"US to World: Elections Are Meant to Be Fixed."
(60 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
winter patriot
said on 12/27/2004 @ 10:55 pm PT...
and I think to myself:
what a wonderful world
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 12/27/2004 @ 11:07 pm PT...
Well if it works in the good old USA why not Iraq?
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Bando Bling
said on 12/27/2004 @ 11:29 pm PT...
Fixing an election in a foreign country by USA is nothing new. CIA has been doing this for quite some time. Who knows if Rove took some part time help from former CIA election hacking specialists?
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
winter patriot
said on 12/27/2004 @ 11:58 pm PT...
Note to the humor-impaired: I was joking in my previous comment. But this one is serious.
Once again, some of the best reporting in the world is coming from Aljazeera. For instance, this article provides two different views from two former high-ranking national security officials, Zbigniew Brzezinski [who served under President Carter in the late 70's] and Henry Kissinger [who committed war crimes along with Richard Nixon in the late 60's and early 70's --- do NOT get me started on Kissinger!] If you're not inclined to read the entire article, at least consider these comments:
Brzezinski said there was now a growing probability that a "Shia theocratic government which is not going to be a genuine democracy" would win Iraq's elections to be held on 30 January.
In other words, "What if we hold a democratic election and the side that wins doesn't actually believe in democracy?"
Does that ring any alarm bells? Does it jog any memories? And does anyone know what USA does when a foreign country holds an election and USA doesn't like the result? Traditionally the response has been either black-op subversion or open invasion. But Iraq has already been subverted and invaded. And occupied. Apparently the military options have already been used.
So what other options are there? Call for a recount? Demand a re-vote? Bring in the Bloggermann to 'set the record straight'? Or do we turn to our country's most famous and most experienced war criminal for advice?
Kissinger said the US should not accept a Shia theocracy for all of Iraq.
"And if it reaches this point, then we really have no interest in keeping Iraq united.
"Then we might just as well let each of these competing ethnic groups create their own self-government, rather than imposing a theocracy on, or cooperate with creating a theocracy for, all of Iraq."
Aha. Presumably this is the other option. We simply partition the country into three different theocracies. As if that will help stabilize the region. As if we haven't already done enough damage to the Middle East.
Aside from the irony of all this, there's a tragedy of global proportions. It used to be that USA was held up as something like a poster-child illustrating how a functioning democracy works. Now that's all gone, and the USA is serving as a global example of how low the standards can be dropped.
Speaking of which, consider the recent so-called election in Uzbekistan. How's this for an electoral process? Five parties competed, but they all supported the incumbent president. The other four [opposition] parties were banned! Will the USA complain about this? Of course not! And do you want to know why?
Uzbekistan is an ally in Washington's War on Terror, but has come in for strong Western criticism for its clampdown on dissents, and the widespread use of torture on thousands of political and religious prisoners.
So ... there will be no American protest against this transparently absurd 'election' because Uzbekistan is a partner in the so-called War on Terror. As for the clampdown on dissidents and the widespread use of torture, that makes the Uzbek government even more attractive to the Bush regime, does it not?
I can almost hear the Uzbek president, Islam Karimov, speaking now, and he's saying "Yes, of course, opposition parties must be banned. Yes, of course, political and religious dissent must be stifled. Yes, of course, dissidents must be incarcerated and tortured. And what's wrong with that? It's what our American friends do."
With friends like Bush, the Uzbeks certainly don't need any enemies!
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 12/28/2004 @ 5:10 am PT...
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
attorney jim
said on 12/28/2004 @ 6:48 am PT...
Well, well, well, isn't this whole story a stretch of the truth. What was indicated the US is very different than what is being reported here. The US POSED a question to Iraq that if not enough Suni's participate in the election, should something be done to ensure they have at least some political power. The answer from Iraq was no; end of story. NOBODY was talking about the votes other than in the context that if there are not enough VOTERS then what. Can you people PLEASE just read CORRECT news reports instead of believing everything you read.
