Thursday, January 12, 2012

Date With a Tiger Mother

Hello. I'm back! I realize that I have a lot of back-dated posts to write and I've been wanting to get to them, but since my vacation to the east coast, I've been both busy and lazy. I keep wanting to write posts for December, but I end up postponing the ones I want to write now, such as last Saturday's Republican debate, the Iowa Caucus, and the New Hampshire primary. There are also posts for my 40th birthday, my 1991 newsletter, Christmas at home, the New Year, the Best of 2011, a couple movie reviews, a tribute to Vaclav Havel, to name a few. But, those will be written as I find extra time. There's even craziness going on the church's Facebook page in the past few days (three individuals in particular have a tendency to throw accusations to others about being "attacked" whenever someone happens to disagree with their very ultra-conservative religious views. I'm sure it will be an interesting post). In fact, while the back and forth level of nastiness between the ultra conservatives with a grievance against the church and the liberal minded church members were going on, my blog received a couple comments on an old post I had written last September about another strange woman who went off on me on Facebook, accusing me of being bipolar, off meds, and dropped on my head as a baby all because I did not agree with her negative opinions about the Mormon Church or the Community of Christ. What is with mentally imbalanced middle aged white women and me? I simply do not get along with this demographic (the conservative, uneducated, middle aged white woman who has never traveled much). In case you want to see the comments that people left, check out the post entitled "Fundamentalist Freakshow" from September 2011.

Switching gears, the new year is starting off too great, in terms of lecture / booksignings at Powell's City of Books in Portland. Wednesday night was Amy Chua, who wrote last year's most controversial best seller, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. Her book is now in paperback and I'm glad to have the opportunity to meet her in person. She's had a rough year. I wrote a post about her book last year, though I haven't read it in a long time so I can't remember what I might've written. In my view, I think she was unfairly criticized. Though there were some things worth criticizing (particularly the incident she had written about rejecting a card that her daughter had made for her because it wasn't "good enough", or the insistence that her daughters had to choose between playing the piano or the violin, which comes off as elitist and stereotypical. Working for a music company, you have no idea how many CDs we have of young Asian prodigies who play piano concertos or violin cantatas), overall, Amy Chua comes across as wanting the best for her daughters and to instill discipline at a critical age so they don't grow up to be at a loss about what to do in life.

The media loves to fabricate its heroes and villains, and based on some of the reviews I've read, Chua became a caricature in the media as a "Mommy Dearest" of the Decade. The mom from hell! So, when I found out that she was coming to Powell's, I was quite excited to finally see her in person and hear her view of things without the media's filter. There are a few more book signings in the next week that I plan to attend, so stay tuned for posts on those (including a book about one atheist's search for God and meaning in life and a bartender's new career bringing fresh water to some of the poorest countries in the world through his non-profit organization called Wine Into Water or something like that).

Amy Chua is an attractive Chinese American woman who is married to a Caucasian guy (if I'm not mistaken, I think I read that he's Jewish, so they are a Jewish-Chinese family). Both are professors at Yale University, so they are academia to the core. Of course they are going to have high expectations for their children and push them to succeed. She has written a few books about economics but no one heard of her until last year when her book captured the media spotlight and caused a stir among the chattering elite about parenting styles. As Chua mentioned, the Wall Street Journal did her no favours when they featured the book a few days after publication last January in an article provocatively titled: "Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior." She said that she was horrified by that title because she felt that it misrepresented what her book was about. She wrote it as a comedic tale about the rebellion of her youngest daughter Lulu to her strict parenting style and in the book itself, she changes a little bit, coming to agreement with her willful daughter on some points of contention. The media, on the other hand, decided to play up the book as a clash of values between Asian versus American parenting styles. The media sold this book as a how-not-to parent guide rather than a memoir.

Despite the controversy, Chua displayed a sense of humour about her experience of the past year. Though her family approved of her book, she mentioned that her oldest daughter (now in college) told her that people are going to view Lulu as the hero and her (Sophia) as the villain (because she went along with her mother's parenting rules without any contention). Chua also mentioned how the book was sold in China. She said that she wished she could put a stop to what they published, but her friends in China said that it has actually inspired a good debate there about parenting. The book is titled in China as something along the lines of "A Yale University Professor's Approach to Parenting."

