Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney remains in control in South Carolina, according to a new polls from CNN and TIME Magazine. The poll was conducted Friday though Tuesday, straddling the Republican debate in the state, and shows the race tightening within the news organizations' own polling — Romney had a nineteen point lead on former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on January 4th and 5th, and has a ten point lead on Gingrich in the latest. But the newest result is closer to our TPM Poll Average, which has shown Romney with around a ten point lead over the last week or so.
In Florida, Romney leads the field by 24 points, with former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum second with 19 to Romney’s 43.
“Gingrich appears to be the only candidate with momentum as the race in South Carolina enters the final few days,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. “Support for Romney and Santorum appears to be slipping, and Paul and Perry seem flat. Gingrich, however, has gained ground and cut Romney’s lead in half since early January.”