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Gilad 2009
The Wandering Who?
The Tide Has Changed
Gilad with Strings
The Orient House Ensemble
Saxophones etc'
In Your Face
Music Videos
File Storage
Press Gallery
Gilad 2009
The Wandering Who?
The Tide Has Changed
Gilad with Strings
The Orient House Ensemble
Saxophones etc'
In Your Face
Music Videos
File Storage
Press Gallery
Gilad 2009
The Wandering Who?
Latest on this site
January 17
- Gilad Atzmon
January 16
- Gilad Atzmon
Israel is under Cyber Attack
January 16
- Gilad Atzmon
A debate and a concert in London this week..
January 16
- Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon on Chris Cook's Gorilla Radio
January 15
- Gilad Atzmon
Israel and GOP join forces to oust Obama
January 13
- Gilad Atzmon
Alan Dershowitz’ Attempt to Destroy a Memorial to Martin Luther King
January 12
- Gilad Atzmon
Dirty Internet Tricks (must watch)
January 12
- Gilad Atzmon
Palestinian Lesson In Ethics
January 12
- Gilad Atzmon
Cartoon Of The Day-Enzo Apicella
January 11
- Gilad Atzmon
Monty Python on Anti Semitism
January 11
- Gilad Atzmon
Eric Walberg: Reinventing the Middle East lexicon
January 11
- Gilad Atzmon
Who do Israelis think is the Messiah
January 11
- Gilad Atzmon
Hebrew and English
January 10
- Gilad Atzmon
Bruce Fein-"Ron Paul Is The Only One Who Is Hawkish On Defending Americans In America"
January 9
- Gilad Atzmon
In the ‘Only Democracy in the Middle East’
January 9
- Gilad Atzmon
January 7
- Gilad Atzmon
Happy New Year from the IDF
January 7
- Gilad Atzmon
Just Another Israeli War on the Way
January 7
- Gilad Atzmon
January 7
- Gilad Atzmon
Palestine 1896
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Join Gilad Atzmon's Music News Letter
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Cultural Criticism
Film Review
guest post
Jewish Power
Lauren Booth
Thw Wandering Who
Israel is under Cyber Attack
A debate and a concert in London this week..
Gilad Atzmon on Chris Cook's Gorilla Radio
Israel and GOP join forces to oust Obama
Alan Dershowitz’ Attempt to Destroy a Memorial to Martin Luther King
Dirty Internet Tricks (must watch)
Palestinian Lesson In Ethics
Cartoon Of The Day-Enzo Apicella
Monty Python on Anti Semitism
Eric Walberg: Reinventing the Middle East lexicon
Who do Israelis think is the Messiah
Hebrew and English
Bruce Fein-"Ron Paul Is The Only One Who Is Hawkish On Defending Americans In America"
In the ‘Only Democracy in the Middle East’
Happy New Year from the IDF
Just Another Israeli War on the Way
Palestine 1896
The Wandering Jazzman... Jazz & politics
Thomas Friedman sums up the Iraq war (must watch)
THE SYSTEM full length trailer
The Zionist Caricature by Gilad Atzmon
Israeli Imperial News: 'Israeli drone spying on Turkey almost shot down'
Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War (must watch)
Pathetic Hasbara Video
Cartoon of the day: Iran, Long Range Missiles - Enzo Apicella
Star of David & Islamophobia
Islamophobic Harry’s Place thanks its Jewish Anti Zionist Collaborators
More exposure of the AZZ by Nahida Izzat
Muslim Brotherhood: peace with Israel isn't binding
Our Only Planet-We better look after it
Cartoon Of The Day: New Year Resolution by Enzo Apicella
A Great British Joke..
Ron Paul Publicly Names Neocons and explores the Ideology..
The march to Jerusalem - 30th March 2012
EMERGENCY: Zakaria Zubeidi Under Threat
Who Said Israel Has A Right To Exist?
Israeli Hasbara's Satire (must watch)
A Glimpse Into Israeli Barbarism
"It's a Trick, We Always Use It." (calling people "anti-Semitic")
The Attack on the USS Liberty
The march toward Jerusalem - 30th March 2012
1948 IDF veteran soldier tells the truth about the Nakba (must watch)
Operation Free Palestine - #OpFreePalestine
Charlie Dershowitz talks about Israel being a 'model'..
Lauren Booth/Press TV: Plight of Palestinian families in exile-Diaspora (Must Watch)
Alexander Baron: Gilad Atzmon wipes Israel off the map
The Wall of Hate
Internet Killed Israeli PR (fun watch)
Paul Balles: The doors of perception..
Laura Stuart: Israel’s UK slaves: Board of Deputies of British Jews and Community Security Trust By Laura Stuart
Asa Winstanley-UK charity with Mossad links secretly denounced anti-Zionist Jews to government
The Wandering Herzl
Nietzsche, Hitchens & God
Gilad Atzmon & The OHE @ Black Mountain Jazz (full concert)
Mohamad at Eton
BBC Choir Bus Got Hit by a Rock from Israeli Settlers
I Am Dying To See This Film
Gilad Atzmon: It’s a Win-Win Situation!
Christmas in Occupied Palestine
Oliver Goldsmith Look Out!
Banksy-Fight the fighters, not their wars
If Jesus Came to IsraHell Today...
Nahida Izzat: The Use of Character Defamation as a Political Tool
Laura Stuart: Board of Deputies of British Jews versus freedom of expression
Sheldon Richman Discussing Newt Gingrich and the Palestinians on Antiwar Radio
Merry Christmas from Gilad Atzmon
Richard Edmondson: Message to Dershowitz: the Saxophonist is not that 'Obscure'
Gilad Atzmon: Cameron Argues that Britain is actually Christian
Alan Hart and Gilad Atzmon discussing Jewish security matters.
Rich Siegel-The Way to Peace (New Album)
Richard Jones
French National Front Searching for Support In Israel
Sleeping on Stones
Veronica Keen interviews Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon: The United States of Denial
Netanyahu lies through his teeth
Cartoon Of The Day-Enzo Apicella
Netanyahu boasting about Manipulating America and derailing Oslo peace process
Jazz for cows
Nakba Day: Return to Palestine
Genius Film Maker Needs Our Support!!!
Kristoffer Larsson: Disengaging from Zionism
Laura Stuart: Can British M.P.'s Withstand the Zionist Lobby
Bumper sticker of the century!!!
Gilad Atzmon: The Apocalyptic Rabbi
Gilad Atzmon Interviewed by Rinaldo Francesca on September 27th, 2011 (pt 1)
Gilad Atzmon: Desperate Dershowitz
Book Events & Talks this week
Gilad Atzmon on Mark Glenn's Radio Show
Jack Abramoff: The lobbyist's playbook
Ron Paul On Iran And Israel
This Is Israel!!!(must watch)
Israel the Monster of Fear, Death and Destruction for Palestinian Children
Gilad Atzmon: UK lawmaker under fire For Telling The Truth
Gilad Atzmon: We Are All Palestinians
Important video-Palestine in Israeli School Books: Nurit Peled-Elhanan
Donate to MWC
Gilad Atzmon: The BOD is in a Constant Tantrum
Laura Stuart: Richard Desmond the Community Services Trust, The Daily Star and the Anti Muslim Agenda
Rainlore's World of Music: A review of The Road To Bop (pre concert talk)
Come Home for Hanukkah
The Chanukah Pantomime
Laura Stuart: Can the Solidarity Movement Contain Apologists ?
Enzo Apicella: 64 years of shame for a world that PRETENDS TO BE DEAF
Red Scribblings: Political Islam and ‘Jewish identity politics’ – a comparison
Press TV: Zionists subjugating Britain's culture
Lauren Booth: Three people in this marriage. The PSC, the JC and Harry’s Place
I am back from Bradford
Hot of the press: Wikipedia has deleted the 'Sayanim' entry.
Truth not lies about Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon: Hope not Hate
Professing the Crusade: Shedding Light on Come from the Shadows by C. L. Cook
Islamophic Harry’s Place campaigns against Palestinian Shadia Mansour
Yet One More Glimpse into Zionist Desperation
Hope not Hate Is Caught Falsifying Documents Again.
A glimpse into a desperate Zionist smear campaign
From De-Nazification to 'De-Antisemitification' By Evelyn Hecht-Galinski
Oy Vey, The Zionist Campaign Backfired Again
Nahida Izzat: Who are the Warmongers?
Jonathon Blakeley: A guide to Hasbara trolls
Lavan Picket November 20, 2011 - Boycott Israeli Goods - Vancouver
Self-Loving Shlomo..
