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George Romney, Mitt’s Father, Paid A 37 Percent Effective Tax Rate

George and Mitt Romney, 1964

Mitt Romney yesterday finally admitted that he pays a tax rate of about 15 percent, though he continues to put off releasing his full tax returns. However, when Mitt’s father, George Romney, ran for President in 1968, he released 12 years of tax returns, which revealed that he paid a 37 percent effective tax rate. From the Sarasota Herald-Tribune, November 25, 1967:

Romney became a millionaire on company stock options after he introduced a compact car as president of American Motors Corp. The figures show his adjusted gross income ranged from $661,427.68 when he was president of American Motors Corp. to a low of $78,483.85 last year. The figures indicate he paid $1,099,555.18 in taxes on an income of $2,972,923.58.

These numbers show Romney paying a 36.9 percent effective tax rate (but this was also a time when the top income tax rate was 70 percent). Lee Fang noted that the returns also “showed that George Romney donated 19 percent of his income to church, 4 percent directly to charity, and most surprisingly…that the Michigan governor ‘seldom took advantage of tax loopholes to escape his tax obligations.’”

Romney, meanwhile, is the beneficiary of a huge tax loophole that lets private equity managers like himself pay a lower tax rate on their earnings than millions of middle class families. He has also advocated a tax plan that would cut his own taxes nearly in half, while raising taxes on half of middle class families with children.


Survey: Republicans Trust Fox News And Nothing Else

A new PPP poll confirms what many have long suspected — that many Americans get their news from sources that hew to their pre-existing beliefs.

But this phenomenon was not balanced on both sides of the ideological spectrum. While Democrats trust most news outlets, to varying degrees, Republicans trust only a single one — Fox News. While a massive 73 percent of Republicans trust Fox, the next highest rating among any major TV news outlet is PBS, which just 30 percent of GOPers trust, according to the PPP poll.

The numbers show just how powerful Fox can be in setting the agenda and influencing the world view of conservatives, with virtually no competition or accountability from the outside world. This monopoly on news penetration for an entire half of the electorate would be bad no matter the network, but it’s especially troubling considering Fox’s shoddy, and often agenda-driven “reporting.” And unlike an openly-ideological news outlet like ThinkProgress or the National Review, which freely advertise their perspectives, Fox insists it’s a traditional “far and balanced” news outlet.


Romney Invests In Several Bain Funds That Use Offshore Tax Havens To Boost Profits

Mitt Romney yesterday admitted for the first time that his tax rate is about 15 percent, lower than the rate paid by millions of middle class families. Romney is able to pay such a low rate (even though the top income tax rate is 35 percent) because his income comes overwhelmingly from investments and he is able to use a pernicious loophole available to wealthy money managers.

Romney has been refusing to release his tax returns, finally conceding to releasing his 2011 return after he files it in April. However, only releasing his 2011 returns would give Romney the opportunity to keep under wraps some of the financial engineering he may have done to avoid taxes before the last calendar year. As Reuters noted, those returns “could shed light on how Romney and Bain use offshore strategies to avoid taxes.” In fact, ABC News reported today that Romney has millions of dollars parked in several Bain funds that are set up in tax shelters in order to help their investors avoid U.S. taxes:

Although it is not apparent on his financial disclosure form, Mitt Romney has millions of dollars of his personal wealth in investment funds set up in the Cayman Islands, a notorious Caribbean tax haven…As one of the wealthiest candidates to run for president in recent times, Romney has used a variety of techniques to help minimize the taxes on his estimated $250 million fortune. In addition to paying the lower tax rate on his investment income, Romney has as much as $8 million invested in at least 12 funds listed on a Cayman Islands registry. Another investment, which Romney reports as being worth between $5 million and $25 million, shows up on securities records as having been domiciled in the Caymans.

Even if these funds don’t help Romney directly dodge U.S. taxes, which the campaign claims they don’t, they convey a host of advantages to Bain and Romney, including “higher management fees and greater foreign interest” from investors looking to avoid U.S. taxes. As the Washington Post’s Suzy Khimm noted, “just one of these offshore-linked funds — Bain Capital Fund VIII, based in the Cayman Islands — generated $1 million for the Romneys in 2010.”

Offshore funds are attractive to investors, since they help with tax evasion, and more investor interest translates into more profit for Bain and Romney. As we’ve noted, Romney has a lucrative retirement deal with Bain that is paying him millions each year.