She did a Q & A after her lecture and then signed books. While waiting in line, there was a lady who brought her young daughter, who might've been around 8 years old and had asked a question of Chua during the Q & A (if Lulu still played the violin). The mother told me that her daughter loves Chua's book and wants to be a writer when she grows up. I was impressed and told her mother to keep encouraging that goal and to read and write something every day. I love seeing children with a passion for something. It made me think of my own parents, who did not encourage my writing when I was growing up and actually criticized my tendency towards writing (though they are the opposite now and would love to see my dream of being a published novelist come true). I could've used a "Tiger Mother" growing up!

When I got up to Chua to have her sign the copy I'd buy, I asked her if she had sold the book to Hollywood yet. She said that she did have some offers but wanted to wait for things to settle down first (I guess it really was a rough year for her). I had told her that the controversy was a good thing because it caused a necessary debate in our country. In her lecture, she sounded shocked about the response her book caused and how many viewed her as an awful mother. But, the way I see controversy is that its a good thing if people are talking about it. The worst thing for a writer is to have one's book ignored and unsold. Getting any kind of media attention is always a good thing, even if you're made out to be the villain. On a personal level, when my novel gets published someday, I would welcome a media debate about it and wouldn't care if people made me out to be a villain. I'm quite used to people thinking all kinds of things about me, so I'm well prepared for controversy and personal attacks. The key is to respond with wit and humour.

I told Chua that if she does sell her book to Hollywood, that she should seek out Michelle Yeoh because Yeoh had wanted to make a movie about Aung San Suu Kyi. Chua was stunned when I said that because she said that Yeoh did approach her to see about buying the rights to the book and she had just seen The Lady and hopes that Yeoh will win the Oscar for that role. I had no idea that movie is out already and can't wait to see it, but I am amazed too. Michelle Yeoh is one of my favourite actresses and I want to see her in more movies. Its not surprising that she approached Chua about her book. I told Chua that she should absolutely trust Yeoh to do a good job with her book. I hope my comments will inspire Chua to contact Yeoh to negotiate the film rights. I understand that a writer wants a faithful adaptation and I have no doubt that a film version of this book will be very interesting and worth watching. Until then, I finally get to read this book I've been wanting to read for a year now (I prefer to buy most books in paperback).

It was a great evening. Before I went to Powell's, I was on the streetcar when a lady with a bicycle got on board. She was a white, petite woman with a "Bohemian" look to her, including glasses and short hair. I loved her style (clothing style of the ankle length skirt and a gray sweater) and wanted to talk to her, but the streetcar was crowded and I hate private / personal conversations when eavesdroppers are present. This lady, the Bohemian Bicyclist, is exactly the type of woman I'm looking for. Had we crossed paths in a less public place (on the street instead of in a crowded streetcar), I might've initiated a conversation. I hope our paths will cross again. I did not see a ring on her finger. She's what I would call "uniquely beautiful", as I don't see her as a type that many guys would jump at the chance to date. Her vibe was very much "Bohemian" or what some may think of as a quirky librarian type. I know I probably should've been bolder about initiating a conversation, but she did get me thinking. I really want to meet my wife this year. That will be my meditative focus. As far as parenting style, I'm the kind who likes to read and observe many styles and take the best of everything I come across. We'll see what the best ideas the Tiger Mother has to say in her book when I read it next week.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

December has been so incredibly busy that I have not been able to blog as much as I wanted to, so I will have to fill in the gaps eventually as there are many posts that I wanted to write but didn't have time due to things that needed to get done before I went home for Christmas (my first Christmas with my parents and sister since 2005).

I don't think my dad has wi-fi and I'll unlikely use his computer much to get on Facebook or to blog. The point is to spend time with family and have great conversations and just enjoy the week because this is the first time I've been home since my sister's wedding in 2009 and I haven't seen my parents since my grandfather's funeral, also in 2009.

My week at home is going to be packed. Part of this is because I'm also visiting friends in South Carolina and North Carolina (from 28 through 30 December) and on my birthday (the 30th), I'm hoping to visit the Georgia Guidestone. After reading one lady's experience there earlier this year, I want my own mystical experience there on my birthday. So, if higher intelligences out there are reading my blog, you heard me. Meet me at the Georgia Guidestone on Friday afternoon, the 30th of December!