Did you solve my clues yet on Ohio? Keep looking. Like I said, we are SMARTER than you so keep looking for the way WE DID IT!
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
attorney jim
said on 12/28/2004 @ 7:50 am PT...
Hey Winter Patriot (ya sure) in case nobody told you:
Al Jazeera is FOR the enemy that wants all of us "infidels" dead, including you.
Don't come in here trying to tell these 17 year old wannabe rebels that Al Jazeera is fair & accurate reporting! These are the people roaming around Iraq trying to get our soldiers killed by passing on information to the terrorists.
I suppose your PARENTS were fans of Tokyo Rose in their day, also.
Get out of our America Winter.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 12/28/2004 @ 8:15 am PT...
Iraq, a country that was sown together by western whim, has now been torn asunder by western whim.
The notion that elections are really what is important over there is nothing more than neo-cons jerking off in public while they dress their dolls.
It is like asking a person near death on the operation table of little house of horrors what desert they would like.
First stop killing and destroying. Next stop dividing up the oil for corporate oil-america. Next stop building permanent military bases there.
And after all that when the dust settles an the therapy has had some effect, the notion of "an election" will have some semblance of sanity.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
attorney jim
said on 12/28/2004 @ 9:20 am PT...
Hey dredd, why don't you join winter patriot and take a long LONG vacation away from OUR country.
I am sure you would like France better, or mayb Germany, or Russia.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
Peter Kofod
said on 12/28/2004 @ 9:26 am PT...
Hi Attorney Jim.
You do realize that the original definition of a patriot is "someone who defends his country against the government"?
Peter from Denmark (part of the coalition of the 'willing')
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 12/28/2004 @ 10:05 am PT...
atty jim sez:
Hey dredd, why don't you join winter patriot and take a long LONG vacation away from OUR country.
Because I want to focus my patriotic energies where they are most needed - OUR country.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
attorney jim
said on 12/28/2004 @ 10:31 am PT...
What does it matter what the definition of patriot is when in fact you two percenters are just wannabe rebels, wannabe protestors with nothing to protest, and left wing wackos. There is NOTHING patriotic about being a wacked out nut that sees a conspiracy everywhere he turns and thinks everything his country is doing is wrong or for twisted reasons.
Please STAY in Denmark: you do not deserve American freedoms or values.
God bless GW BUSH and 4 MORE YEARS.
PS: watch out for the Islamci Fundy's in Denmark: they gonna gitch ya.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
attorney jim
said on 12/28/2004 @ 10:32 am PT...
Peter from Denmark: no doubt your parents worked WITH the Nazis', right?
You can thank America you do not speak German now.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
winter patriot
said on 12/28/2004 @ 11:13 am PT...
Thanks, Peter Kofod. You are quite right. Best wishes to all my Danish friends.
Meanwhile: It isn't my fault that Aljaeera is doing a good job. And it isn't my fault that most of the major American 'news' outlets are doing a very bad job. If this situation makes you angry then you should complain to Fox or CNN or the NY Times or MSNBC. But don't complain to me about it. I have no control over this.
Seriously, I was very wary when I started reading Aljazeera, thinking that I would find very biased reporting --- but I checked it out because I wanted to see it for myself, rather than taking the American media's descriptions as gospel truth. And surprise surprise surprise: I've found that most of the time Aljazeera stands a bit to the right of 'The Nation'.
Ironic, isn't it? 'The Nation' is far from the most diligent opposition publication, but it publishes pieces that Aljazeera won't touch, presumably because of a concern about being seen as 'biased'.
Considering all the vicious anti-American and anti-Israeli propaganda published in the Arab world every day, it's remarkable that none of it gets into Aljazeera. And unlike a distressing number of American 'reporters', Aljazeera has a habit of identifying its sources and quoting them directly.
The notion that 'the enemy' want to see all us 'infidels' dead is not supported by the available evidence, even though we have been hearing it from the echo chamber ever since 9/11. They don't hate our freedoms; they hate our policies. And they don't want us all dead; they simply want us to leave them alone.