In contrast to Romney’s steadfast refusal to release his tax returns, George Romney (Mitt’s father) released 12 years worth of tax returns when he ran for president in 1968. Those returns showed that the elder Romney paid a 37 percent effective tax rate.


Gingrich Fundraises Off Saying He Wants To Punch Obama In The Face | Newt Gingrich’s campaign sent out a fundraising request to supporters this afternoon touting that the former speaker said he wants to knock Obama out, because, as the subject line of the email suggests, “A Bloody Nose Just Won’t Cut It.” The comment comes from a recent town hall where a questioner asked Gingrich how he would “bloody Obama’s nose.” “I don’t want to bloody his nose, I want to knock him out!” Gingrich responded. “This is exactly why Newt Gingrich is the candidate who must face Obama,” campaign spokesman RC Hammond says in the email, above a bright red “Donate” button:

See the full email HERE.


CHART: Who Is Lobbying For And Against The Protect IP Act

Today, many internet sites — from Wikipedia to Google — have chosen to go dark or change their display format, in protest of S. 968, the Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011 (or the PROTECT IP Act).

Supporters argue the bill will provide much-needed protections for American intellectual property and curb “rogue websites operated and registered overseas.” Opponents warn that the measure as written would “censor the Web and impose harmful regulations on American business” and want to see significant changes to the draft before Congress considers it. Both sides have mobilized to lobby Washington on the bill.

Though many of the supporters and opponents of the bill are well known, a ThinkProgress examination of the companies and organizations lobbying on the bill yields some unexpected results.

Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) introduced the bill last May. In the two quarters that followed, at least 39 entities reported lobbying in favor of the bill. These included obvious business interests such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Comcast Corp., Disney, the Motion Picture Association of America, News Corp., Nintendo, and Sony Pictures, as well as a few less expects backers including Tiffany & Co., the American Apparel & Footware Association, and the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers.

At least 19 companies and organizations lobbied against the bill and/or the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), the House version of the bill. These included Internet companies including eBay, Facebook, Go Daddy, Google, and Yahoo!, but also American Express and Visa.

While federal lobbying disclosure rules do not require filers to report how much they spend on each specific issue, the supporters total lobbying over the time they lobbied on this (including all other issues) amounted to at least $64 million, while opponents’ total lobbying on all issues totaled at least $12.8 million. (Note: we cannot determine from disclosure forms how much of the lobbying spending was devoted solely to PIPA.)

So whichever side wins, it won’t have come cheap. See our analysis of both the pro- and anti-PIPA lobbying activities below:

Read more


Jerry Springer To Fox News: ‘You Guys, Every Single Day, Bash President Obama’

Newsweek made this week waves once again, this time for the lead story titled, “Why are Obama’s critics so dumb?” Today, on Fox and Friends, host Gretchen Carlson asked her “fair and balanced” panel to discuss whether her outrage over the headline is justified. While most made the point that the headline is predominantly a sales-pitch, the “liberal” guest, TV talk show host Jerry Springer, opted to note the irony.

“It is a little disingenuous,” he said. “Here we are at Fox, complaining that Newsweek may be a little partisan.” Noting that magazines and other media outlets often take — or sell — opinions, Springer pointed out that Carlson’s outrage might be misplaced considering that “you guys, every single day, bash President Obama”:

SPRINGER: If the point of this discussion is to be upset with a magazine that — even if it took the position that they’re pro-Obama — again, everybody in the media is doing things like that. We’re here on Fox News. Every single day, in fairness, you guys, every single day, bash President Obama.

CARLSON: I’m going to take you to task on that because on this panel right here, we have a fair and balanced panel right here. And I’m the independent.

SPRINGER: But, what’s the rest of the show? The rest of the show, every single morning, you guys are slamming Obama. You know you are. I’m not saying you don’t have a right to. But every single conversation is something bad about Obama.

Watch the segment:

Carlson’s “independence” must be seconds old. After all, Fox and Friends has never missed an opportunity to blast Obama, be it over the Iraq War, recess appointments, terrorism, income inequality, Christmas, or for generally existing.