Hope not Hate? Truth not Lies more likely!
In Defense of Gilad Atzmon by Sarah Gillespie
Cartoon Of The Day
United Against Cultural Fascism – a letter to every cultured person in this country
Gilad Atzmon: In case you don’t realise how dangerous the Israeli Lobby Is
Sheikh Imran Hosein saw it all in 2003 (must watch)
Gilad Atzmon: Zionist Bad Press Is All You Need
Paul Balles: The Bouncer
Oy Vey, Finally a conclusive evidence of me being an ANTI SEMITE
Volkswagen AG donating $1 million to ADL
Ynetnews: The protocols of Gilad Atzmon
Rafeef Ziadah - 'We teach life, sir',
David Landy and his ‘Israel Critic Jews’- A book review by Gilad Atzmon
Something Positive Is Happening With Young American Jews
Exeter University-Gilad Atzmon-The Wandering Who, and Where?
The Quote Of the Day!!!
Camden’s Grand Inquisitor
Richard Falk: Saying No to Alan Dershowitz
Gilad Atzmon challenges picketers prior to his talk in Exeter University
Gilad Atzmon: The Bund- A Disturbing Jewish Political Exercise (must watch)
Gilad Atzmon: Britain, Israel and Iran
Dershowitz’ Lies and Glitches by Gilad Atzmon
Tonight @ Exeter University-Gilad Atzmon The Wandering Who, and Where?
The Iranian Nuclear Threat...
Shabana Syed: 'Welcome to the United Jewish kingdom'
George Polley: The Wandering Who-Book Review
This Is How Israel Runs The British Press
Rense & Atzmon talking about the Lobby
Nahida Izzat: From Tribalism to Humanism
Gilad Atzmon: The Guardian of Israel
Gilad Atzmon: Dershowitz is Desperate
Gilad Atzmon & The OHE in Trondheim
Gilad Atzmon: Armageddon Ahead
'Gilad Uncovered' -another Book Launch of another book this Saturday
Israeli madness knows no limit
Debating Greg Felton's Exploding Middle East Myths
Panel Discussion: Jewish Identity Politics-Report by Rainlore's World of Music
A Glimpse Into Israeli Nuclear Madness
Gilad Atzmon on Red Ice Radio (1st hour)
Thank You Mr Dershowitz
Was Liam Fox a Mossad Agent, a 'Useful Idiot' or Just another CFI member?
Nahida Izzat: Did the Age of Enlightenment never occur?
Red Scribblings: From Atzmon to Dreyfus-a reply to communalists and Stalinists
A Great Jewish Joke..
EXCLUSIVE IDF INTERVIEW - Israeli Soldiers Told To 'Cleanse' Gaza
Gilad Atzmon: The Greatest Threat To World Peace
Gilad Atzmon: By Way Of Deception
Mike Bickle predicts "prison camps" for Jews, and second Holocaust
Heidi Vogel-The Wandering Who-Book Review
If Dershowitz Wants a Debate, I Will Meet Him Any Time
Gilad Atzmon: Thank God for the Jewish Chronicle
Jewish Identity Politics' Panel Discussion Q&A;
Gilad Atzmon on Jeff Rense's Radio Show
RootsWorld Review: Rim Bana & Gilad Atzmon
Sameh Habeeb: The Wandering Who, an attempt to clear the dust
Karl Sabbagh on Jewish Identity Politics' Panel Discussion
Gilad Atzmon: The book they don’t want you to read
Listen to Sammi Ibrahem on the Ugly Truth Radio Show
Glenn Bowman @ Jewish Identity Politics' Panel Discussion
Gilad Atzmon: Liam Fox Is Not a ‘Useful Idiot’
Laura Stuart: Zionist Cowardice and a "Thinly Veiled" Attack on Myself and the P.S.C.
Dr. Gabi Weber Answers Sarah Kershnar, Mich Levy & IJAN
Gilad Atzmon on Jewish Identity Politics' Panel Discussion
Laura Stuart is a Mavi Marmara Survivor (must watch)
Panel Discussion on Jewish Identity Politics, Part 1 & 2
The Invention of the Jewish People vs. The Invention of Gilad Atzmon
Laura Stuart: It's actually NOT all about "the Jews"!
Gilad's London next talk/music event
Jews Talking To Themselves 2
Jews Talking To Themselves 1
Calling Out the Tribalists by KATHLEEN CHRISTISON
Gilad Atzmon: Supremacism Revisited
Sarah Gillespie's How The West Was Won (video)
Palestine Telegraph: Israel’s top critic attacked by Jewish Group
Politics of Jewish identity By NEIL BERRY
Torah Jews-Probably The Only Jewish Ethical Collective
Not All Jews Hate Me!!!
Gilad Atzmon: The Long Arm of Israel
Red Scribblings: The Blundering Who? (A Marxist Perspective)
Roy Ratcliffe on The Wandering Who
Witness The Nazis Of Our Time
Gilad Atzmon: Supremacists on ‘The Wandering Who’.
Gilad Atzmon: The Jew-Only Panic Mobile Technology
A New Video about the Annexation wall
Rainlore: The Neo-Book Burners And 'The People Of The Book'
Gilad Atzmon on The Kevin Barett's Truth Jihad Radio Show
Gilad Atzmon: Foreign Interests In Our Midst
Settlers Attack Israeli Activists and Palestinian Farmers near Anatot 30 9 2011
Mazal Tov to Harry’s Place and Mark Gardner
The Wandering Who is Out This Week
Gilad Atzmon: May vs. Salah
Prof. Brian Leiter: Mearsheimer Responds to the Latest Right-Wing Smears on Him...
Kim Petersen: Into the Mentality of the Occupier/Oppressor
Shana Tova to Gene, Lenin, Harry's Place and all the rest
Endorsements for Gilad Atzmon's The Wandering Who
Richard Jones: The Ultimate Quiz
Kevin Barrett: A joyous affirmation of the end of identity politics
The Wandering Who Finds Its way to the top!!!
Gilad Atzmon: Are They Really ‘The People Of The Book’?
Letters to the Guardian: Moral obligation and Jewish identity
The Dangerous Cult of the Guardian by JONATHAN COOK
A Panel Discussion on 'Jewish Identity Politics'
Later Today-Gilad Atzmon on the Kevin Barret's Radio Show
Alan Hart: Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year): Will God forgive
The LIGHT List BY Nahida the Exiled Palestinian
Oy Vey, The Babylonian Talmud took the lead
A Lingering What? by Paul Larudee
Ken O'Keefe and Sameh Habeeb @ The Freiburg Conference
Mearsheimer responds to Goldberg's latest smear
Silvia Cattori Interviews Gilad Atzmon
Best Seller?
Goldberg vs. Mearsheimer by Gilad Atzmon
Eric Walberg: Atzmon on Jewishness- Jezebel’s legacy
Gilad Atzmon: PSC has made it
London JC launched an attack on Prof' John Mearsheimer
Gilad Atzmon: American Tragedy
Rainlore's World of Music: The Wandering Who-Book review
22.9 @ 5pm I will Face The Nation With Sammi Ibrahem
A Panel Discussion on 'Jewish Identity Politics'
"The Wandering Who" - Gilad Atzmon on Inside the Eye - 2 hours Live!
Gilad Atzmon: Progressive Choseness
Destination Palestine
Nahida the Exiled Palestinian: Thought Terrorism
Gilad Atzmon: The Open Society and its Enemy Within
I love Helen Thomas!!!
Jonathon Blakeley: The Wandering Who? -A Book Review
Dr. Makram Khoury-Machool @ Freiburg Conference
A Panel Discussion on 'Jewish Identity Politics'
Prof' William A. Cook: Tearing the Veil From Israel’s Civility-a book review
‘Tears of Gaza’ – The Movie
Gilad Atzmon @ Freiburg Conference (video+text)
Gilad Atzmon: Obama, the Palestinian State & Zionist Schizophrenia
William T. Hathaway: The Last Jewish Prophet
They Need Your support!!!!
Ramzy Baroud: The Gaza Story- Challenging History through Narration
Gilad Atzmon: Israeli War Criminals Are Welcome Here
Laura Stuart: Cafe Palestine Conference Freiburg - The Boundaries of Discourse- A Review
Gilad Atzmon: Being in Time
Uprootedpalestinians STARTS IT'S FOURTH YEAR!!!
Gilad Atzmon: And What About Our Spring?
Gilad Atzmon: Egyptians Stormed Israeli Embassy, Other Nations Should Do The Same
Shahram Vahdany: King of the Jews
Gilad Atzmon: Israel Better Think Twice
Paul J. Balles' Book review: The Wandering WHO?
