I live in Connecticut, good old blue Connecticut. It is good in many ways. Not perfect, but good. As s resident, I'm a constituent of Senator Joe Lieberman. Did you know that after he was re-elected ...
by JohnMac
2 Recs
It frightens me to think that there's more than one woman in this world willing to fuck Newt Gingrich.
Marcus Bachmann is so upset at Michele's loss, he's dressing up as her and running as a third ...
by jbou
2 Recs
by CityLightsLover
5 Recs
New Year's weekend was a great time for me and my wife. We visited my father and step-mother at their farm, which I had not seen since the days when the only permanent structure was an outhouse he ...
by smokeymonkey
0 Recs
I focus on manufacturing issues because I have been employed in the field my entire adult life. I don't dwell on very many other issues besides the occasional rant. In my humble opinion, if you can ...
by Millrat
5 Recs
Those of you that read this regular series know that I am from Hackett, Arkansas, just a mile or so from the Oklahoma border, and just about 10 miles south of the Arkansas River. It was a rural ...
by Translator
6 Recs
This morning, Chuck Todd and the rest of the gang at MSNBC'...
by Steve Singiser
11 Recs
Progressives are gleefully speculating on the tax avoidance strategies which will be revealed in Mitt Romney's tax returns. All presumably legal, but perhaps shocking to most Americans who have no ...
by robertjoy
2 Recs
Had no idea he was so active against the XL pipeline deal. Yes, I've been under a rock.
by gregariousred
1 Recs
Interesting to see that ABC had picked up on the line from "When Mitt Romney Came to Town" (the Gingrich superpac-run video) about Romney/Bain parking large amount of funds in the Cayman Islands
by teacherken
7 Recs
Right wing blogs are abuzz tonight with news that Marianne Gingrich, Newt's second wife, has sat for an "explosive" two-hour interview with ABC that could very well end his career.
Speculation ...
by kat68
48 Recs
Since 2001, 1876 U.S. troops have lost their lives while serving in Afghanistan, and since 2003, 4484 U.S. troops have lost their lives while serving in Iraq.
The IGTNT (I Got The News Today)
by Ekaterin
52 Recs
Congressman Bruce Braley has a video up that responds to the threat of SOPA/PIPA. As he speaks, his words are beeped out and black strips keep appearing over his face.
Braley is trying to let ...
by 2laneIA
3 Recs
It was the coldest day of the year in Brooklyn. It was also the day of my Bar Mitzvah. My thirteenth birthday had been eleven days earlier, on January 7, on the Gregorian Calendar, but it's only ...
by Mets102
12 Recs
by cfk
24 Recs
I was inspired by Salon's article today about Romney's gift of shares in Burger King to the ...
by Lensy
3 Recs
Newt has sharpened and focused on busting up the "Only Romney can beat Barack Obama" argument. Finally a Republican is making that case against Romney's electability, which should have been done a ...
by brooklynbadboy
13 Recs
A small one, anyway - 3,422 feet. And I suppose I should say I "hiked" a mountain, because there is no way in hell I would ever actually plan on climbing anything - I get vertigo enough ...
by Troubadour
11 Recs
Since Wikipedia went black last night, I've been trying to find a way to articulate my particular concerns about SOPA/PIPA. As an educator who teaches fair citation practices and information ...
by mahakali overdrive
17 Recs
Message from Newt Gingrich:
All applicants for cabinet positions need to immediately get in line behind Sarah.
more after the ...
by anon2008
15 Recs
Mitt Romney, fighting back against a flurry of condemnation of his sheltering millions of ...
by occams hatchet
17 Recs
Play it again Sam. Gordon Gekko Mitt Romney has been playing fast and lose with the tax code like so many plutocrats.
by DSWright
7 Recs
Since Kenya declared war on al-Shabab in October, citizens say life hasn’t been the same. Business has slowed, people are scared and refugee camps have been particularly hard hit.
Read more: http:/
by Global Press Institute
0 Recs
Well, it didn't all happen today. It's been a gradual thing for me. You see, I was a lifetime church goer until a few months ago. I won't bring up all the crap I've gone through in the last year, ...
by frustrated1
119 Recs
Like many Americans, I took some time out today to contact my Senators and Representative about SOPA and PIPA. I also shared my letter with a friend of mine, who requested I diary it, so I am.