I'll likely catch up posts when I get back to Portland on 2 January. Some posts include an annual newsletter for the year 1991, a book review on American Fascists, the Occupy Portland camp, a special post on my birthday, the movie Astral City, and the Best of 2011.

Have a Merry Christmas and I hope you get to spend it with loved ones.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Well Meaning Gift

Earlier today, the family that gives me a ride to church gave me a few gifts. They didn't have to, though, but I appreciate it. The lady asked me if I open gifts when I get them or wait until Christmas. I have not set policy, but generally prefer to wait until the holiday to open any gifts. However, her daughter kept insisting that I open it, just to satisfy her mom, as she was so excited to see my reaction when I open the gift. I hesitated, though. She told me that I'll want to read this, that it would go straight to the top of my reading list. She even said that I should open it now because I'll want to read it on the plane when I fly home for Christmas. That intrigued me, so I decided to open it.

I laughed when I saw the title. I had never heard of this book before, but the title amused me because its obviously in reference to a conversation we had about the Facebook debate on atheists holding the priesthood in the Community of Christ. I was actually touched that she got such a book for me, even though I never would have bought it had I seen it on bookshelves. As I flipped through it, I noticed that it seems to be more evangelical Christian and thus why they'd have a problem with atheism. But most of all, the forward was written by David Limbaugh, who is a conservative author (I'm not sure if he's related to Rush Limbaugh, but they seem to have similar views). To me, that strikes at the heart of credibility. Of course, I'm going to read it since someone gave it to me as a gift and it does look interesting.

I appreciate her kindness and thoughtfulness in getting me this book. It truly is a touching gesture and I'm grateful for it. And yet, I also feel a need to express here that when it comes to books, I'm probably a bad person to buy for. This is because I have way too many books and have a hard time parting with any of them, even though I only read them once and then put them on a shelf (I'll use them for reference after they get read). When someone gives me a gift like this (a book I've never heard of, thus never would've bought), I'm conflicted because I don't like giving gifts away (I feel it is bad form, even though it isn't), but this is a book that I likely will not keep after I read it.

As I skimmed through it, trying to get a sense of the book, I had to laugh. This lady read me completely wrong. I don't actually have a problem with atheists. There is a real need for atheists in our society, as they help keep religious people intellectually honest and they ask tough but important questions. Their strict rational logic can be frustrating at times, but that's the way they're wired, I suppose. We can learn much from their rational way at looking at the world. This book looks like it rips on atheists, which may not be accurate information.

What I do have a problem with is people who become atheists but refuse to give up their priesthood calling. To not do so is morally and ethically wrong because it violates the trust between a church member seeking a special, sacred ordinance of the church in good faith from what is supposedly safe to assume, a priesthood member who believes in God and a human soul.

Another friend of mine asked me what I wanted for Christmas and mentioned that he might buy me a book. I showed him my book case and asked, "Does it look like I need another book?" I'm flattered that people realize that I love books and want to get me a gift...but unless you know that i really want such and such a book, its probably best not to buy one for me. I'm trying to keep ahead on my reading list and whenever I'm tempted to buy a book, I always ask myself, "Will I read this before the next payday?" If the answer is "no," then I won't buy it.

My reading schedule for 2012 will be politically heavy. I will read a lot of political memoirs and a few biographies on Obama, Hillary Clinton, and about the 2008 campaign. Its to help put me into a political frame of mind, although I also plan to read the books I have about finding a dream career and dating. Those are my main goals for next year, so religious books are going to have to wait until 2013. The book I want to read the most is Condoleezza Rice's memoirs of her time as Secretary of State. If someone gifted me that book, I'll be thrilled so I don't have to buy it early in the new year.

As for reading on the plane, I told this lady that I would not take this book on the plane with me because it would be too provocative and I really don't want to send the wrong impression to people. When I travel, I always pick a book to read that might be a little out of the norm for most people and one that might spark a conversation if someone initiated one with me. For this trip, I already have a couple books picked out for my journey: a biography on Aung San Suu Kyi and Amy Tan's novel Saving Fish From Drowning (which I've wanted to read for several years now). Another friend of mine gave me a book about Alaska that I haven't touched yet, but want to. Too many books, not enough time!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Music Video Monday: Robbie Williams

This week's music video selection is in honour of the failed campaign ad by Rick Perry. The ad's title is "Strong" and features Governor Perry proclaiming himself a Christian before lamenting what's wrong with our country. Though the ad didn't specifically slander homosexuals (apparently, many people took it as such), he tried to connect the openly gay servicemen and women with the prayer in school issue, which doesn't work.