Jewish Girl Prank Calls Her Parents..
Gilad Atzmon: Machine of Israel
Ode to Boycott
Farrakhan Exposes The ZioCon plan for the Middle East (must being watched and internalised)
Freiburg Conference Update
Gilad Atzmon: The End of Innocence Revisited
A Beautiful Video About Us!!!
Mhara Costello-Terrorist!!! (must watch)
Jews in Space
Emmanuel Kelly- Iraqi warfare survivor on X Factor Australia (must watch)
Wes Clark - America's Foreign Policy "Coup"
America, Watch This!!! (must watch)
Learn more about Nato
Stephen Lendman talks with Gilad Atzmon about The Wandering Who?
Gilad Atzmon: The Flag And The Penis
FRANKLIN LAMB: The Siege of Tripoliby
Lauren Booth: No Justice, No Peace!!!
FRANKLIN LAMB: Whither Gaddafi and Libya?
Free Society And The Enemy From Within
The man that removed the Israeli flag from Israel Embassy in Egypt
Gilad Atzmon With Jumoke Fashola on Jazz FM
Gilad Atzmon: They Better Run For Their Lives
Jeffrey St. Clair on Gilad Atzmon's In Loving Memory of America
America, Watch Your Lawmakers Having Fun In Israel
Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed
Visit Palestine 2011
Gilad Atzmon: An Interesting Exchange With A Jewish Anti Zionist
AL-QUDS DAY: Support Peace Not Apartheid
Is Change possible in Israel?
Very Important Video: The Real Source of the British Riots
Who will save the black man?
Truth Justice & Peace by Agron Belica
An Open Letter to Israel Concerning The Freedom Theatre
Gilad Atzmon: London Riots and the Big Picture
Voice Of Reason
Professor James Petras on The Wandering Who?
USA Ambassador Shapiro visit to the "Iron Dome" Battery
The Wandering Who? is out soon
Alan Hart: “Could Arab (Palestinian) staying power ultimately defeat Zionism?”
Gilad Atzmon: The Landlord Wannabe Protest
Self-Hatred vs. Self-Love- An Interview with Eric Walberg by Gilad Atzmon
The Israeli Lobby Controls America But The Jewish State Is Falling Apart (must watch)
Jenin's Freedom Theatre Attacked
Gilad Atzmon: De-Zionification Now
Music for Palestine...
Israelis Debate on the Web: Did Norway Get What It Deserved?
Palestine, Israel, Germany- The Boundaries of Open Discussion
Gilad Atzmon: Massacre in Norway-- More About the Jewish Right Wing Connection
Gilad Atzmon: Was the Massacre in Norway a reaction to BDS?
Kelly James Clark interviews Rami Elhanan
The Great Games-book review by Gilad Atzmon
Kelly James Clark interviews Nurit Peled-Elhanan
Huseyin Oruç talks to Silvia Cattori- Whenever the Palestinians need it, the Mavi Marmara will go
Officer and a Gentleman the Israeli version..
An interesting collage- Two Psychopaths Juxtaposed
This Is Genius!!!
Gilad With Strings on BBC 3 In Tune July 4th 2011
Gilad Atzmon: Jewish Democracy for Dummies
Human Trafficking in the Jewish State
What would you say to Jews who don't believe Israel should exist?
Gordon Duff Talking to Press TV about Rupert Murdoch
RUPERT MURDOCH SONG - Forever In The Shit!
Dr Finkelstein in Defamation
Gilad Atzmon: The Herem Law in the context of Jewish Past and Present
Gilad Atzmon: Israeli Contamination at the Heart of America
A Normal Day in Palestine
Culture is Resistance
Arab Jews In Israel Start to Understand It All
Press TV: Europalestine's post Flytilla demo and action
Sen. Joe Zelig Biden on Shalom TV-I Am A Zionist
General Wesley Clark Speaks
Gilad Atzmon on Red Ice Radio
View Hopeless IDF In Action
Uri Avnery Elaborates on Israeli Psychosis
Israel's no fly ban for European activists
Gilad Atzmon: Flotilla, Flytilla and the prospect of ‘Civil Society Action’
Tzipi & The Emir of Qatar
Regevelations By Red Rej
Gilad Atzmon & OHE: The Burning Bush
Ibrahim Hewitt: Israel's fifth columnists silence Sheikh Raed Salah
Flying for Palestinian Freedom
Gilad Atzmon: Hasbara Psychosis
Gilad Atzmon: Jewish Self-Reflection is Overdue
Hero Activist David Halpin talks to RT
Flotilla update: Silvia Cattori interviews Dimitri Plionis (Greek Boat)
A Beautiful Old Interview With Juliano Mer-Khamis
Jeff Gates: The Real Inside Job
Ray McGovern: Israel Extends Territorial Waters, Greece Bends Over, Gaza Suffers! [AlJazeera]
Meshigine Settler
Assange, Žižek & Goodman Conversation July 2,
Gilad Atzmon: Killing Goyim and Beyond
Flotilla Update: 'Israel afraid of the truth'
PRESS RELEASE: Mr. Raed Salah's Appeal Lodged
Amazing Job: London Rhymes with Palestine for OneWorld
Gilad Atzmon: Gaza Flotilla vs. Diaspora Jewry
Welcome to the United Jewish Kingdom
American Indian "Jimbo" Simmons Gaza Flotilla Interview
Arthur Billy: Requiem for the Dead of Gaza
Gilad Atzmon: Self Reflection in Mondoweiss
Gilad Atzmon: And What About Jewish Anti Gentile Studies?
The Portland BDS Coalition: They Are Young and Determined
I Certainly Do Not Want To Wake Up Next To This Joker
Nabih Saleh Clownistan!
US Embassy in TelAviv: Israelis, Dont Break Our Immigration Laws
RT: Israelis want to run away to safety
Anthony Lawson: The Death of American Democracy
Sarah Gillespie: ‘How The West Was Won’
Archbishop Tutu endorses 'Freedom for Palestine' single by OneWorld!
The Zionist Story (must watch)
Addressing Some Typical Zionist Questions
Israeli undercover agents boast of killing Palestinians on TV*
Movement for One Democratic state (ODS)-A New Web Site
Gilad Atzmon with Sammi Ibrahem-Unity Fm
Brian Haw - Al Hiwar TV Interview
Gilad Atzmon: Let the Dog See the Rabbi
Gilad Atzmon: The Protocols of the Elders Of London
1001 Lies About Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon: Jews & Their Self Interest-An Interview with Philip Weiss
Gilad Atzmon's Talk-The War Against Terror Within
IsraHell Comes To Realise Its End (must Watch)
What a Joker...
RT: 'Libya war driven by O.I.L.: Oil, Israel & Logistics' - McKinney
Valley Of The Wolves Palestine 2011 (English Subs)
American-Jewish young man is being arrested in Jerusalem
The Revolution Business (must watch)
Gilad Atzmon: For The Sake Of Jewish Sensitivities
Elias Davidsson-I Am A Radical Antisemite And Am Proud Of It
Give the Entire Middle East to the Jews
Beyond Words
New York Times Concealed Ukrainian Genocide
It is Happening...Ska-p - Intifada (English Subs)
IDF-Lethal Ambiguity
Kalandia Checkpoint on Al Naksa Day 05/06/11
Al Naksa
Gilad and all that Jazz-Trailer
Gilad Atzmon: Palestine Vs. Solidarity Movement
Jewish life more valuable than Palestinians.
Marching In Step with AIPAC
Nahida the Exiled Palestinian: Jewish Voice for Peace? Really??
