Research is
a non-profit, tax-exempt (recognized by the IRS under501c3) scientific and
education organization based in Olympia, Washington, USA. We were founded in
1979 primarily to conduct research needed to manage and protect threatened
marine mammals.
Recent news (select for details):
Record blue whales sighting off Washington (9 December 2011)
New publication on open-ocean movements of a Blainville's beaked whale (December 5, 2011
Cascadia co-hosts Workshop on Science and Conservation of Hawaiian odontocetes November 26, 2011
Updates from our October/November Hawai‘i Island field project (13 November 2011)
Update of ship strike research off S California (24 October 2011)
New publication on baleen whale feeding (13 October 2011)
LA Times story on Cascadia and blue whales (7 October 2011)
Cascadia's comments
on proposed government actions
Biologists at Cascadia
Cascadia's Reports and
SPLASH - Humpback
whale study
Humpback and Blue Whale Photo
ID Research (US and Central America)
a marine mammal sighting or stranding
Positions at Cascadia
(including internships)
Directions to Cascadia
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Donate to Cascadia Research Collective
Cascadia Research, 218
1/2 W 4th Ave., Olympia, WA 98501 USA
Telephone 1-360-943-7325