The fair and balanced Carlson herself has unloaded on Obama, claiming he is putting “politics ahead of jobs for the American People,” or that he is “grinching 15 cents out of your pocket,” or that he is “working overtime now to raise taxes.” She’s even offered advice to GOP candidates on exactly how to campaign against the president. But Carlson insisted to Springer, “you obviously don’t watch our show.” “Quite frankly, we present both sides of the story and leave it up to our viewers to decide where they fall,” she said. (HT: TVNewser)


Homeless Teen Who Is A Semifinalist For Science Prize Will Be At The State Of The Union | Samantha Garvey, a New York high school senior who has been living in a homeless shelter and recently named a semifinalist in the prestigious Intel Science Talent Search competition, will be Rep. Steve Israel’s (D-NY) guest at President Obama’s State of the Union address next Tuesday. Garvey found out she was a seminfinalist after her family had been living in a homeless shelter for several days, and donations have poured in to help the family as news of Garvey’s story spread. She wants to be a marine biologist and has applied to college at Brown and Yale. Israel told Newsday he was moved by Garvey’s story. “The State of the Union attracts the most powerful people on Earth, but I really think Samantha can teach them all a lesson in perseverance,” Israel said.


Romney Fundraises At Home Of Wall Streeter Who Compared Closing Tax Loopholes To Nazi Invasion

Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman

If Mitt Romney is trying to shed his image as an out-of-touch banker, yesterday did not help. On the same day the GOP frontrunner revealed that he pays a much lower tax rate than many middle-class Americans, the founder and CEO of the world’s largest private equity fund hosted Romney and a select group of other financial elites for a top-dollar fundraiser and strategy session at his ultra-posh Manhattan home.

The venue was the Park Avenue apartment of Stephen Schwarzman, the 66th richest person in the world, a 24-room duplex once owned by John D. Rockefeller Jr. that Schwarzman purchased for “$30-something-million” — the highest price ever paid for a New York apartment at the time. There’s even a book about Schwarzman’s building: 740 Park: The Story of the World’s Richest Apartment Building. (Mega-conservative donor David Koch and former Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain also live in the building, though no word if they attended the fundraiser.)

But more noteworthy than Schwarzman’s apartment is the conversation that was likely going on inside. CNBC reports the discussion was sure to be how to “counter attacks from President Obama about Romney’s record at the helm of private equity-firm Bain Capital.” Here’s one approach of Schwarzman’s from 2010 that Romney probably shouldn’t follow:

“It’s a war,” Schwarzman said of the struggle with the [Obama] administration over increasing taxes on private-equity firms. “It’s like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.”

Attendees at the board meeting (who provided details on condition that they and the organization not be identified) were shocked. “War? Hitler? Poland? A little over the top for a proposal to make hedge-fund managers pay their fair share in taxes,” one attendee says about the comments.

The tax in question is a particularly pernicious loophole (called “carried interest”) that lets private equity executives and hedge fund managers pay a lower tax rate on their income than other working Americans. As ThinkProgress economics editor Pat Garofalo notes in the Atlantic, “private equity managers are allowed to pay the [lower] capital gains rate on the profits they make managing someone else’s money, not for any risk that they take themselves.” It’s a loophole that benefits only people like Schwarzman, who are already extremely wealthy, and does nothing to encourage investment. Congress has tried to eliminate it several times, but has been always been thwarted by concerted lobbying and Republican intransigence.


Santorum: Medicare Is Like Romneycare | Rick Santorum continued to rail against Medicare during a stop in South Carolina this afternoon, pledging to reform the program by turning it over to private health insurers and “free markets.” “We have to look at how we’re spending our money,” Santorum explained, before awkwardly comparing the health care program to Mitt Romney’s signature law in Massachusetts. “In the area of Medicare, it is incredibly inefficient. The Medicare system is simply like Romneycare in Massachusetts…It will eventually mean that a lot of seniors aren’t going to get the care that they need.” Watch it:


Muslim College Student Reports Sexual Harassment, Gets Reported To FBI For Terrorism And Expelled

In 2008, African-American Muslim student Balayla Ahmad enrolled in Connecticut’s University of Bridgeport with hopes of becoming a chiropractor. Instead, she became of a victim of sexual harassment. Distressed by the repeated sexual advances and “graphic offensive comments” of a male student, Ahmad reported the harassment and “fears for her safety” to multiple teachers, who urged her to say nothing, and finally the university’s president and dean. The dean told Ahmad, “My hands are tied. What do you suggest I do?”

Rather than having her claims addressed, Ahmad received allegations of her own. Learning of her report, Ahmad’s harasser decided to falsely accuse her of terrorism to the FBI. And rather than fully investigate what was happening, the University of Bridgeport just expelled Ahmad altogether:

After reporting the sexual harassment in April 2009, Ahmad said she was approached by two university security directors who told her someone had made allegations against her and they threatened to call the FBI and have her arrested.

