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Florida Man Guilty of DUI Manslaughter Sues Victim

Florida Man Guilty of DUI Manslaughter Sues Victim (ABC News)

A man who had pleaded guilty to DUI manslaughter stemming from a crash near Tampa, Fla., on Christmas Day 2007 now denies causing the crash that killed three of the four people in the vehicle he hit.

David Belniak has sued the estate of Ray McWilliams, the now-deceased driver of the other vehicle, for more than $15,000, saying it was actually McWilliams who caused the crash by abruptly changing lanes, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

McWilliams initially survived the crash but later died. Belniak was sentenced to 12 years in prison, where he remains.

The money is to compensate Belniak for medical bills, "pain and suffering," and "loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life," according to the suit.

The Times reported that Belniak's attorney, Debra A. Tuomey, who is also his sister, said the government's prosecution amounted to a character assassination and Belniak accepted a plea deal only to avoid risking getting a life sentence in trial.

Tuomey said she wanted her suit, filed last month, to be considered alongside an existing suit brought by the victims' relatives against Belniak, scheduled for trial in April.

In an interview with ABC News, Maureen M. Deskins, who is representing the estate of Ray McWilliams, could think of no tactical reason that might explain Belniak's suit.

"If the jury [in the civil suit] decided McWilliams shared some fault for the accident, they would be allowed to apportion liability accordingly," she said.

Belniak's suit could backfire, she said, inflaming jurors, who might already be sympathetic to the victims of the crash for which Belniak admitted guilt.

"It's hard to wrap your head around," Deskins said.

"There aren't any facts that support the allegation [Tuomey] is making," Deskins added. "That's why the victims' family is breathless" at Belniak's suit.

Six eyewitnesses said McWilliams was stopped a red light when Belniak, at 70 to 90 mph, and never veering or braking, rear-ended him, Deskins said.

The event data recorder in McWilliams' vehicle showed it was not moving at the time of impact, she added. And prior to the incident, citizens had called Florida Highway Patrol to say Belniak had been driving out of control, she said.

Debra Tuomey did not respond to a request for comment.

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  • WISEDK  •  11 hours ago
    In my opinion attorneys should be sanctioned for filing frivolous or baseless lawsuits.
    They should be warned the first time, fined the second time and disbarred for a third violation.
  • Mike  •  10 hours ago
    After the judge throws out this frivolous suit, he should order the dirtbag to pay all court costs, and the defendants legal fees. His lawyer sister should then be held in contempt for abusing the court system and should be disbarred.
  • Paul S  •  13 hours ago
    This is a joke right? Suing the family of the person you killed because you were drunk...he couldn't find another lawyer because others aren't this stupid to take this case. This is what is wrong with our country...stupid people like this guy. He screws up and won't take it like a man...he drove drunk.
  • BamaGurlie  •  13 hours ago
    so HE suffers from "loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life"?? What about the THREE people he killed? A 12 yr sentence is a slap in the face, selfish bas*ard needs to rot in jail for the rest of his life
  • Ernie  •  12 hours ago
    "saying it was actually McWilliams who caused the crash by abruptly changing lanes", --- he was so drunk the not moving car seemed to be changing lanes.
  • gisborne  •  13 hours ago
    this should be laughed at and then thrown in trash.. the courts time should not be wasted and my tax dollars shuold not be spent on even considering this in court. this guy is a joke
  • Rhonda  •  11 hours ago
    Put him and his sister both in jail! This has to stop NOW. Criminals already have more rights than victims and now we're going to allow them to file frivolous lawsuits at taxpayer's expense, too?
  • Idiot_Savant  •  12 hours ago
    His sister should be reported, when this suit is dismissed as frivolous, she should be disbarred...
  • big bang  •  13 hours ago
    I've seen cruel troll responses to cancer patients, child abductions, and all kinds of other sad stuff, but this guy takes 1st prize...
  • gary  •  13 hours ago
    This is totally unbelieveable , this guy kills people in a wreck he alone caused now he's the Victim ? They need to put this Idiot and his so called Attorney under the Jail for as long as law allows .
  • ICU2  •  12 hours ago
    And one wonders why lawyers are hated so much !!!
  • Cynthia  •  11 hours ago
    All I can say is WOW. This is disgusting! Have some decency. You killed three people due to your irresponsible actions, and instead of showing remorse you're suing them? They should lengthen his sentence just for having the gall to try and turn this into a lawsuit for personal gain, apparently he still doesn't understand the severity of his actions!
  • Michael  •  13 hours ago
    The wrong people died in this accident.
  • Armywife  •  13 hours ago
    And people wonder why lawyers have such bad reputations.
  • 1  •  13 hours ago
    Are you kidding me? What a loser family!
  • floridian  •  11 hours ago
    I don't understand why ANY judge in his right mind would agree to hear this case. It should be thrown out immediately. Our judicial system is broken with law suits such as this cramming the courts.
  • SuzanneS  •  14 hours ago
    Any attorney that would take this case should be put in prison along with his client.
  • Big Mac  •  10 hours ago
    Sorry, you plead guilty. No takesies-backsies.
  • bruce  •  11 hours ago
    They should rescind his plea deal and give this idiot the life sentence he deserves. They should also strip his sister of her law license. I believe that she has a moral and ethical obligation not to bring to trial such a frivilous lawsuit. Especially considering that the evidence is so clearly at odds with her clients case. Its pretty hard to agrue with telemtry from the vehicle and eye witness accounts that say the victum was not moving at the time.
  • Charles Foley  •  11 hours ago
    Why are you clogging up our judicial system with such trivial s t?