Stay dry by walking between the raindrops
Missing Portland? If you miss or have ever missed Portland...
Everyday Portland Life, Every Day
Rhapsodic views from an urban rainforest
"One little drop of falling rain, one little chance to try again, one little bird that makes it home now and then..." Gillian Welch
Portland Webcast - Webcasting 700 Horizontal Pixels of PDX Daily
Street Photography from the Heart
"The City That Works" - Portland's Official Motto, for what it is worth.
Living the Portland Life
City of Neighborhoods
A Walk Between the Raindrops
Portland Metro is the only elected regional government in America, and that plus $1.65 will buy you a fine cup of coffee in this town. (But it'll also get you a nice light rail system and a fine little zoo.)
Planet Portland to Planet Earth - Do you copy?
Seeking a visual sense of place
Fact #17: Portland has a high rate of small business ownership and is a transportation hub and... Oh look! A donut shop! And a freight train!
Explore Portland - A virtual tour
"May the blessing of the rain be on you— the soft sweet rain." Irish proverb
A Journey through Stumptown in the Eye of the Mind
Logging the Photons of Urban Oregon
Light Here in River City
Miles Hochstein is a Portland Oregon photographer and technical tinker who also works a straight job and raises his children beneath these Oregon skies.
Portland in a box... a little tiny box. Open the lid and peek inside.
Dear Searchbot, was it as good for you as it was for me?
Yes! Please use my photos, but please do so only if you provide a clickable link to www. portlandground.com (link to photo's page, not the jpeg itself) and please provide a text credit to "Portland Ground: Pictures of Portland Oregon". Click the creative commons license ("Some Rights Reserved") above for other conditions (no commercial use, no derivative use.)
Notes in the Margins of the Universal Time Machine
"The river flows into the sea, and yet the sea is not filled."
We live our lives in the distant past of the distant future... if humanity has a distant future.
Right here, right now will be long ago and far away before too long.
How will future generations (should they cast their minds back to the early 21st century) imagine our lives, our choices, our cities, and our reality?
What would we choose to tell the people of the future, and would the messages and images we choose deserve any privillege over those we conveyed accidentally or sought to conceal?
Instructions for Time Travel - Step 1: Build a model of the present before it all slips away.
World of the future, these are the streets of my time, as they passed before my camera, long long ago.
First draft for a visual history of an era.
Behold these traces of memory from a time when the world was younger.
Featuring Old Stuff Before it Gets Old and New Stuff After it Gets Old
Also featuring obscure pithy quips that may make your head spin.
"There's gotta be a song left to sing, 'cause everybody can't have thought of everything. One little note that ain't been used, One little word that ain't been abused a thousand times, In a thousand rhymes" Gillian Welch
Read the Portland Ground Guarantee: Not the best pictures of Portland Oregon... just the best seven pictures each week that one guy can come up with while working a 9 to 5 job and raising two children with his spouse.
Now where did I leave my glasses this time?
"Like your smile, and your fingertips. Like the way that you move your lips. I like the cool way you look at me. Everything about you is bringing me misery. " Dylan