Several people on my Facebook friends list linked this video and expressed their outrage. Some even called for the media to ban Rick Perry or to silence him. Why? Just because she showed his true colours? The man's entitled to his opinion. What I don't like was how people automatically assumed his ad was "anti-gay", when in fact, all he said was that he believed there was something wrong with our country when gay people were allowed to serve openly while children in school had to hide their Christianity and couldn't pray in class. The conflating of the two issues is likely to confound his followers (if he has any). Its a ridiculous comparison. One deals with adult issues, in which adults will behave as they will and are entitled to have consenting sexual relations with whomever they choose. The other deals with children who are supposed to be learning subjects in school that will help them in life, not harassing one another for not belonging to the same religion as them. And besides, if you really want to pray in school, there were many minutes available. A silent prayer can be given at any time and no one will notice. You can say one in the middle of a boring sermon. The problem comes when they enforce conformity on people and if one child doesn't "fit in" because he was raised in a minority religion, then it only serves to make that child even more ostrasized.

I think the most interesting aspect of Perry's campaign ad is how he tries to channel Ronald Reagan, from the hair (colour and style), the wrinkles on his face, and the "cowboy look." Its blatantly obvious that Perry is trying to physical resemble Reagan, as if this were enough to get a few people to vote his way. I think its safe to say that Reagan might have been a moron, but at least he wasn't a complete imbecile like Dubya and Perry.

Not long after Perry's ad made the news, people were already pointing out the similarities between the jackets worn by Heath Ledger (as Ennis) in the gay cowboy film, Brokeback Mountain, and Rick Perry in his "Strong" ad. Was this a subtle signal to someone who knows the truth about Rick Perry (there are supposedly rumours that he had an affair with another man and his wife supposedly caught them in bed together).

The controversy is hilarious, because once again, the Republicans do something that they think will resonate with voters but in reality becomes an Internet sensation. I don't think Republicans understand yet the power of YouTube, blogging, and Facebook. Politicians can no longer speak one thing to one audience and the opposite to another audience. Chances are, recordings are made and then the inconsistencies get aired. We are living in a more open age, which is a bad thing for those nefarious individuals who prefer to hide in the shadows.

The title of Perry's ad made me automatically think of Robbie Williams' brilliant song "Strong." I love the line: "You think I'm strong, you're wrong..." So, there really was no other alternative than this awesome song, in honour of Rick Perry, the gaffe riot who is becoming less and less likely to win the Republican nomination.

Friday, December 09, 2011

The Last Crichton Novel (Sigh)

The last novel by Michael Crichton was released in late November. Shortly after he passed away a few days after Obama was elected president, Crichton's publisher announced that there were two unpublished Crichton novels that would be published. The first was Pirate Latitudes (which I read a few months ago and loved). The second and final one was actually a novel that Crichton was in the process of writing when he died. I was skeptical about this one, since he did not complete it. However, the publisher claims that Crichton had made extensive notes and it was at least halfway written. They hired a writer, Richard Preston (who wrote The Hot Zone, which was a hot bestseller in the 1990s and launched a spawn of killer viruses movies), to work from Crichton's notes to finish this novel. I know there are arguments pro and con about posthumous published works, but one could reasonably argue that Crichton would have wanted this novel to be published and had the misfortune of dying in the middle of writing it. How honourable it is for another writer to see that the work is done and published so fans of Crichton can have one last thrill.

