Let's face it: Big Oil is used to getting its way. But not today... and we have President Obama to thank for standing up to them in spite of the political risk. President Obama has just rejected a permit for the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, a project that promised riches for the oil giants and an environmental disaster for the rest of us. His decision represents a victory of historic proportions for people from the pipeline's path and all across America who have waged an uphill, years-long fight against one of the most nightmarish fossil fuel projects of our time. But make no mistake: Big Oil is going to fight back hard and fast. Why? Because this was a prime-time fight. The oil giants made sure of that.
Today, thousands of websites have chosen to voluntarily go offline or modify their home pages with public service information. Some have called this a stunt. I say it's a brave and poignant reminder that we can't take the Internet for granted.
Going forward, successful companies need to put the consumer at the center of their decisions.
People think it's difficult to win an Oscar, but that's just a myth perpetuated by Hollywood insiders -- it's a private club and they want to keep out the unwashed. Here are 10 easy tips to help you to take home the Little Gold Man.
I hope you understand that while the words attributed to you may have been fake, the response of countless fans to what they thought was your announcement was very, very real.
Deen's admission is a stark contrast to her everyday message of just pure butter, butter, and more butter -- let alone that for 3 whole years while her disease was known to her, Deen continued to beat this drum.
Here's to dispelling the myth that there's anything to tell in the female musician's tell-all.
It's clear that, once we end the corruption in our banking, tax, and trade policies, we will have more than enough work for the 30 million people who need it.
The GOP loves to claim Dr. Martin Luther King as one of their own. But they couldn't be more antithetical to King's values and positions, as this debate between Romney and King shows.
Open partisan warfare between Democrats and Republicans, between the Obama administration and Congress, is underway and the latest clash is the Battle of Keystone, the fight over the Keystone XL pipeline.
Clearly the White House has decided that in an election year caving to oil industry pressure and approving a pipeline to help a foreign oil company export dirty tar sands oil to China is not a winning strategy. But what about next time?
I heard about this book from a friend, who spoke in hushed tones over the tops of her children's heads as we waited in line for tables one Sunday at the local diner. That's how you know a book is really dirty, by the way, because of the hushed tones.
To use a way-too-early 2012 Olympics metaphor, it won't matter who wins the epic struggle for silver and bronze, if Mitt Romney walks off the stage with the gold medal around his neck.
It is not just Wall Street that needs to be occupied and reformed, but Main Street, and the process is already underway in finance, retailing, manufacturing, education and politics. Perhaps this is the time for business schools to step forward and take a radical lead.
In the middle of the SOPA/PIPA debate, it can be forgotten that what's at issue is theft of something that either has value or does not.
I have had the opportunity to speak to closeted college coaches around the country. It is sobering to admit that in 2012, almost all LGBT college coaches remain tightly closeted out of fear that admitting their sexuality will mean the end of their careers.
It is curious that the most powerful man in the world representing the most powerful military in the world who accepted the Nobel Peace Prize defending "just" wars has "no say" over $4 billion annual military aid to Israel.
From soldier to citizen, the woods, the wilderness, the crashing surf, the still desert, or towering mountains are the most effective bridge over that gulf from combat and war to our communities in the suburbs, small towns, cities, and rural areas of America.
As we commemorate the anniversary of the Wannsee Conference, that infamous meeting where the Nazis formally adopted the "Final Solution", let us focus on what was unique about the Holocaust amid the other atrocities of the modern era.
Diving in Salas y Gómez was like going back in time in Easter Island. The team found an incredible amount of marine life in the marine park, including scores of Galapagos sharks, large amberjacks, huge lobsters, and colorful corals that covered the sea floor.
If he truly makes her happy, then Belle deserves a lifetime of happiness with the now-human prince. But on the basis of his onscreen behavior, the Beast does not deserve Belle.
The media doesn't seem to understand the basics about budgets -- and the inescapable relationship between aggregate revenues, aggregate spending, and total deficits. Either that, or reporters just choose to play dumb.
Hey parents, don't assume your kids share your preferences for food. According to a new study, young children prefer plates that feature a wide variety of foods and colors. Here's how to do it.
If given forthright answers, even a 10-year-old can figure out that shareholder value maximization isn't even vaguely motivating for employees. And yet it is a common rallying cry for many companies. Pathetic.
Don't be fooled by its seemingly straightforward title: SOPA is one of the greatest challenges to a free and open web that we've ever faced.
This past week I went to The Consumer Electronics Show (aka CES) in Las Vegas. "Why would a TV executive go to CES" you ask? Good question.