Later, two FBI agents knocked on Ahmad’s apartment door, questioned her and left a business card, according to the lawsuit. She said she learned that her harasser or his associates had fabricated a story falsely accusing her of being a terrorist in apparent retaliation for having made a sexual harassment complaint against him.

“Ahmad was racially profiled and discriminated against because of her race, color and ethnic identity as an African American Muslim and labeled a terrorist based on false accusations provided by the harasser and adopted without adequate investigation by the university,” the lawsuit states.

Ahmad asked that the university provide her with an off-site proctor for her exams, but she said the university told her in April 2009 that her sexual harassment complaint had been closed and that she was being referred to a disciplinary committee. In June, she said the university dismissed her.

Ahmad filed a lawsuit against the university last week for failing to investigate her claims, instead showing “deliberate indifference” to her plight. The lawsuit claims that the college even “recklessly disseminated false accusations by the harasser that they had good reason to believe were unreliable and threatened her with arrest by the FBI.”

Ahmad’s lawyer, Bradford Conover noted that because Ahmad regularly wears the hijab, she was easily targeted for her religion. “[B]ecause of that, she ended up getting targeted based on some reckless accusations against her,” Conover said. “They never investigated it. Had they done so, they would have discovered the accusations against her were false and she had been subject to sexual harassment.”


Maryland Anti-LGBT Groups Object To Transgender Protections As ‘Dangerous’

Dr. Ruth Jacobs

Baltimore County is considering a bill that would protect transgender people from discrimination in public accommodations, such as restrooms, and religious conservative groups are wasting no time in smearing all trans individuals as sexual predators. The American Family Association, Focus on the Family, and the National Organization for Marriage’s Ruth Institute are all highlighting the rhetoric of Dr. Ruth Jacobs of Maryland Citizens for a Responsible Government. Here are some of Jacobs’ incendiary comments:

JACOBS: It opens up the bathrooms to men who may be just cross-dressers, who may be a pedophile who uses the law to nefarious advantage. It’s a very dangerous bill. In this law, you’re afraid to complain because [you think] Oh my goodness — maybe I’ll be considered a bigot. But, of course it could be somebody who’s trying to rape me.

This takes away from a woman being a woman. Somebody else is just like you. These people are confused about their gender.

The bill is a direct attack on women’s privacy.

Derek McCoy of the Association of Maryland Families added:

MCCOY: When you look at this bill, the terrible thing about it is you’re talking about allowing someone who self-identifies (as a man or a woman) — meaning I can get up any given day of the week, especially if I have inclinations that are not right, like being a pedophile or a sexual deviant — and putting in harm’s way children who are using public facilities. They can be taken, they can be molested. We need to be on our guard and understand what’s at stake.

Here are a couple of facts that Jacobs, McCoy, and other anti-trans talking heads ignore: Read more

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After Today’s SOPA Blackout, A Clean Slate

Many organizations, most notably among them Wikipedia, are going dark or gray for today to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act. When they come back, a lot more Americans will likely be aware of the now substantially altered legislation. And my hope, however unlikely, is that after this day of action, we can reset the conversation, especially now that DNS blocking and rerouting appear to be out of play.

It might help for both sides to acknowledge the legitimate fears held by powerful interests on both sides of the SOPA debate. Changing the way the internet is governed, especially after a year when free access to it played a major role in critically important liberation movements, is a hugely momentous thing to propose, even if you feel that your industry is at stake. It may be difficult to quantify the economic impact of piracy, but that doesn’t mean that there is none, or that it’s illegitimate for the people who work in an industry to feel insecurity about its transformation and their prospects for stable employment in it. Tech companies could do more to sell themselves to legacy content providers as beneficial partners. And legacy media companies could spend more time talking to consumers about customer service and cross-platform accessibility than scolding them.

Content and technology companies are not inextricably enemies, and there’s likely to be less and less daylight between them in the future. Netflix is making investments in shows like mob drama Lillyhammer and a remake of the classic British series House of Cards. On a smaller scale, Hulu is doing the same with its unscripted series from Morgan Spurlock and Richard Linklater and its first scripted drama, Wisconsin campaign series Battleground. Tom Hanks’ Playtone production company is making American Gods for HBO — and an animated science fiction series, Electric City, for Yahoo. Google-owned YouTube is shoveling money into content channels curated by actors and celebrities.