That's certainly my view. Ever since I read Rising Sun in 1993, I was hooked on Michael Crichton. The reason is because before that time, I had a hard time finishing books. I would start them and then get bored (usually around page 100 or so) and set the book down, never to pick it up again. I was curious to read Rising Sun when that novel was mentioned in the 1992 primaries. At the time, anti-Japanese sentiment was running high in America due to our recession and the belief that the Japanese weren't being fair in their trading policies. In the zeitgeist of that time, Crichton's incendiary novel about Japanese business practices was published (Crichton has had the most enviable sense of great timing for his novels. They always seem to be published around the time the issues he explores is in the media spotlight). As I read Rising Sun, I was both hooked and infuriated. Some call this novel "racist" with a negative view of the Japanese, but I was surprised at how many characteristics that the Japanese have that I could understand or relate to. I've only read the novel once and saw the movie once, so I don't remember the details. Perhaps I should watch the movie again for a refresher.

Anyhow, from that novel, I was hooked on Crichton and couldn't wait to get my hands on some more of his books. By fortunate luck, I was sent to Naples, Italy (from Sardinia) to deal with a persistent eye problem and while there, I took advantage of being able to buy books from the American bookstore on the military base. I bought Crichton's Congo and Jurassic Park, which I also read in 1993. My dad mailed me most of Crichton's other novels: The Andromeda Strain and Sphere. I just devoured his books. In 1994, Disclosure was published an a shipmate who had gone back to the U.S. for military training brought back that novel for me to read. It also infuriated me, because its about a man who was sexually harassed by a woman, which many people think is a joke or not possible. As one who had seen the power of a sexually harassing woman in the Navy, I know that it exists.

From then on, each new Crichton novel became a special day for me. I'd rush out and buy it the day of release. This included The Lost World in 1995 and Airframe in 1996. The next few novels were Christmas gifts that my dad gave me: Timeline in 1999, Prey in the early 2000s (I forget which year), and State of Fear in 2004. I bought his Next in 2006. Upon buying or receiving his novel as a gift (Nathan's best man gift to me was a CD version of Timeline), I would immediately sit down to read it and lose myself in Crichton's world. I know that many people criticize his lack of character development. They are essentially there to push the story forward. Its an unfair criticism to make, though, as I learned in literature class that there is more than one kind of genre for writing. Crichton tends to be more action-oriented than character-oriented. If people want character-oriented stories, then buying literary fiction is the way to go. My favourite genre is literary fiction (and I aspire to be a literary novelist) but Crichton is among my favourite writers (he was my favourite, until I discovered Jack Kerouac in 2001). What I love about his books are the way his extensive bibliography gives credence to the idea that his ideas might be closer to reality than we think it might be.

Now with Micro, this is the last hurrah. I had no hesitation to buy it when I saw it in bookstores. I'll never experience the thrill of seeing a new Crichton novel, so I'll take this moment, regardless of how much of the novel was actually written by him. For a week, I could not put this book down. It inspired me and terrified me. And it sent my mind reeling in a hundred different directions. It was classic Crichton all the way!

What is the novel about? Well, it involves technology, of course (Crichton's speciality). An unethical high-tech company based in Hawaii has created the ability to shrink objects such as machines and even humans. The point is to gather information on the tiniest substances on our planet. The shrunken humans get to experience the majesty of our planet at the most dangerous level. This novel will have you looking at nature in an entirely different way!

In classic Crichton style, he has a group of scientists (in this case, science nerds at Harvard) brought out to Hawaii and then shrunken to half an inch. If I were making comparisons, I'd say that this novel is a cross between Jurassic Park, Timeline, and Prey. While most of his novels make it to the big screen, I'm not sure I would want to see this one in theaters. The reason is because as the shrunken humans learn, the insect world (in fact, the animal kingdom) is all about kill or be killed. The endless search for more protein. So, the shrunken university scientists get to be out of the lab with their thesis and experiments, and forced to cope in a harsh, Darwinian world where only the fittest survive. There are moments of sheer terror throughout: giant centipedes, ants, wasps, spiders, birds, raindrops, bats. Being unprotected in the dark is a dangerous prospect, as that's when most of the critters go hunting for food.

I was so enthralled by this novel and I have no idea where the dividing line might be between Crichton's words and Preston's words. It flowed smoothly and the story does represent an authentic Crichton. I bet he would be proud of his work and hopefully his soul is grateful that a fine writer was able to capture his voice and style, completing Crichton's novel for him.