And I think that's fair enough. After all. if the situation were reversed, we would certainly want the very same thing.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 12/28/2004 @ 11:17 am PT...
Bush+Co. are becoming old hands at attempting vote-rigging.
Back in early 2003, they even got *CAUGHT* trying to rig a UN ELECTION - that's right a *WORLD ELECTION* on the Iraq war!!
If you didn't hear about this fiasco, that's because it was nary a blip of a story on U.S. McMedia news: "Too unpatriotic to report".
Meanwhile, it was top news at *MAJOR*, *DEMOCRATIC*, news organizations all over the *REST* of the world. (And we wonder why there is so much antipathy towards us).,6903,905899,00.html
Title: "Revealed: US dirty tricks to win vote on Iraq war"
Martin Bright, Ed Vulliamy in New York and Peter Beaumont
Sunday March 2, 2003
The Observer
The United States is conducting a secret 'dirty tricks' campaign against UN Security Council delegations in New York as part of its battle to win votes in favour of war against Iraq.
The disclosures were made in a memorandum written by a top official at the National Security Agency - the US body which intercepts communications around the world - and circulated to both senior agents in his organisation and to a friendly foreign intelligence agency asking for its input.
One would think: If democracy is sacred *anywhere*, its where the WORLD comes together to vote, the United Nations.
But no, not to Bush+Co!!!
Obviously, actions like these only show that they are haters of democracy.
On a side note, I suggest that anybody who values Truth in media, aside from reading the BradBlog, get used to reading a healthy diet of *INTERNATIONAL*, NON-U.S. affiliated media reports.
That is the only way to be able to get *ALL* the news, and to be able to piece together the *COMPLETE* stories.
If you only read U.S. McMedia news fare, SHAME on you. You are NOT getting the whole story, and often not getting the story at all (I have many examples of this).
Perhaps try the BBC (UK), Guardian (UK), CBC news (Canada) for starters. Then search out news from other countries: Russia, China, India, etc. (Most major news organizations around the world have English-speaking web sites).
I'm not saying you have to believe every other international news organization (China being a good example of a place with strongly government-influenced news). But if you read ALL the perspectives, you can begin sort out all the Half-Truths for yourself.
Try this for a few days, and you'll see that soon you'll get the taste of "McMedia" garbage out of your mouth. And you'll get an objective, outside, perspective, of how lame McMedia really is.
DEMOCRACY: Love it, or leave it.
If you were a fan of democracy, you would not mind seeing any vote-tampering investigations through to their FACTUAL, IMPARTIAL, end.
By standing in the way of those who want this investigated properly, Jimmy-boy, you are an enemy of the USA and everything it stands for.
A constant striving for Democracy is what the USA is about, Jimmy-boy. If you don't like it, you can get the hell out.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 12/28/2004 @ 11:19 am PT...
Whoops! "World Election" above should be replaced with "World Vote".
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 12/28/2004 @ 11:28 am PT...
Christian crusaders illegally invade and occupy a Muslim country to exploit their natural resources and get in the middle of their endtimes fanatsy, or is that prophesy? Of course they want the infidels dead attorney Jim. If someone illegally invaded this country to exploit our resources, corrupt our government, and compel how our society will be run and structured, I would be part of the freedom fighting resistance!
Just because their definition of what freedom means is different from our own doesn't matter! It's their country! Their people! Their religion! Their oil! And don't throw back at us they are all old Bathist's or simply terrorists. King George called American patriots "terrorists".
Beheadings and bombings are horrific, but part of their campaign to oppose the illegal occupation in fighting the world's most powerful military. Does George DUMBYA and America scream and shout when Saudi Arabia publicly beheads their political opposition? Do they give anything more than cheap voices to the torture taking place in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, or other favored torture nations? Wasn't Saddam Hussein's torturous and murderous Iraq a favored friend when he "gassed his own people" while George HW Bush, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condi Rice, and Paul Wolfowitz were all cheering on their dear and beloved Saddam in the 1980's?