FRANKLIN LAMB: Israelis Rush for Second Passports
Celebrate the "reunion of Jerusalem"
I Have Zero Respect For The Mainstream Media: Gilad Atzmon Interview By Silvia Cattori
NeoCon/Zionist Policy Introducing Fascism Into This World
A Talk: The War Against Terror Within
Budrus Trailer
U.S. student to respond to Condoleezza Rice
Going Back to Lifta - A Palestinian Exile Returns
Glimpses of Palestine
Gaza Reels
Scenes From THE WALL followed by discussion
THE WALL a play by Douglas Watkinson – reviewed by Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon: British PM Resigns as patron of the Jewish National Fund
Palestinian Women Prisoners
Israeli Human Rights Violations
Lars Von Trier's 'Nazi' gaffe at Cannes Film Festival as he jokes about Adolf Hitler
I will NOT kill Innocent people for Israel
Two Female Israeli Soldiers Talk About Their Complicity in IDF Abuse
John Mearsheimer on RT talking about AIPAC and American Interests
Look at how women are treated by the IDF
Wiki Jews
London Concert: Tahrir Square to Jerusalem
Gilad Atzmon: A Warning From The Past
Max Blumenthal: Feeling the Ignorance at AIPAC 2011
Rae Abileah Speaks Out Against AIPAC Members Who Attacked Her
Intervista a Gilad Atzmon - 4 di 4
Move Over AIPAC Flashmob (D.C. Union Station)
Moroccan jew speaks up against zionism and israeli racism
ArgusoogRadio (Dutch) - Arend Zeevat with Gilad Atzmon
This Documentary May Help You Understand Israel
Settlement Activity in the Old City of Hebron
Gilad Atzmon: Jewish Clandestine Operation Exposed
Gilad Atzmon: The Next Israeli President
Anayat Durrani: Exposing dangerous myths (Al Ahram Weekly)
Gilad Atzmon: My Visit to the USA
Uprooted Palestinian: He did it, Hassan Hijazi returned to Yafa (Java) - Millions will follow
Bible Vs. Archaeology
Intervista a Gilad Atzmon - 3 di 4
Gilad Atzmon: Israel’s Doomed Fate
Ghassan Bannoureh: Mazin Qumsiyeh' Arrest yesterday
Nakba Day- Syrian Border
Merna Alazzeh: 1948 - Al Nakba: a family's collective memory*
Anthony Lawson:AIPAC 101-What Every American Should Know
Gilad Atzmon: From ‘Right of Return’ to ‘Return in Practice’
Palestinian Villages Destroyed During the Nakba 1948
I´m sick of 63 years of Israeli occupation
Intervista a Gilad Atzmon
Tonight in Denver
Gilad Atzmon @ Munir Muhammad TV Show (Chicago)
Today Jazza in Oklahoma
The Wanted 18-Palestinian Animated Documentary
Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Gilad Atzmon, Phil Nauta, Janine Bandcroft Mon. May 9, 2011
Panel Event -Zionism, Jewishness and Israel, Is Now Online (Must Watch)
Gilad Atzmon in Oakland on May 10
Return to Palestine
Changing Osama stories 'bizarre': Ramadan
Dr. June C. Terpstra: Identity without Supremacy
MAY 7 – University of Texas at Arlington
JAZZ for Gaza with Gilad Atzmon at Columbia College Chicago
Fascinating, Outspoken and Controversial...
Lauren Booth: 'Jewishness', scare tactics, and a sense of humour.
I am in the USA!!!
Gilad Atzmon: Winners and Losers
Shabana Syed: Chance For Humanity
Great Success
Gilad Atzmon: Eye For An Eye
Remi Kanazi: The Dos and Don'ts of Palestine – A Poem
Panel Event Update: Zionism, Jewishness and Israel
Gilad Atzmon: What Are They Afraid of?
The Royal Wedding Is Behind Us
No Cancellation !!!
Ghada Karmi’s Pullout Update
Gilad Atzmon: Drama in London
Gilad Atzmon: Time Is Ripe For A Paradigm Shift
Anthony Lawson: No-Fly Zone over Gaza — Petition
Young Arab Jews open letter to Arab peers
Israeli Police Terrorize Palestinian Prisoners (must watch)
Petition: "No Fly Zone" Over Gaza, Please Sign Now!!!
Vera Macht: Vik, You Are missed
Gilad Atzmon: "Tribal Marxism for Dummies"
Israeli Humour- Mocking Jesus on Israeli TV
Gilad Atzmon: The Israeli So-Called ‘Left’
Ken O'Keefe: Thoughts on Vittorio Arrigoni & Surfing in Gaza
Agron Belica: End of the Road
Event: Zionism, Jewishness and Israel
Anthony Lawson: Harassment by The YouTube Team
William A. Cook: Sinning against Zionism: Traitor to Country
I Do Not Believe That A Palestinian Killed Vittorio Arrigoni
The Israeli Experience - World's biggest militaristic projects for youth
Gilad Atzmon: Let Us Talk About Jewishness
Gilad Atzmon: Jewish Math
Gilad Atzmon: On Jewish Intolerance
South Tel Aviv Is On Fire!!!
Gilad Atzmon: Alan Dershowitz- You're Not Welcome Here
Ken O'Keefe: Samouni Family Responds to Justice Goldstone Backtrack on Israeli War Crimes
Juliano Mer-Khamis was murdered today in Jenin
Gilad Atzmon: Goldstone’s U-Turn
Anthony Lawson: Copyright or Censorship?
Gilad Atzmon: Taking Deborah Lipstadt Apart
Youtube deleted Anthony Lawson's latest
War is a Racket by Smedley Butler
The Rise of Israel's Military Rabbis
Gilad Atzmon: Inside What Job? A film review
Gilad Atzmon: To Call Zimmerman a Zimmerman (+video)
Anthony Lawson: Holocaust, Hate Speech & Were the Germans so Stupid? (Must Watch)
Gilad Atzmon @ Cafe Palestine, Freiburg Germany
Yitzhak Laor: The return of colonial theology
Gilad Atzmon: United Against the Anti Israeli Goyim
Gilad Atzmon: Europe Turns Against Israel
Beware of The NY Jewish Militia (Must Watch)
DEAR MR TZABAR, - a short documentary about a remarkable man and his conscience...
whatreallyhappened: Stuxnet found in Japan in October - Is Fukushima an unintended consequence of Israel's hacker attack against Bushehr?
Gilad Atzmon: Talmudic Logic for Beginners
France arrests pro-Palestinians for anti-Israel campaign
Gilad Atzmon: Israel fears sushi shortage after quake
No Fly Zone over Israel- An Interview With Gilad Atzmon
David Horowitz spreading Kosher hatred @ Brooklyn College
Talking about Jewish Ideology and Zionism in Germany
IDF in Awarta
I Salute EuroPalestine
Extravaganza of Jewish Power
David Halpin Writes to William J Hague
Gilad Atzmon: The Shekel Has Dropped
Gilad Atzmon: What About A No Fly Zone for The Palestinians?
Gilad Atzmon Talks about music, Palestine, Zionism and Islam
Gilad Atzmon: The Penny Has Dropped
Dr. Hajo Meyer -- Selections from an Interview
Occupation Has No Future: Militarism + Resistance in Israel/Palestine -- Trailer
Gilad Atzmon: American Bloody Pragmatism
Gabi and Vera Raised 11.7000 Euro
Coexistence- An Incredible Photo
Catwalk of Jewish Extremism (must see)
America and Arab Democracies
The Sound of the Global Intifada (music clip)
This is Genius!!!
AlJazeera: Arab Jews Being Nostalgic (must see)
Gilad Atzmon: Beware, Israeli War Criminal Are Using False Identities
Gilad Atzmon: John Galliano Must Be A Zionist
Gilad Atzmon: Hasbara’s Smear Fell Apart Again
Gilad Atzmon: Hello, Is It Muammar?
Bloody Oil
How to Cook a Gentile?
Silvia Cattori: An Interview with Gilad Atzmon-To Call A Spade A Spade
Something Is Wrong With Chosen-ness
Talk on 'Palestine - History and Time' & Jazz performance with Gilad Atzmon
The Incredible Anthony Lawson: Gaza in Plain Language
Hosni Mubarak Sings "I Did it My Way"
David Cronin attempts citizens arrest on Lieberman in Brussels
British government where money comes before morals
Israeli Spokesman making a complete arse of himself
Listen to Nabil Mansour
Truth in Stuttgart
Justice For Palestine - Steve Biko Thomas
From the Horse's Mouth
Geert Wilders-Europe Leading Islamophob
An Urgent Appeal for Gaza
Cultural boycott of Israel taking hold in S Africa
Jerusalem: an Occupation Set in Stone?
Children of Shatila
ZioLeaks-The Diaries of Yosef Nachmani
by Vera Macht in Gaza: The West and the revolution
Gilad Atzmon: Cairo & Jerusalem
Ken O'Keefe in Gaza: Israel Bombs Medical Supply Building
Gilad Atzmon: The Muslim Brotherhood is Kosher
Assange vs. The Guardian
Gilad Atzmon: Left and Islam
Yasmeen El Khoudary: The circles in the sky over Gaza
Listen to your people ya Hosni
Tlaxcala: An Arte.tv interview with Gilad Atzmon (January, 2011)
Zio-Rabbi Nachum Shiffren mistakenly says the truth! A Freudian slip LOL
Gilad Atzmon: Israeli Economy For Beginners
Let's Go Exile! - Hosni Mubarak
Franklin Lamb: As Tahrir Square goes so goes the Middle East?