These companies may approach their long-term plans for their content differently than movie studios and television networks, and may have different approaches to copyright and distribution than the legacy media organizations. But my bet would be it’s a matter of emphasis rather than of a wholly new approach. It makes much more sense to embrace that connectivity and common interest, and for legacy and new media born out of tech companies to learn as much as they can from each others’ experiences getting rich content to broad audiences on diverse platforms. The SOPA debate has been bruising. But if it helps us lay out the issues that prevent these sides from working together, perhaps it’ll be worth it.

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Breaking: Obama To Reject Keystone XL | The Obama administration will announce it cannot approve the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline today, after Republicans inserted a rider into the payroll tax cut legislation that forced an executive-branch decision before the pipeline route is finalized. TransCanada, the foreign company that wants to build the 1700-mile pipeline to transport tar sands crude from Canada to Texas refineries, is rerouting the planned pipeline around Nebraska’s sensitive Sand Hills after local outcry. The Washington Post’s Juliet Eilperin reports that the administration will allow TransCanada “to reapply with an alternate route through Nebraska.”


How The GOP Candidates’ Tax Plans Would Give Huge Tax Breaks To South Carolina’s Richest 1 Percent

The GOP 2012 presidential candidates are headed to South Carolina for its Saturday primary largely in lockstep about economic policy. Across the board, the candidates have proposed tax plans that would give huge tax cuts to the already wealthy and blow a hole in the federal budget, while doing next to nothing for the middle class.

In South Carolina specifically, the candidates’ plans would give tens of thousands of dollars (or hundreds of thousands, depending on the plan) in tax breaks to the richest 1 percent of Americans. Citizens for Tax Justice broke down the plans by candidate and income percentage:

As the table shows, the smallest tax break for the richest 1 percent in South Carolina would be Mitt Romney’s, at about $69,000. Newt Gingrich wins the race for largest tax break for the 1 percent, at more than $212,000. In South Carolina, where the median income is about $43,000, the richest 1 percent have an average income of about $945,000.

Overall, the GOP candidates’ tax plans give tax breaks to the wealthy that are up to 270 times as large as those they deign to give to the middle class. Several of them, in fact, would raise taxes on many middle class families. Romney, for instance, would raise taxes on half of middle class families with children, due to his elimination of an expanded child tax credit implemented by President Obama.

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Non-Citizen Troops Stay In The U.S. Military Longer Than Citizens, According To Attrition Data

Over the decade since the attacks on September 11, the U.S. armed forces have signed more than 70,000 non-citizen recruits, and those recruits have stayed in longer than their citizen counterparts during a time when the military had trouble signing enough recruits and relaxed its standards to include more people.

According to CNA, which studied attrition data from the Defense Manpower Data Center, only 4 percent of non-citizens have been discharged within three months of entering active service, compared to 8.2 percent of ctizen enlistees. After three years, 16 percent of non-citizens have left before completing initial service oblications, while 28 percent of citizens have. And the gap increases at four years, with 32 percent of citizens having been discharged yet only 18 percent of non-citizens. And CNA analysts found that the results do not change when adjusted for age, demographic, or are broken out by branch of service:

“These findings are consistent with the anecdotal evidence we gathered in our interviews of recruiters and non-citizen recruits,” wrote researchers Molly F. McIntosh and Seema Sayala.

The interviews revealed that, relative to citizen recruits, non-citizen recruits generally have a stronger attachment to serving the United States, which they now consider to be ‘their country,’ and (they) have a better work ethic.”

Because the lower attrition rate would help the military save on recruiting and training costs, the CNA report recommends that the military branches create strategies to recruit more non-citizens, especially as the economy improves and recruiting becomes more difficult. And with falling fertility rates in the U.S., “the only source of net growth in the U.S. recruiting-age population is projected to be immigration,” according to CNA’s report.

Immigrants can enlist if they have legal permanent resident status, the education equialent to a high school diploma, and can speak acceptable English. And in July 2002, President George W. Bush signed an executive order to make any non-citizen recruit eligible for U.S. citizenship after one day of honorable service during a time of war. Without citizenship, members cannot gain security clearance, limiting the enlisted slots they can fill.