When I finished the book, I was sad because this means no more Crichton. I've read all of his fiction (except for Eaters of the Dead, which I may read next year). Perhaps, the story isn't over. Perhaps, he left a secret cachet of unpublished novels that has not been discovered or disclosed. I really wish that he had written his autobiography, though. His Travels is about as close as we'll ever get to a personal memoir. Its a good one, but I'd love to read more. What led this Med Student towards a writing career that focused on science and technology running amuck?

I truly hope Crichton will reincarnate soon. We need his writing talent. The world just isn't the same without him. Thank you, Mr. Crichton for all the memories. Your novels are awesome!

Here's how I would rank his novels (in terms of personal favourites):

1) Congo
2) Jurassic Park
3) Timeline
4)Pirate Latitudes
5) Disclosure
6) Micro
7) Sphere
8) Andromeda Strain
9) State of Fear
10) Prey
11) Airframe
12) The Lost World
13) The Great Train Robbery
14) Next

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Lack of Imagination

Last night, the bi-weekly discussion group that I attend had the final meeting of the year on the topic of Inequality. The turn out was pretty big (15 people by the end of it) and we weren't in our usual spot. We were crammed in a small corner, which has happened before due to someone dropping the ball on scheduling. We usually have the upper floor of the restaurant (Madison's Grill, which is a great place with a super friendly waitress). I don't mind the coziness of the back corner, but it made discussion a little difficult to hear due to jazz music playing in the background. I knew I wouldn't be able to speak much because it would take a lot of effort to be heard over the music.

The discussion covered the basics of inequality and the Occupy movement and even segued into a debate about whether people of today are smarter or more informed than people of a hundred years ago. There was even talk about those who think that life was better 100 years ago as being afflicted by nostalgia for a mythological past that didn't really exist. What an interesting debate, as this is exactly what Midnight in Paris was all about (nostalgia is fine and dandy, but if you really think about it, life is pretty good right now and we wouldn't want to trade places with people in the past. Life was meant to be lived in the now).

What stunned me the most, however, about the debate is that everyone seemed to be in consensus that capitalism is it. There is nothing better to replace it. I really wanted to jump in at this point, but people are so quick to respond that its difficult to get a word in edgewise sometimes. I'm stunned that so many of my peers have fallen for the "capitalist lie" that as bad as capitalism can be at times, its still the only legitimate economic system to have. I don't buy it. You shouldn't either. Most of the people in the discussion group tend to be liberal / progressive (this is Portland, after all) and I heard many liberal professors in BYU's Political Science department extol on the greatness of capitalism and assigning reading materials such as The Lexus and the Olive Tree, Jihad versus McWorld, and The End of History and the Last Man. That last book is by neo-con writer Francis Fukuyama. I remember when I first heard the title and the premise, I was stunned by the arrogance of Fukuyama's thesis, which is: capitalism won the ideological battle of history. No other system can match it. That may be true, but capitalism is probably better thought of as a parasite. It may be able to defeat ineffective economic systems such as communism and tempt people away from the strict orderly societies under Islamic law and influence, but capitalism also destroys itself as we've seen at the end of Bush's reign of errors.

What I wish that I was able to bring up to the group was this: In college, I was struck by the brilliance of "Hegel's Dialectic." Apparently, so was Karl Marx (that commie!). Essentially, you can boil down Hegel's Dialectic to three important words / concepts: Thesis - Antithesis - Synthesis. That's it. Simple and beautiful. It is a great tool for anything in life. I have used it long before I ever heard of Hegel (a German philosopher). I believe life is cyclical, so a circular or cyclical view of history and progress is probably a smart idea. If we were to use Hegel's Dialectic in developing an economic system, here's how it would be done. The basic framework for capitalism would be written down. This is the thesis. Then, you look at the critic, which would be the antithesis. In capitalism's case, Marx's Communist Manifesto is the perfect antithesis. I've read it a few times and was always impressed by how accurate the critique of capitalism is. However, since we all have an advantage over Marx, we've seen the destruction that communism brought to our planet. It is so toxic and discredited an economic system that in the 20 years since its collapse in Eastern Europe and the USSR, not a single country has gone communist. China has been moving towards a capitalist economy and it appears to be working quite nicely for them (proving that capitalism doesn't necessarily go hand-in-hand with democracy). Of course, the other two "communist" states are the isolated cult of personality prisons known as North Korea and Cuba. Knowing all this, it is amusing that teabaggers still fear communism like its 1955!