Gilad Atzmon: The French Philosopher
Gilad Atzmon: The Man With The White Yarmulke
Wit and Wisdom of Mark Regev
Gilad Atzmon: Global Intifada
Massoud Nayeri: U.S. Media and the Mighty Uprising in Egypt
US' Egypt policy under fire as uprising gains momentum
Gilad Atzmon: Jewish Power is Falling Apart
Gilad Atzmon Discusses American Foreign Policy on Press TV
Joe Biden on Shalom TV: I am a Zionist
Gilad Atzmon: Liberating the American People
Ramzy Baroud on Egypt Uprising
Richard Falk Reponds
Gilad Atzmon: Jews against the King
The Chabadization of America
Gilad Atzmon: The Palestine Papers and Us
Tagar-Jewish extremists in France
Totally Illogical - Israeli settler discusses survival, threats
Opinions in Jerusalem about the Settlements and Obama
Ken O'Keefe Interview With Jonathan Adams
The Beauty & The Beast
Gilad Atzmon: Valley of the Wolves
365 AM DOCUMENTARY --GAZA (must watch)
Settlers attack Peace Seeking Rabbi
Arte TV interview with Gilad Atzmon ahead of OHE's European Tour in March
Mohammed Omer: Operation Cast Lead Is Over, But the Nightmare Continues
Dr. David Halpin: Silence is Complicity: The methodical shooting of boys at work in Gaza by snipers of the Israeli Occupation Force
They Listen to our criticism after all
Melanie Philips: “Israeli Hasbara is a joke”
Vera Macht Reports From Gaza: Amjad – The Next Victim in Gaza Buffer Zone
Gilad Atzmon: Can A Criminal State Deal With War Criminals?
Rafeef Ziadeh : Poetry against Israeli Barbarism (must watch)
Vera Macht Reports from Gaza: Life and death in the buffer zone
Palestinian child attacked by Israeli settler
From The Mouth of The Beast
Israeli Troops Kill Innocent Man In His Sleep
Prof Richard Falk: On Jewish Identity
Gilad Atzmon: Captain Israel- A Sickening Hasbara Magazine For Jewish Diaspora Youngsters
Vera Macht: MEETING WITH THE FOUNDERS OF GYBO (Gaza Youth Breaks Out)
Paul J. Balles: Grains of sand: perspectives on roles of Israel and USA in Middle East
Vera Macht Reports from Gaza
Gilad Atzmon: And What About the Sperm?
Rana Shubair: Yes, I Can Dare to Dream in My Gaza
Palestinian Memorial Week for Palestine to begin in London
Muhannad Othman Alazzeh
The Incredible Ken O’keefe Reports from Gaza
Gilad Atzmon: The Last Days of the Jewish State
Press TV: J'lem Shepherd Hotel demolition (must see)
Voices From Inside
Lauren Booth: go go go
Economic Hitmen
Gilad Atzmon: Shoah Backfires
The Israeli Lie
Palestinian Kid Vs. Israeli Soldier
This is The Jewish State
Paul J. Balles: Weapons of mass deception; TIME TO TURN TO ALTERNATIVE MEDIA
Rand, Israel & Greenspan
Jen Marlowe: One Family in Gaza (video)
Prof Richard Falk: Israel Prepares Major Offensive against Gaza: Hopes of Gaza Cast in Lead
Israel and Arab Jews
Iraq Was Heaven Says The Last Jew in Iraq
This is Genius: Hasbara for the young
Gilad Atzmon: Milton Friedman’s ‘Capitalism and the Jews’ Revisited
Maidhc Ó Cathail: Anti-Semitism -- Zionism's Indispensable Alibi (video)
Sex and the Shtetle
BTselem: Six Wishes For the New Year
Take it from the Horse's Mouth
The Siege
1933 - Zionists sign a deal with Hitler - The Transfer Agreement
Wind of Change
Gilad Atzmon: Jewish Diplomacy
Haidar Eid: Gaza-Two Years after The Horror!
WikiLeaks News: Confirmation-Israel Attacked Syrian nuclear facility.
The Peninsula- More About WikiLeaks and Israel
Julian Assange on Al Jazeera English
Gilad Atzmon: Wikileaks and Israel
Israeli War Crimes' signs to go on Metro buses
Gilad Atzmon: Bad News For Israel
Must See! Rachel Corrie's Dream
U.S. Gov't Responds to Questions About Imprisoned Palestinian Protest Organizer Abu Rahmah
God Will Bring His People Back
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Scott Horton Interviews Max Blumenthal
Jody McIntyre: It is rough out there
Gilad Atzmon: Jews, Judaism & Jewishness
Israel Shahak: The History of the Jews (must see)
Two Hours @ Deanna Spingolda's Radio Show
Tears Of Gaza (must See)
Mavi Marmara Witness
Anthony Lawson: Sex, Lies, Iran, Israel and WikiLeaks
Israeli Soldiers Speak Out
Tim King: Frank Talk About Israel from one who knows...
Press TV-Iran Airs Documentary on Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani
Roy Ratcliffe: The Zionist Left and the Loyalty Oath
In Support of WikiLeaks-Please Spread the Message
Shopping in Israel
Israelis Are Subject to Palestinian Future Kindness
Gilad Atzmon: Once again I salute Dr Hajo Meyer
Andy Robson: The Struggle Continues, Jazzwise
Since March, Israel's military has reportedly shot at least 91 Palestinians
Nurit Peled-Elhanan: On the appointment of Yair Naveh as Deputy Chief of Staff
Gilad Atzmon: Ein Hod and the Israeli Sin
WikiLeaks' Attorney Responds to U.S. Attacks
Gilad Atzmon: The Burning Bush
Israelis shoot at demonstrators in Gaza - Ken O'Keefe, Beit Hanoun
Gilad Atzmon: A Surge of Truth
We are subject to a surge of truth...
Hajo Meyer on Jews and Palestine (must see)
They Look after our safety..
Gilad Atzmon: WikiLeaks’s Document suggests that Mossad Chief wanted to topple Iranian regime
Israel admits to stealing organs from dead Palestinians
BDS in action...
Learn more about the 'anti-Semitic trick'
Gaza Photo Exhibition Attacked by the Jewish Defense League in Paris
The Tide has Turned by Richard Jones
Israeli soldiers on 'Human Shield' trial
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder - Trailer
Gilad Atzmon: 200 Israeli War Criminals Better Hope For Palestinian Amnesty
Professor Francis Boyle: Zionists & Academia...
BBC Radio 2 this evening: Jamie Cullum presents Gilad Atzmon
Slavoj Zizek: The capitalist system is pushing us all towards an apocalyptic doomsday.
New Anthony Lawson's Film
Gilad Atzmon on Zionism and Jewish Identity
OHE's 10th Anniversary tomorrow (3 videos)
200 Israeli war criminals-please disseminate widely
Gilad Atzmon: Don't call me an Israeli (very funny clip)
Chris Searle on Gilad Atzmon and The Orient House Ensemble
This Thursday, the OHE Marathon
An Apartheid State
The Banality of Evil - IOF soldiers celebrating the destruction of houses (English Subtitles)
Paul Larudee: A Kind of Schizophrenia
Radio Interview With Carlos Pérez Cruz
Gilad Atzmon: There Is No Business like Shoa Business
Islamic Human Rights Commission (UK): Letter challenging the promotion of hate in The Independent
Gilad Atzmon: Watch some Isolated Voices of Jewish Reason
Joe Rennison: Gilad Atzmon More Than Just a Musician
Israeli Tolerance (video)
Gilad Atzmon: The Anti-Semitic Side of Zionism (must watch)
Bulldozing Peace
Sarkozy versus Gypsy
One Democratic State Is The Way Forward
Lauren Booth: I'm now a Muslim. Why all the shock and horror?
Gilad Atzmon: Dance With Your Neighbours For F**k's Sake
Palestinian Resistance vs. Israeli Barbarism
Some Facts about Israel
Gilad Atzmon: Julie Sabbath Goy Burchill
An Amazing Anti-War video art
Road to Hope convoy stalled at Egyptian border
Please watch this video and spread it around
Victory- Caterpillar is withholding the delivery of bulldozers to Israel
Anthony Lawson: Aussie Trades Unionist Exposes 9/11 Cover-up
Gilad Atzmon: Zionist Tolerance For a Change
Pentos Films: Ken O'Keefe on the Mavi Marmara
Rap for Palestine!
The Bible: A Manuel for Genocide (must watch)!!!