As a ...
by Kinak
4 Recs
This week I spent most of my time offline and it's been an revelation and a smart move. I have gotten more exercise, worked on some new skills, and taken some time out to take better care of my dog.
by Larin
2 Recs
GUS (Gave Up Smoking) is a community support diary for Kossacks in the midst of quitting smoking. Any supportive comments, suggestions or positive distractions are appreciated. If you ...
by FrugalGranny
13 Recs
Sarah Kliff at the Wonkblog finds a good nugget in ...
by Joan McCarter
19 Recs
Do you miss your favorite soap opera? Don't despair. Washington politics has taken up the slack in your daily entertainment.
Here's Susan Molinari, a former congresswoman from New York, in a pro-...
by ChiTownDenny
6 Recs
This letter is designed to give Newt Gingrich and the so called Christian movement called Evangelicals a piece of my mind.
I shall first ...
by Vetwife
18 Recs
People are pointing at Buzzfeed , ...
by The BigotBasher
15 Recs
The words "Contents: Democracy (Some Assembly Required)" were scrawled in red ink on one of the bright white boxes that was delivered to the Government Accountability Board ...
by noise of rain
122 Recs
Here's the thing that freaks me out about Romney: you just can't read that guy. When he was called out by Rick Perry in the South Carolina debate, he had to go on the record as saying regulation ...
by RedVyking
3 Recs
Today President Obama stood up to big everything and denied the permit for Keystone. This doesn't mean it's dead but it does mean that today we can do the rare victory dance.
by Blue Patriot Woman
10 Recs
Martin Luther King is rightly remembered for his dream, shaped and spoken to the world for the first time on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial 48 years ago. His words formed a vision in which the ...
by JennRey
1 Recs
Earlier today, weatherdude posted a link to a Twitter feed that is filled with FacePalm:
by Brainwrap
92 Recs
Tar sands extraction in Alberta (Caterpillar)
by Laura Clawson
7 Recs
I was on the computer the other evening when all of a sudden I was struck by the thought that I am now an orphan. I lost Dad in May of 1999 and I lost Mom in May of 2010. Being an orphan was ...
by michelewln
6 Recs
Lamar Smith Presents: The Future Of Online Comedy.
Our release today for ...
by Andy Cobb
2 Recs
Coming to you from high atop the Scrapple News Tower in downtown Philadel-PHI-AY, AP Ticker brings you another Piggie of the Week.
Today, AP goes local, taking aim at the Philadelphia Daily News, a ...
by Frenchy Lamour
0 Recs
Standing on the hill encampment where I had sought refuge that was actually an illegal shanty town ...
by Ole Texan
7 Recs
With Joan McCarter’s diary today titled, “House GOP meet and decide they hate Obama, but don't have strategy for 2012”, she posted that Eric Cantor also had some vague words about "how we go ...
by Buckeye Nut Schell
2 Recs
Yep, that's the headline of an ABC News piece that was just posted online.
by Bob Johnson
290 Recs
Having been a reader for many years and, just recently, a commentor, I am taking my first steps into the public diary arena. Please respond with civility and an informed opinion. Humour is ...
by Akla
14 Recs
When Haley Barbour issued his now-infamous raft of pardons in his waning hours as governor of Mississippi, he pardoned five convicted murderers and several sex offenders. However, he couldn't be ...
by Christian Dem in NC
2 Recs
Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001
by Steve Coll
When the mob broke in, William ...
by legendmn
4 Recs
Listening to the idea put forth by Republicans that I all I want is a government handout is insulting. To hear the the audience of the recent Fox News Republican debate cheer when Newt Gingrich ...
by ehavoc
13 Recs
Okay, bear with me if this story sounds like a repeat.
You may have heard about 16 year old public high school student Jessica Ahlquist in Rhode Island.
It's been a diary twice at Daily Kos ...
by WayBeyondSoccerMom
20 Recs
For geofft.
I began as a seedling, high in the Sierras of Nevada. With the nourishment of the clean, fertile soil of the earth, and the nutrition of the clean air and soothing rains, I grew into a ...
by Bud Fields
6 Recs
by Clytemnestra
36 Recs
Brown- further commitment to austerity.