So, if you take the pros of capitalism and fix the cons as pointed out in the Communist Manifesto, you'd have an improved upon system. This is synthesis. But it doesn't end there. Its an ongoing process. Self-correcting. Evolving. That's the nature of life on this planet. Stagnation leads to death. And that's the problem with our system. Once people get to the top, they want to hoard all their wealth and they game the system to the point where it collapses on itself because the greed and wholesale looting is unsustainable. Under the reign of George W. Bush, we saw capitalism at its ugliest and greediest. It is my hope that people will stop buying into the lie that we've been fed all our lives about capitalism being this great economic system. Its not. We can and must do better. Our evolution as a species depends upon it.

It was strange to hear all these much smarter than me people agree that capitalism is hear to stay. Am I the only one who sees another way? That way is "ETHICONOMY." Ethics needs to be the guiding principle in our economic system. Greed must be rooted out of the system and people who are greedy must be punished or frozen out of the system. Read about "the tragedy of the commons." Greed always ends up destroying what is good for the most number of people. Until more Americans cry out for economic justice and not allow greed to stand, we're going to continue to be suckered into this losing economic scheme. Counting on winning the lottery someday and voting in favour of tax policies advocated by the wealthy class is just plain stupid. America needs "capitalism with a human face." Like Soviet communism, I believe American capitalism is on its way out. History has a way of evening the score, so if we want to be on the winning team, we need to make drastic changes. Realizing that we've been indoctrinated with lies is the first step down the long road to liberation. Will you join me?

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

The War On Christmas Rages Through Another Year

President Obama may have kept his campaign promise to end the war in Iraq, but there is one war that has been going on for far too long that shows no sign of resolution. The war? Why, none other than the Fox Propaganda Network's war on its own viewers. Keeping them dumb, compliant, and focused on non-issues while ignoring the substantive news that really matter. This agenda is getting old, and the casualties are well-meaning people who aren't wise to manipulation.

Believe me, I know! I've seen a few of my friends on Facebook post comments or article links about the so-called "War on Christmas." It stuns me that so many people can be so easily manipulated into falling for a non-issue that was concocted in a meeting at Fox headquarters. That's where Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Ann Coulter get together to coordinate their propaganda. The best way to manipulate people is for the principles to be "on message" and repeat the same story over and over until their lies "become truth" in the minds of their gullible and unsuspecting followers. I don't say this with any joy, because I like the people on my Facebook friends list, particularly those I know in person. It is sad to seem them fall for such propaganda and repeat the lies to their Facebook friends list.

I wish more people would get into the logic frame of mind. It would force them to ask questions like, "What 'war' on Christmas?" Apparently, the outrage is over store clerks who wish customers "Happy Holidays!" instead of "Merry Christmas!" Think, people. THINK! I know you're capable of it! Seriously. Sit down and empty your mind for a second. Oops, I forgot. It's already empty. Okay, that's a good start. So, think about it. A cashier at a store in a mall gets a lot of customers. Most browse without buying. Those who buy, maybe you make some small talk while ringing up their purchases. In your experience, how often do you engage strangers (or customers) in religious talk? Do you ask someone you just met what religion they are? No? Really? Okay. So, if you don't, then why would a cashier? For one thing, they could probably get fired if they did, or at least get called into the boss' office for a "chat."

A cashier ringing up purchases has no clue what your religion is. You could be a Christian or a Jew. Maybe a Muslim or a Buddhist or a Hindu. Or perhaps an atheist, agnostic, or humanist. Or maybe a Wiccan. What about Jehovah's Witness? They don't observe Christmas. In the time it takes to ring up a customer's purchases, does the cashier have time to accurately guess the customer's correct religion in order to say, "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Hanukkah" or "Happy Winter Solstice"? Doesn't "Happy Holidays" catch it all? From Christmas to Hanukkah to Kwanzaa to other religious holidays that fall in the month of December. What is so "insulting" about "Happy Holidays"? Its not exactly a "Fuck you!"

Still don't get it? How about this? If you require an underpaid cashier to validate your religious beliefs, maybe your faith isn't as strong as you think it is.

Having said all that, I am in favour of changing the greeting to a more appropriate one for our country's true religion. So, with that...


C A P I T A L I S T M A S ! ! !