CNA’s statistics underscore what a key role immigrants have in the U.S. military. And while the report did not cover potential effects of the DREAM Act, it highlights how helpful the DREAM Act — which provides a path to lawful residence for undocumented immigrants who serve in the military — would have been for military recruiting by opening up a larger pool of qualified potential applicants. Rather than trying to discourage immigration or barring paths to citizenship for people who want to serve their adopted country, lawmakers and military officials should take this as an opportunitiy to only increase recruitment of immigrants and let them become U.S. citizens.

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Romney-Endorser Chris Christie: ‘I Would Urge’ Romney To Release His Tax Returns

Defying 50 years of precedent set by presidential candidates from both parties, Mitt Romney has so far refused to release his income tax returns, despite calls from the other GOP candidates to do so. Yesterday, he admitted that his effective tax rate is probably about 15 percent — much lower than that of many middle-class families — and said he will probably release his returns in April if he wins the nomination, but only for 2011, which could allow him to hide any embarrassing tax shelters or income sources from previous years.

Now it seems even Romney’s supporters are uncomfortable with his evasiveness on his tax returns. On MSNBC’s Morning Joe today, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), one of Romney’s most prominent endorsers who has campaigned with the GOP hopeful on the trail, urged Romney to release his tax returns for several years back:

CHRISTIE: First of all, listen, the way I’ve conducted myself in public life all a long is I’ve released all of my tax returns. And I did it during the campaign. I went back a number of years and released my tax returns. And I released them every year after I filed them, right after I filed them to the public of New Jersey so they can see everything, and I think that’s the right way to go and that’s what I would tell governor to do.

He says he’s going to release them in April, and I hope he does. The fact of the matter is that’s what I would advise him to do…That’s the way I’ve conducted myself in public over time, and I were asked by governor Romney, that’s what I would urge him to do as well.

Watch it:

It’s worth noting that Romney’s father, former Michigan Gov. George Romney released 12 years of tax returns when he ran for president.

Meanwhile, Bloomberg News notes that it’s understandable why Romney is reluctant to release his returns: “Romney, one of the richest men to seek the presidency, probably benefits from a controversial tax break that allows him to pay a lower overall rate than do millions of American wage-earners.”

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Morning Briefing: January 18, 2012

Fewer than one-tenth of the nation’s metropolitan areas have regained the jobs that were lost in the economic downturn, according to a new report from the United States Conference of Mayors. Mayors expressed frustration at Congress’ inaction on measures to help with the lingering economic crisis.

To protest two Internet-regulation bills, websites like Wikipedia, Reddit, and others have gone dark today to show what could happen if the House’s Stop Online Piracy Act and the Senate’s Protect IP Act went into effect. Both bills attempt to halt foreign websites that sell pirated or counterfeit goods, but tech companies say the laws are too burdensome and overreaching.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) is vowing to push ahead with his controversial anti-piracy bill in the face of the protests. Smith dismissed the website blackouts as a “publicity stunt” and said his committee would continue the markup of SOPA even though other GOP lawmakers have called the bill dead.

Sixty-five percent of voters who are aware of the Citizens United decision believe that unlimited campaign spending through Super PACs is negatively affecting elections, according to a new poll. The concern spans party lines, with 63 percent of Democrats and 60 percent of Republicans who are aware of Citizens United remaining critical of the third-party influence.

The National Science Board reported yesterday that in the past decade, the U.S. has lost more than a quarter of its high-tech manufacturing jobs to overseas operations. As American lawmakers seek to make U.S. manufacturing more competitive, they are being outpaced by Asian counties that have expanded their science and engineering capabilities.

President Obama yesterday tapped Jeffrey Zients to serve as acting director of the Office of Management and Budget, a position vacated by Jack Lew, who is taking over as White House Chief of Staff. While having not worked on budget issues, Zients has written plans to restructure government agencies and prepared the contingency plan when Congress came close to shutting down the government last year.

While Wisconsin labor activists and Democrats scored a major victory yesterday by turning in 1 million signatures to recall Gov. Scott Walker (R), the GOP successfully delayed action by winning a court order that requires state election authority to check for duplicate and fake signatures, which could take until late spring.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) failed to stop Virginia from printing ballots for its GOP presidential primary without his name after a U.S. Court of Appeals ruling. Fellow candidate Newt Gingrich, who also didn’t make the Virginia ballot, has filed an appeal with the same court.

And finally: In honor of her 90th birthday, President Obama sent a video message to actress Betty White and asked to see her long-form birth certificate, considering she appears in very good health for someone her age.

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