Jerry Brown gave his required State of the State address today, and committed himself to continuing budget cuts and austerity as an economic policy. The ...
by dcampbell
0 Recs
Frank Gaffney, Sr., who is obsessed with the Dangers of Creeping Sharia Law, writes this over at National Review (1/18/12):
by Cartoon Peril
2 Recs
NOTE: I am writing this in a "quiet room."
About income inequality, Mitt Romney infamously said, "You know, I think it’s about envy." Envy is wanting something others have that you lack, and I ...
by CatM
28 Recs
I sure hope Arizona's legislators receive royalties from the late-night talk shows, because they routinely provide Letterman, Leno, Fallon, and the others so much material to work with. ...
by Mother Mags
59 Recs
Got an in-game mail last night from a Kossack who was wondering if Victorious Secret was still around, because I haven't posted a diary about TOR since my initial one.
The answer is, yes! We are ...
by DruidQueen
6 Recs
Since I just completed two Washington Dem gerrymanders , one clean and ...
by sawolf
1 Recs
The 2012 Presidential race has begun and people all over the country are gearing up to cast their vote for president come November. While the 2008 election saw more people turn out to vote in over ...
by Jim Dean
9 Recs
As the Arizona state legislature is back in session, I can only cringe, awaiting the latest depredations of our elected representatives. State Rep. Jack Harper, R-Surprise, has been trying to undo a ...
by tytalus
4 Recs
by Laura Clawson
18 Recs
I've loved watching critics flail in their attempts to take down Sullivan's recent Newsweek cover story on President Obama. Sullivan lays out ...
by barath
9 Recs
I've seen a lot of discussion in diaries about establishing Single Payer in Vermont. But activists have been working to pass Single Payer in California. We've passed it twice only to be stopped by ...
by Joe Bacon
7 Recs
Hi, Kossacks. I've been thinking about the stock market recently and wanted to get some feedback on my thoughts. I'm not a financial guy, so I've probably made some mistakes. Also I've over ...
by Entranced
7 Recs
Recently I attended an annual event hosted by the League of Women Voters of Monroe County called the Legislative Breakfast, where one of the guests was my ...
by ProgressivePatriotPA
8 Recs
From the delightful gift that is John McCain's opposition research on Mitt (courtesy of namelessgenxer ) ...
by blue aardvark
30 Recs
It's a quid pro quo . Only the most gullible rube ready to buy swampland in Florida could think otherwise. The citizen's watchdog MAPlight.org found that ...
by Ralph Lopez
14 Recs
"Is there any wonder why we are in such big trouble? Any question why the people don't trust their government anymore, and demand a change?"
Chris Christie, looking at a mirror in the ...
by agnostic
4 Recs
by chaunceydevega
126 Recs
Cullen Roche continued his extensive and multi-faceted critique of the Job Guarantee policy and the Modern Monetary Theory approach to economics ...
by Letsgetitdone
1 Recs
Rep. Billy ...
by Joan McCarter
21 Recs
The Department of Homeland Security is proposing a system of routine human X-Radiation exposure for those making land crossings at U.S. Borders.
All X-radiation has the potential for harm. We ...
by LakeSuperior
5 Recs
If the legislation SOPA/PIPA that's currently under review - and may even come up for a vote with so called "bipartisan" support .. in less than a week. ... a possibly surprising effect of it may ...
by turnerbroadcasting
0 Recs
Rep. Jay ...
by David Jarman
9 Recs
So Mitt says he pays about 15% in taxes. I'm sure what he meant was, "The nominal tax rate for the vast majority of my income, which is derived from capital gains, is 15%. Of course, with deductions,
by occams hatchet
21 Recs
First, the good news!
From all appearances the U.S. economy is showing signs of a sustained recovery from the Great Recession of 2008. Unemployment claims are down, the stock market is up, housing ...
by Doctor Mxyzptlk
14 Recs
With delivery of over 1 million signatures petitioning the Recall of WI Gov. Scott Walker Tuesday, the embattled and addled politician has finally managed to live up to one campaign promise:
by p00ka
18 Recs