Open Door Gallery events this weekend at McCoy Academy, 3902 NE MLK!


Arts and Culture Night at Open Door Gallery!

Friday, December 30, from 5:30 – 10 pm

Open Door Gallery, 3802 NE MLK Jr. Blvd (between Fremont & Failing), Portland, Oregon
Portland’s very own Multi-nationalities singers, song writers, spoken words artists and traditional performers gather together for farewell 2011 party.

Rocking Open Door Gallery in the heart of Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard and Celebrating Colored Pencils event 3 year… anniversary with local alumni performers and new talents. Celebrating Portland’s diverse cultures!

5.30 pm : Artists Reception

6.00 – 10.00 pm : Open Mic/spoken words/music jammin by old & new CP performers/DJ dancing

Traditional food vendors will be selling food & drinks through out the night.

Student/seniors/kids: Free, $10 suggested donation to support our project


Saturday, December 31, 1:00pm until 5:00pm

OPEN LIVE STUDIO JAM AT THE OPEN DOOR GALLERY Join us for a live open session FAMILY AFFAIR with artists at work doin’ what we do…The afternoon will feature painters, jewelry makers, spoken word artists and more creating in the presence of all who attend. We will also feature a CREATION STATION so you can get your ART-ON if you feel the need.The Gallery will be open…KINGS TREASURE MARKETPLACE will be up and the potluck will allow all KITCHEN ARTISTS to strut their stuff.If you would like more information please call me at 503.422.3076…….MR. BOBBY

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Occupy MLK Boulevard.

From Jamie Partridge, via Occupy Portland’s facebook:


A suggestion from my friend Ross Danielson (contact him if interested)
OCCUPY MLK Blvd & Rose Parks Way

The large empty lot at the corner of NE MLK and Rosa Parks Way is probably owned by an investment group. Walsh Construction and Land
Grant or maybe even Habitat for Humjaniy were once aiming to do a progressive mixed use development with ample moderate affordable units. For the usual reasons, I suppose, the project folded about 5 years ago. I think that phyxically the site would be great for a mobile occupation. I think the site is symbolically appropriate as the corner of MLK and Rosa Parks. What about an occupation stay there that would feature a rededication and study of non-violence and honoring the history of the Afro-American Civil Rights struggle and the special contributions of King and Parks. Could be a good place to occupy (maybe not use that word) or hold mass vigil, maybe for the month of February. Or maybe begin on MLK Birthday. Prepare with invitations to local Afro-American leadeers to talk, maybe the Black Studies, Black History local people.

Anyway that is a beginning for an idea that I think might work right. If work righ, could also lead to an even more inclusive rally against treed and impunity, redress, etc. And attent to the disproportionate harm to Afro-American community by the bankeer/real estate/ fraud scam.

Fare thee well,


(copy-&-pasted as is, errors in the original)


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99 cent Records on the Boulevard.

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Who put the harm in pharmacy?

The neon sign at the MLK Safeway has looked like this, at night, for months:



It shocks me that no one who works for the company sees it, ever, and thinks that it should be fixed. Here’s a photo of Safeway by daylight, where the menace at the chemist’s is less obvious:


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DISCO BRUNCH: Disco la terreur Vs. Genderfucking Takeover — celebrate 9/11 with ‘Disco terror, served fresh’


at Billy Ray’s:







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Friday, August 26: Taking Back Our Streets: a Silent Demonstration on MLK.




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‘Google offers’ vs. groupon.

Today’s ‘google offer’ is a $8/goods for $4 coupon at Goldrush Coffee Bar, 2601 NE MLK.  Snap it up while you can! Do a web search on ‘google offers portland’ and you’ll come to the page for the coupon purchase. Goldrush is a lovely place, and far & away my favorite coffee shop on the boulevard.




Meanwhile, in the face of the gathering storm about groupon and its effect on small businesses, one of the owners of Wayne’s Chicago Red Hots has a letter to the editor in the current Willamette Week, excoriating groupon for drawing customers to the shop who appreciated neither the restaurant nor the neighborhood (Wayne’s is at 3901 NE MLK).

Notable is this quote from Randy Sanders, of Wayne’s:

[M]ost of our real vustomers are working kids that live in the same Northeast neighborhood where we’re located, along with contractors, UPS drivers, cops from the precinct down the street, the outside sales guys having a working lunch with their laptops, the old guys that hobble in for a Polish and a beer, the grade-school who shows up every other day to buy a basket of fries (“make sure they’re hot and crispy”0 for his grandma, etc.




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Sound Bomb: An Audio Womb @ Lightbox Kulturhaus, this Friday night

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Eleanor Ray & Eleanor Williams show at SCRAP’s Re:Vision Gallery

Hello and welcome to summer! Boy, I let this entry slide. The Two Eleanors show closes this Friday, but I couldn’t let these photos go to waste. Let’s jump right to it, and you can read a bit about the show below the snapshots…



Eleanor Ray:  Ladder Day

Eleanor Williams:  Paper & Bones

May 6th – June 24th

Opening Reception at SCRAP, Friday, May 6,4:30-6:00pm

March 15, 2011 – Re:Vision Gallery is pleased to present the mixed media work of Eleanor Williams and an installation by Eleanor Ray.

Eleanor Williams’ and Eleanor Ray’s joint show at Re:Vision Gallery explores themes of personal and group storytelling in a wider cultural context.  Their visual language goes up, under and through our aesthetic expectations, resulting in thoughtful, engaging work that combines references to deep cultural symbols with unexpected twists that pop.

Eleanor Ray’s Ladder Day, a video co-directed by Benjamin Rhiger accompanied by a sculptural installation, began with an investigation into the moral authority invested in a person in a very large dress. The work combines complex elements of mirroring and story-telling, pseudo-historical reenactment and cultural-religious symbology.  Inspired by the religious-educational dioramas and videos at theMormonTemple inSalt Lake City,Utah, her work explores the convergence of myth-making, folklore, costume play and popular culture.  The “evidence” on display will include a ten foot knitted ladder made of paper, a haunting video work, works on paper, and a costume from the video displayed in a diorama of the anachronistic American frontier.

Eleanor Williams’ mixed-media sculpture and collage is an experiment in craft. Her work explores all of the personal and collective memories stored in the act of making.  Quilts, books and baskets, all traditional craft forms, are distorted and perhaps perverted, pushing them to the boundary where lines between art and craft cannot be distinguished.

Both artists explore the authority and symbology in objects, often with the craft itself the center of focus.  They are playing with the myth that is built on the act of re-telling, concluding not in the jumbled results achieved in a game of telephone, but something much more intelligent, asking the big questions about how we define ourselves in the act of creation.


Location:           Re:Vision Gallery, SCRAP Creative Reuse Center, 2915 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.

Hours:               Daily10am-6pm

More info:

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Community Warehouse Estate Store blog.

Another reason why I love the Estate Store blog for Community Warehouse, 3969 NE MLK: this post on public design & typography. The blog is a series of charming posts about and riffs on the merchandise for sale in the store, and I visit it as often I remember to; you should too!

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