And how can we refer to these so-called "terrorists" as foreign fighters without sounding stupid? What in the world are we, native fighters? And if we're going to spin the carnage and beheadings in Iraq as "terrorism", maybe we should look at Fallujah and everything else we have caused in that poor country! As we bury thousands of dead we have beheaded and massacred through the use of tanks, gun ships, cruise missiles, and an unopposed Air Force that drops tons of bombs at will, murdering men, women, and children, in the blast that came or over time with depleted uranium. And they want us dead attorney Jim? Gee...wonder why?
The illegal occupation and exploitation of Iraq must come to an immediate end! The American people must do a gut check before it's too late! Are we going to stand by and watch America be taken over by Christian Dominionists, America's Military Industrial Complex, and their electronic voting machine companies?
The fact is, the coup has already taken place, it simply hasn't yet fully manifested itself throughout our culture and society. By controlling the executive and legislative branches, as Karl Rove has said is a "permanent goal", they will be able to appoint all of the judges. And that's all she wrote folks! With effective control of all three branches of government, constitutional checks and balances are gone and a compliant corporate media and religiously indoctrinated majority will rule in a subversive theocratic state that will further diminish all rights and opposition not in keeping with their religious prophesy...or corporate agendas. A few Democrats will be thrown in now and then to make it look legitimate!
In becoming so, the United States Government is now a foreign occupier of America! It is a corporate Christian government so corrupt, exploited, and filled with hypocrisy, religious, political, and otherwise, it is no longer worth keeping! (To paraphrase what Benjamin Franklin said about the British Crown).
Can we salvage our human and natural rights and freedoms from a government and its leaders who believe they are "ordained" to decide what is good for us, and in doing so, what is good for their friends and supporters at Halliburton, Bechtel, Carlyle Group, and the Saudi Royal family?
Is the City of Washington still the capitol of America, or the corporate headquarters for multi-national companies in media, military defense, energy, and monetary policy, with our government representatives representing "us" in name only? Has the Democratic Party become merely the facade of a "loyal opposition", with many of their members in the pockets of the military industrial complex, energy industry, and who knows what ever else they've been bending over for?
If a corporate mainstream media can become so controlled along with the voting process, or the political parties both compliant to their multi-national masters, what opposition will there ever be if the right number of Democrats can be turned or simply give a phony opposition a voice? Do they have to play to stay? If you understand my drift.
The elections in Iraq are a sham and no matter what happens, Washington in some sick way will get it's way. Before the invasion, George DUMBYA and Company only had one civilian plan developed for Iraq. It was in the making and mapping at the Pentagon since March 2001, long before 9/11. It was how to secure Iraqi oil and gas assets in a planned invasion and distribute them to companies and countries in White House favor. (Oh! And you thought Japan was there to help with reconstruction and build a democracy?) Other than the actual military plan, that's it! No how to secure the country! No how to get elections and a government up and running. No how to feed and care for the people! No how to get the electricity back on!
Nope! For two years, it was how to get control of the second largest oil and gas reserves in the world. That's why Dick Cheney does not want to reveal who and what his secret Energy Taskforce was doing in Spring of 2001. They were looking at their own Iraqi maps!
Now it's how to hang on to the prize once you've got it! Appointment of Iraqi puppets, manipulation of Iraqi elections, destruction of entire cities like Fallujah opposed to your best laid plans. It's George DUMBYA's witches brew...let him boil in it!
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
attorney jim
said on 12/28/2004 @ 11:45 am PT...
So you think they just don't like our politics? That is more liberal trash speak. Read Osama's letter to America (below) especially the parts about homosexuality, pornography, and Americans needing to CONVERT to Islam or else:
{Ed note: Copied and pasted bin Laden spam deleted after the third time that "attorney jim" posted it here. If you wish to cut and paste a paragraph or two, or give a link to where readers can read the whole thing, fine, but I'm not going to allow you to spam my blog with thousands of words of garbage repeated in comment after comment.}
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
attorney jim
said on 12/28/2004 @ 11:47 am PT...