Jewish Integrity for a Change
Students Protest
Max Blumenthal visits a Settler's Festival
One Palestinian Man vs. Many Israeli Soldiers
Gilad Atzmon: Jews, Jazz & Socialism
Gilad Atzmon And The OHE: 10th Anniversary Extravaganza
Anthony Lawson: 9/11: The Unidentified Murder Weapons
A Letter from Daniel McGowan (DYR) to Abraham Foxman (ADL)
Gilad Atzmon: From Rabbi Yosef to Marx
Rainlore Music: Jazza Festival Turns Into Musical Event Of The Year
An event about the dispossessed Bedouin minority of the Negev, Israel
Ramzy Baroud : The Tide Has Changed is a musical lesson in humanity
Zimos News: Jazz activism
Guardian review-Jazza festival (4 Stars)
Guardian Review: 5 stars For The Ghost Within
Robert Wyatt & Gilad Atzmon in Haaretz
To listen to Gilad Atzmon & the OHE on BBC Radio 3
Mamoon Alabbasi: London's Jazza sings in tune with Palestine
Tonight BBC Jazz on 3, Jez Nelson presents Gilad Atzmon's Orient House Ensemble
Gilad Atzmon: Wagner Again
Music and Tones Rise for Gaza By Lauren Booth
Gilad Atzmon: Lieberman and the Jewish Political Continuum
Gilad Atzmon: Kosher Oxymoron-Jewish Democracy
Guardian Music Choice: Jazza Festival, London
We Need Your Support.
Gilad Atzmon on Press TV-Remember Palestine
Salemnews: Mavi Marmara Witness
Gilad Atzmon: A conversation with Robert Wyatt about Cultural Resistance
The Tide Has Changed Is Out (UK only)
"God's Chosen" prevents bleeding pregnant woman going to hospital
Talking to Jumoke Fashola BBC Radio London
Here Are Some Proud Palestinian Jews
Gilad Atzmon: Roger Waters and the Bombs of David
Why the ‘rise in crimes against Muslims’ becoming a dangerous fact?
Gilad Atzmon: Jewish Boat On its Way
Ken O'keefe in Haaretz
Gilad Atzmon: On Gaza and Chutzpah
Israel Will Be Palestine by Gilad Atzmon
JAZZA FESTIVAL 2010 The Site Is Up & Running
Gilad Atzmon: On Jewish Loyalty
We Offer Our Unconditional Jewish Loyalty (video)
Blair's Journey: Questions before Charge by David Halpin FRCS
Talking To The Wall
Welcome to Sodom
BBC Bias: Panorama Programme Exposed
Lauren Booth- Letter to Israel (video)
Gilad Atzmon: Give History a Chance (video)
BBC Bias: The Gaza Freedom Flotilla (must watch)
Artists for Gaza is Jazza
Gilad Atzmon: Apropos ‘Peace Talks’
Learn more about the Nakba
Monzer Zimmo: Palestinian recognition of Israel, a Jewish state – Why?
Lauren Booth: An Al Quds day letter to Tony Blair. From Lauren Booth, in Iran.
Gilad Atzmon: Bloody Memoir
Learn More About Jewish Love
James Petras:The State and Local Bases of Zionist Power in America
Gilad Atzmon: The Lowest of the Low
All That Jazz-an interview with Chema Garcia Martinez
I love his directness.
One Democratic State in Palestine
An open letter to Israel From: Lauren Booth, UK
Gilad Atzmon: United Against Knowledge
Gilad Atzmon: BBC Panorama, An Exemplary Work of Clumsy Journalism
Gilad Atzmon: United Against Paintings
Gilad Atzmon: The Jewish Division
In Loving Memory of Abu Obeida
Internet Killed Israeli PR (must watch)
London Says No to IsraHell
We Need Your Vote!!!
Anthony Lawson: Double Vendetta — The Insanity of the Iran Confrontation (must watch)
Gilad Atzmon: A Glimpse into Israeli Paranoia
Gilad Atzmon: Bravery and Morality in Israel
Gilad Atzmon: Goyim’s Organs Are Needed
Cultural Resistance: 'All Aboard the Mavi Marmara' David Rovics’ New Song
Israel Being Mocked by The Independent
DR Mazin Qumsiyeh: Bridge Experience
Jewish Tribal News: The Palestinian Freedom Fighters didn’t Realise that the Captain was Jewish.
Palestinian Child confronts Israeli forces over father's detention By Zuheir Al-Shaer
Al Quds day annual demonstration and rally
Gilad Atzmon: Press TV Under Attack
Gilad Atzmon: Israel Cannot Handle Its Past
Learn About Israeli Crimes Just 3 Years After The Liberation Of Auschwitz
Gilad Atzmon: Islamophobia in Britain: The Products, The Names and The Faces
Gilad Atzmon: Oliver Stone apologized for Telling the Truth
Racial Hatred in the UK by Nahida the Exiled Palestinian
Beware of Jewish Slappers
Antony Loewenstein & Ali Abunimah: The Real Peace Process
Gilad Atzmon: My Problem with Jewish Identity Starts here
Israel Braces Itself for a UN Fact Finding Mission by Gilad Atzmon
A Freedom Charter or A Second Nakba? By Kenneth O'Keefe
“By way of deception, thou shalt make love”
On The Israeli Right's New 'Peace' Agenda by Gilad Atzmon
Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook & Gilad AtzmonDate 2010-07-20
Strictly Dancing by Gilad Atzmon
Community Ramadan football tournament to take place in Gaza
Gilad Atzmon: British Jews Support Israeli War Crimes
Give History a Chance by Gilad Atzmon
Each village is a reminder by Brian Lenzo
Listen to The Remarkable David Halpin exposing Global Zionism
Gilad Atzmon discusses Tolerance, History and Revisionism on Aspen GrassRoots TV
CNN editor fired after tweeting 'respect for Hezbollah giant'
Two State Hypocrisy by Daniel McGowan
The lies about Hamas rockets
Somewhere Over the Pipi Chopsky
Gilad Atzmon at the Kevin Barrett's Show
Atzmon and Siegel in Rochester and Geneva by Dan McGowan
Victims United
Debunking the War on Terror!!!
In Case You Are Around
Touching Left, Islam, Israeli Lobby, Chomsky and Many other Hot Topics
Kenneth O’Keefe Says it All. Must See Video
Connecting the Zionist Dots by Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon at The Ugly Truth Radio Podcast
Day by day we are getting better at it!!! Must watch
Another Glimpse into ‘Jewish Humour’ by Gilad Atzmon
Invitation to olive picking [Palestine, October, 2010]
This is far beyond politics. Humanity Rises Against the Israeli Crime
Paul Larudee*: Account of my Capture and Imprisonment as part of the Freedom Flotilla
Inside the mind of Mark Regev (an old video resurfaced)
Shooting and Sobbing by Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon Interviewed by Shabana Syed
The Colbert Report: Formidable Opponent
The Helen Thomas' Resolution by Gilad Atzmon
Howard Stern on Helen Thomas
More Kosher crap exposed... a must watch new video
Morris Herman on the Flotilla
Israeli Attack on the Mavi Marmara // Raw Footage
There's Nothing Christian about Zionism
Shocking Testimonials from the Mavi Marmara survivors. And one Israeli fembot by Lauren Booth
Don't Use Violence, we are civilians!!!
The Crucifixion of Kindness by Gilad Atzmon
Humanity vs Tribalism
Helen Thomas hits the nail
Fear, pain and propaganda: an activist’s story
Jewish Ideology and World Peace by Gilad Atzmon
Strip Israel of its UN Membership.
A Glimpse Into Jewish Collective Morbidity-introduction By Gilad Atzmon
Anthony Lawson: The Voice of America — Part 2 The Treasonous Dollar Drain
Gaza flotilla activists were shot in head at close range by Robert Booth
Gilad Atzmon on Israeli collective madness (RT)
Life Must Go On- Jazza Festival for Free Gaza
Israeli Butchery at Sea by Gilad Atzmon
Live Stream from Turkish's IHH Mission to Gaza
Hebrew Culture for Dummies by Gilad Atzmon
This is not a Love song
Free Gaza Live
‘A battle for the high seas. And the high ground’ By Lauren Booth*
Humanitarian Flotilla Vs Evil Navy
A Strategy of Liberation Requires Emancipation by Nahida the Exiled Palestinian
Talking about Athens, Jerusalem and Music
Sleepless in Athens; a 2 hours radio show
Talking about Athens and Jerusalem in Athens by Gilad Atzmon
Planet Chomsky vs. Dershowitz’s Orbit by Gilad Atzmon
Dogs for Jews by Gilad Atzmon
On my way to Athens by Gilad Atzmon
Hey Elton....