Now don't respond until you have read the WHOLE thing, and YES it is the original letter Osama sent to America in 2001 after he hit the World Trade Towers.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
attorney jim
said on 12/28/2004 @ 11:50 am PT...
(Q2) As for the second question that we want to answer: What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?
(1) The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.
(a) The religion of the Unification of God; of freedom from associating partners with Him, and rejection of this; of complete love of Him, the Exalted; of complete submission to His Laws; and of the discarding of all the opinions, orders, theories and religions which contradict with the religion He sent down to His Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Islam is the religion of all the prophets, and makes no distinction between them - peace be upon them all.
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 12/28/2004 @ 12:34 pm PT...
Attorney Jim,
Wow, if you're really an attorney, I'm surprised that with all your supposed philisophical training (you know, the study of critical thought) that you would not try a sad, transparent attempt to define the muslim world by the letter of someone that even most of the muslim world recognizes as a madman. I say "most" because there are idiots everywhere that will follow a madman. (I left you an opening there, let's see if you can answer reasonably, even with my insulting tone;-)
Maybe we should define the western world by the writings of Jim Jones or Hitler?
I think you should spend more time trying to determine how your own perceptions could be wrong (as I do) than determining how everyone elses perceptions are wrong.
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 12/28/2004 @ 1:08 pm PT...
BRAD. . .could you provide a link to the Reuters article? I have searched their site and can not find it. I just wanted to refernce the rest of it.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
attorney jijm
said on 12/28/2004 @ 1:25 pm PT...
Last poll I saw you liberals were throwing at us said Bin Laden was a hero in the Arab world. So now you say he has only a few mad men following him? Interesting.
Did you read it?
How about his October 30 2004 speech. Did you read that? You should; the whole darn thing!
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
winter patriot
said on 12/28/2004 @ 1:29 pm PT...
jim: the notion that muslim fundamentalists hate our policies, not our freedoms, comes from the Pentagon's own report on the matter. And now the Pentagon is under fire from the White House for releasing that report, just as I am under fire here for quoting it. But that doesn't make it any less true.
Anyway, if they hate our freedoms then we'll soon be safe, because those freedoms are almost gone.
Meanwhile, in the interests of keeping this blog functional, I would suggest that if you want everybody to read a long piece that was published elsewhere, you should post a link to it rather than copying and pasting the whole thing here. Furthermore, if you do feel the need to paste something, could you at least show us some courtesy and paste it only once? There's no need to post the same comment in multiple threads, nor to post it more than once in the same thread.
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 12/28/2004 @ 1:33 pm PT...
Atheist liberals? LOL There are some and it's their constitutional right not to believe! On the other hand, i have pointed out the virtues of Jesus Christ as opposed to the right-wing Christian Dominion Raptured Left Behind High Rollers who exploit his name.
And they (Muslims) all want to kill us? Well dear attorney Jim, I'd say we have the lead so far in killing them on behalf of your Christian fanatics. Let's see here:
Al Qaeda - about 5,000 so far
US of A - about 100,000 plus and counting, not
to mention those who will become sick or dead
from our depleted uranium weapons, or the
500,000 dead from our sanctions over 12
And let's not forget the Iran/Iraq War we supported by arming both sides. Remember Iran/Contra? And how about our ol' buddy Saddam Hussein who got clearance from the Bush Family & Company to get our biological and chemical weapons. Remember George DUMBYA and TRICKY DICK Cheney scaring us, "he gassed his own people!" Sure, call your daddy George and find out how! Or just ask DICK at your next breakfast meeting!
So attorney Jim, when America was sucking up the world's oil to create their globally polluting economy, just how many bribes and weapons did we give the corrupt shieks and tyrants of the Middle East? And just how many Muslims and Arabs did we help put in a hole as a result through war, murder, and torture?