About anti Semitism by Nahida the Exiled Palestinian
Not Much Time Remains for Israel- A Film Review by Gilad Atzmon
Israel will not be a Jewish state, video - Gilad Atzmon
Well Done Frankie Boyle!!! By Gilad Atzmon
The Complete Manual for The British Jewish Voter by Gilad Atzmon
Children of Gaza
Excerpt from the book My Father Was A Freedom Fighter: Gaza's Untold Story
Welcome to the Jewish Comedy Club by Gilad Atzmon
EYE WITNESS REPORTS FROM GAZA Video Free Gaza News Oct22,2009
Gilad Shalit 3D Animated Video by Hamas (a work of genius!!!)
AIPAC: The Voice of America — Part 1: The Orange and the Pea
Children of Gaza Speak
Holocaust Tax Allowance by Gilad Atzmon
Film: “Targeted Citizen” (15 minutes)
Polanski's Ghost Writer - a film review by Gilad Atzmon
Symbolic Identifiers and Jewish Stereotypes by Gilad Atzmon
Hypocrites by Nahida the Exiled Palestinian
Interview with Carlos Latuff by Kourosh Ziabari
Poet and Author Alice Walker Speaking in Gaza (Democracy Now)
Israeli ID order set to criminalise Palestinians
Bring them Back
Remembering Deir Yassin - Dan McGowen
IsraHell- The Fox, Liver Man and Bibi
The Boomerang Effect By Gilad Atzmon
Gaza: Our Spirit Will Never Die
The worm is in the can by Nahida @ Uprooted Palestinian
The Ethnic Cleanser .. Haaretz today
It's A Place Called, Palestine (music video)
Ramzy Baroud UK Tour-Don't miss it!!!
Student Outreach at AIPAC-Revolting beyond belief.
Mohammed Omer (Rafah Today) with Amy Goodman (Democracy Now)
Music is the future of humanism!!! Must see...
BBC - Evidence Israel's nuclear weapons(Banned Censored)1of5
The Shylocks meet the Fagins by Gilad Atzmon
Minding the Gap: Judaism between Law and Ethics by Ariella atzmon*
Simpsons in IsraHell, check it out before it is taken down
The So Called 'Only Democracy in the Middle East’ by Gilad Atzmon
The True Face of Open Society....
Ethnic Cleansing in Jerusalem
Soap Opera by Gilad Atzmon
Anthoy Lawson: Treason
Samson and the 2nd Nakba - A Short Study of the Jewish Hercules By Gilad Atzmon
Being British
Judea declares War on Obama by Gilad Atzmon
EuroPalestine Protest at H&M;
I AM IsraHell
Who is the British Dog? By Gilad Atzmon
Mawtini-Palestine for you.
US Department of Justice Asked to Regulate AIPAC as a Foreign Agent of the Israeli Government
Madoff in Jerusalem by Gilad Atzmon
Israeli Racism....
From Greece with Love-Yperastikoi
Jewish Accessories by Gilad Atzmon
How can you say NO to Real Beauty?
Israeli Apartheid and The Nakba-a new brilliant work by Anthony Lawson
Gaza's Guernica...
Truth, History and Integrity by Gilad Atzmon
Liberating the Iraqi-birth defects in Fallujah
Holocaust Games in Britain
Persecution of Messianic Jews in Israel
The Banality of Jewish Symbolism by Gilad Atzmon
Anthony Lawson -"It was the right decision"
Suppressing Evidence, David Miliband and UK Complicity in Torture. By Sarah Gillespie
From Promised Land to Promised Planet
Israeli Pride II
Bowing to Jewish Pressure by Gilad Atzmon
Music for a change....
Israeli Pride....
Why it takes so many Mossad agents to kill a Palestinian with a Pillow? by Gilad Atzmon
Jpost Video: Promote Israel while traveling abroad
Wandering jazz player by By Theo Panayides
Big Story-The Jewish Lobby in Britain..
A Fistful of Poetry, Book Launch
Mossad’s Murderous Reach: The Larger Political Issues By James Petras
To Believe or not to Believe
Public Service: Watch Mohammad Bakri's Jenin Jenin
The Tide Has Changed - Gilad Atzmon
The Long Arm of Israel better be amputated by Gilad Atzmon
Israeli Apartheid Week
Birmingham Friends of Pal: Jazz Event + Primacy of the Ear
Gilad Atzmon’s Orient House Ensemble, Vortex
A New Jewish Goal by Gilad Atzmon
Begin's grandson: 'murderous blood flows in Israeli arteries'
Dreyfus, The Protocols and Goldstone by Gilad Atzmon
ZIONISM UNMASKED: Chutzpah, thy name is Zionism by Maidhc Ó Cathail
UK’s Jewish Chronicle editor says extra-judicial murder is kosher By Salaheddin Ahmad
Emotional Spin For A Change by Gilad Atzmon
Britain, You Better Wake Up by Gilad Atzmon
Anthony Lawson-More About Israeli Barbarism
Did you know? Some Facts about the Conflict...
ICH:Clare Short: Goldsmith ‘Misled’ Cabinet Over Iraq
Finkelstein says NO to Crocodile Tears
Israeli Hostage
My Father was a Freedom Fighter- a book review by Gilad Atzmon
Arrest Blair!!!
I do love my Mac but this is way over the top
British Citizens vs an IDF Guard by Gilad Atzmon
The Arab International Forum for the Support of the Resistance, Beirut Lebanon 15-17 January 2010 Report by Lasse Wilhelmson
Enough is Enough by Gilad Atzmon
Israel’s voice on Britain's Iraq Inquiry accuses critics of “anti-Semitism” By Nureddin Sabir
IDF is saving the world
Holocaust Exploited
Defamation, the first 20 min on Youtube
The Holocaust Backfires
IsraHell for you...
The Shoa Must Go On by Gilad Atzmon
Americans You Better Watch This
In Memory of Martin Luther King by Gilad Atzmon
'Israelis stealing organs in Haiti'
Netanyahu, Hegel and the Jewish Spirit by Gilad Atzmon
Anthony Lawson/Jeff Gates- A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism - Parts 1, 2 and 3
Defamation, Must be Seen!!! A Film Review by Gilad Atzmon
A People’s History of Gaza in Cartoons by Paul de Rooij
Truth Will Prevail by Gilad Atzmon
Everything Is Fine!!!!
Finkelstein on Hezbollah
IsraHell for you, Ethnic Cleansing Live
Israel’s Iron Kipa by Gilad Atzmon
Deconstructing Simon Wiesenthal by Lawrence Swaim
With Cohen, Pearlman and the ADL who needs the real thing?
Aaronovitch Miliband & Me by Gilad Atzmon (a Multimedia Show)
Reflections on the anniversary of Blitzkrieged Gaza by Roy Ratcliffe
Israel’s Hidden Friends, the Names, the Tactics by REDRESS INFORMATION & ANALYSIS
Happy New Year
Film Review: Avatar, A Humanist Call from Mt. Hollywood by Gilad Atzmon
Book Review: Gaza's Untold Story By Mamoon Alabbasi
A Film review: A Serious Man, the Poetic Side of Self-Hatred by Gilad Atzmon
"Jewish People, Decent People, Freedom, Democracy..." says Abe'le Foxman
Indo-Israeli plan to counter Pakistan, terrorism
Britain’s Jews in crisis over national loyalty, identity and Israel By Redress Information & Analysis
Exclusive News on Viva Palestina Convoy to Gaza
A FISTFUL OF POETRY (introduction by Gilad Atzmon)
Santa Claus Bailout Hearings
The Old Testament and the War Crime in Gaza by Gilad Atzmon
There is no Business like Shoah Business by Gilad Atzmon
Oy Vey, The Mossad is Going Meshuge
Auschwitz yet Again by Gilad Atzmon
Yad Va Shame on You! by Gilad Atzmon
On the way to The Hague, image improved by Morris Herman
To Schlep Them to Justice in Safety by Gilad Atzmon
Israel's Leaders on the Run by Gilad Atzmon
Ramzy Baroud's new book-a promotional film
Merry Christmas from Gilad Atzmon
Making Friends with Israel by Gilad Atzmon
War Criminal and WMD Enthusiast Shimon Peres Wants to Talk To You
‘Anti-Semitism up, Islamophobia down” a New Academic Research Says
Inside Story - The battle for Jerusalem - 6 Dec 09
Oi Vey-Orthodox boxer Salita floored in title fight ...
You Want to Understand Anti-Semitism? Just Look in the Mirror by Gilad Atzmon
Kebab Philosophy By Gilad Atzmon
Just Jew It....beware
Riz Khan - Changing perspectives on Israel - 30 Nov 09 - Shlomo Sand Part 2
Vineyard Saker's Interview with Gilad Atzmon
Accessory vs. Perpetrator by Gilad Atzmon
Report: Pollard proposes killing Palestinian prisoners until Shalit freed
Israeli settler repeatedly drives over Palestinian, Police watch, Fox News
Hasbara Author vs Iran’s Bomb by Gilad Atzmon
Jews don't need enemies - Video Gilad at home
Joining the tunnel diggers in the Gaza Strip
We are all Palestinians now by Maidhc Ó Cathail
United Against Spitting by Gilad Atzmon
A Night Unto The Nations by Gilad Atzmon
The cost of Ziocon Wars
Get Ready for Another Whitewash
Far Beyond Chutzpah by Gilad Atzmon
This Is Pure Genius!!!!
Lexicon of Resistance by Gilad Atzmon
As the Light onto the Nations by Gilad Atzmon
Zionist Control of Britain’s Government: 1940-2009 by William A. Cook
Hope by Lubna Naveed
The Graphic Imagery of the Lobby
The Complete Guide to Killing Non-Jews
Britain must de-Zionise Itself Immediately by Gilad Atzmon
Credit Crunch or rather Zio Punch? by Gilad Atzmon
"Does everyone hate us? Possibly so.." says Ynet's leading writer
From the River to the Sea by Gilad Atzmon
More Israeli Spitting, this time on a priest...
In defence of Larry David by Gilad Atzmon
Kosher Aristotle and the Shoa Survivor by Gilad Atzmon
Israel ~ nuclear rogue state
Pornographic Past Vs Murderous Present by Gilad Atzmon
Isreal Part 1
Bonaparte Blair & Co by Gilad Atzmon
Ethically Cleansed - The case of Nick Griffin and the BBC-Guest Post By Sarah Gillespie
The International Bureau of Double Standards-Guest Post by Anthony Lawson
After all I am a Proper Zionist Jew by Gilad Atzmon
SHLOMO SAND'S The Invention of the Jewish People-book review by Gilad Atzmon
Backstroking the Jewish Tomorrow by Gilad Atzmon
Autumn in Shanghai by Gilad Atzmon
Metal Palestine
The Israeli One and Only War Crime
Deception, Spin and Lies written by Gilad Atzmon
The Nobel Prize, the Brand and the President by Gilad Atzmon
From Delusion to Vindictiveness by Gilad Atzmon
From Victimhood to Aggression: Jewish Identity in the light of Caryl Churchill’s Seven Jewish Children by Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon – Messing with the Zohan
Who Is a Jew? By Gilad Atzmon
The Pathology of Evil by Gilad Atzmon
Vengeance, Barbarism and Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds By GILAD ATZMON
Symbolism and the Grotesque Bruno: a Glimpse Into Zionism? By GILAD ATZMON
Organ Donation and Theft in Contemporary Jewish Folklore By Gilad Atzmon
The Jewish Experience - by Gilad Atzmon
The Right to Self-Determination - A Fake Exercise in Universalism by Gilad Atzmon
The Wandering Who? By Gilad Atzmon
The Hostage Dream Loving Oneself at the Expense of Another By GILAD ATZMON
War On Terror Within: The End of Jewish History by Gilad Atzmon
Sabra, Shatila and Collective Amnesia by Gilad Atzmon
The Primacy of the ear by Gilad Atzmon
Freedom of Speech: the right to equate Gaza with Auschwitz by Gilad Atzmon
Tractatus Logico Palestinicus By Gilad Atzmon
Shylock in Yiddish
I am a Loo
Saving Private Tziga'le
charlie chaplin the Kid (the Israeli version)
Moisha’le’s New Suit by Hans Christian Underdog
Mein Little Kind Lenni’le by Hans Christian Underdog
Jewnetic Engineering by Gilad Atzmon
The Tzabar and the Sabbar: A Refection on Memory and Nostalgia by Gilad Atzmon
Operation Security Roof by Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon – Swindler’s List
Some People Never Learn the Lesson by Gilad Atzmon
The 3rd CategoryThe 3rd Category and the Palestinian Solidarity Movement by Gilad Atzmon
Between the Shtetl and the Big City One Hundred Years of Jewish Solitude
Purim Special From Esther to AIPAC By GILAD ATZMON
The Dialectic of Negation by Gilad Atzmon
Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder-A Glimpse Into Israeli Collective Psychosis by Gilad Atzmon
Zionism and other Marginal Thoughts by Gilad Atzmon
From Guilt to Responsibility -Gilad Atzmon
Re-Arranging the 20th Century: Allegro, non Troppo by Gilad Atzmon
Being and Time- Gilad Atzmon PLUS - Introduction by Manuel Talens
Vengeance, Barbarism and Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds By GILAD ATZMON
Symbolism and the Grotesque Bruno: a Glimpse Into Zionism? By GILAD ATZMON
The Plot Against America a book report and a reality check by Gilad Atzmon
Jazz and politics by Gilad Atzmon
Mel Gibson and the Judo-Christian myth by Gilad Atzmon
Borat, An Alternative Discourse Analysis – Gilad Atzmon
Blood, Soil and Art by Gilad Atzmon
Deconstructing Grossman by Gilad Atzmon
PM Gordon Brown, Here Is My Shopping List by Gilad Atzmon
Iranian Journalist Interviews Gilad Atzmon
The Unilateral People by Gilad Atzmon
Israel Has Managed to Lose Again By Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon interviewed by "Eleftherotypia" (Greek Sunday Paper)
Gilad Atzmon – The Old Testament and the Genocide in Gaza
Living on Borrowed Time in a Stolen Land by Gilad Atzmon
Eine Kleine Nacht Murder: How Israeli Leaders Kill for their People's Votes by Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon – Gilad Shalit: The Grand Illusion
Taking Elder Peres Apart by Gilad Atzmon
Send Them To Gaza: Gimmicks and Education by Gilad Atzmon
A Plot against Britain? by Gilad Atzmon
Saying NO to the Hunters of Goliath Gilad Atzmon
Anthony Julius and a journey to the dark Zionist world By Gilad Atzmon
Palestinian Solidarity Discourse and Zionist Hegemony -Gilad Atzmon
Jewish Secular Fundamentalism By Gilad Atzmon
Pour out your fury upon the people of Lebanon and Gaza by Gilad Atzmon
Israel’s New Math, 2 = 500,000 by Gilad Atzmon
Never Again Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon - Tony Greenstein debate
Why do we hate them? by Gilad Atzmon
The Peace Envoy by Gilad Atzmon
Here comes the flood by Gilad Atzmon
The politics of anti-Semitism by Gilad Atzmon
Jazz and Jihad: the discourse of solidarity by Gilad Atzmon
Ziotacticus Autisticus by Gilad Atzmon
Brave New World War by Gilad Atzmon
Self-Haters Unite By Gilad Atzmon
The Hamas Victory Gilad Atzmon, Where to now, Palestine? Some reflections by Gilad Atzmon
Welcome to Zionised Britain by Gilad Atzmon
Blair the Camera Man-Gilad Atzmon
Peace is not Shalom and Shalom is not Sharon by Gilad Atzmon
The Plot Against America a book report and a reality check by Gilad Atzmon
The Open Society and its Enemies - The Story of Auschwitz by Gilad Atzmon
The J word, the J people and the J spot by Gilad Atzmon
Sex and Politics by Gilad Atzmon
The Passion of Arafat by Gilad Atzmon
Why Should He Apologise? Or Rather, Who Should Apologise? by Gilad Atzmon
Israeli People's Most common Mistakes by Gilad Atzmon
'Ha-Mechabel' by Gilad Atzmon
To Sit in the Dark, Victimhood and Jewish identity by Gilad Atzmon
The Separation Wall and The Myth of the Israeli Left by Gilad Atzmon
'NOT IN MY NAME’ – An analysis of Jewish righteousness by Gilad Atzmon
Women In Uniform By Gilad Atzmon
Sheikh Ahmed Yassin by Gilad Atzmon
News in the West by Gilad Atzmon
On Anti-Semitism by Gilad Atzmon
About "World Peace" by Gilad Atzmon
Liberating Iraq by Gilad Atzmon
The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion (Verse 2) by Gilad Atzmon
On Blindness by gilad atzmon
The Devil Sings Again By Gilad Atzmon
The end of innocence by Gilad Atzmon
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Bloody Oil
Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 3:58PM
Gilad Atzmon
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