Whenever Paul Bremmer announced that we should come to Halabja, Iraq, to see where Saddam gassed the Kurds during a batttle with Iran, and see why the US had to invade, I just want to throw up! Maybe Paul Bremmer didn't know that after the gassing at Halabja...we increased aid to Iraq. Keep up the good work Saddam!
I don't approve of Osama bin Laden's methods, if he in fact was the mastermind behind 9/11, and whether or not he may still be a CIA asset. In any case, his words unfortunately ring true in many ways and it's embarrassing that he's more articulate and intelligent than our own George DUMBYA, who can't really speak unless he has a highly polished speech prepared for him or he's reading from "My Pet Goat".
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
attorney jim
said on 12/28/2004 @ 1:53 pm PT...
winter patriot: sorry to bust your bubble but that theory of the muslims hating our policies vs our freedoms does NOT come from the PENTAGON, it comes from the Defense Advisory Board; a think tank. You liberals, lying as usual, have been saying it is the Pentagon's report and it IS NOT!
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
attorney jim
said on 12/28/2004 @ 1:53 pm PT...
winter patriot: sorry to bust your bubble but that theory of the muslims hating our policies vs our freedoms does NOT come from the PENTAGON, it comes from the Defense Advisory Board; a think tank. You liberals, lying as usual, have been saying it is the Pentagon's report and it IS NOT!
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
winter patriot
said on 12/28/2004 @ 1:55 pm PT...
LOL, Freebird. My Pet Goat indeed!
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
attorney jim
said on 12/28/2004 @ 1:56 pm PT...
Freebird: you need to go see Fahren HYPE 911. It clearly points out that 1) Bush was not reading the book "my pet goat" and 2) that he was listening for 5 minutes while his staff secured the area before he left.
In the movie, the teacher said Bush acted wonderfully and there was nothing else he could have done. Go watch it.
Get educated and wake up. Michael Moore is a con artist.
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
winter patriot
said on 12/28/2004 @ 5:17 pm PT...
"attorney jim" wrote:
winter patriot: sorry to bust your bubble but that theory of the muslims hating our policies vs our freedoms does NOT come from the PENTAGON, it comes from the Defense Advisory Board; a think tank. You liberals, lying as usual, have been saying it is the Pentagon's report and it IS NOT!
Where is your evidence, mister so-called attorney? Here's mine (emphasis added):
'They Hate Our Policies, Not Our Freedom'
By Tom Regan
The Christian Science Monitor
Monday 29 November 2004
Quietly released Pentagon report contains major criticisms of administration.
Late on the Wednesday afternoon before the Thanksgiving holiday, the US Defense Department released a report by the Defense Science Board that is highly critical of the administration's efforts in the war on terror and in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
'Muslims do not hate our freedom, but rather they hate our policies [the report says]. The overwhelming majority voice their objections to what they see as one-sided support in favor of Israel and against Palestinian rights, and the long-standing, even increasing, support for what Muslims collectively see as tyrannies, most notably Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Pakistan and the Gulf states. Thus, when American public diplomacy talks about bringing democracy to Islamic societies, this is seen as no more than self-serving hypocrisy.'
The Pentagon released the study after The New York Times ran a story about the report in its Wednesday editions.
The Defense Science Board, reports Disinfopedia, is "a Federal advisory committee established to provide independent advice to the Secretary of Defense."
'The current Board is authorized to consist of thirty-two members plus seven ex officio members': the chairmen of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Policy, Ballistic Missile Defense Advisory Committee, and Defense Intelligence Agency Science and Technology Advisory Committee...
Think tank my ass, jim. This was an official Defense Department study.
Let's try this again.
Who's lying?
Who's always lying?
If anyone is still wondering, you can read the entire article here.
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
said on 12/28/2004 @ 5:23 pm PT...
Instead of posting endless pages of your copy-and-paste stuff, why don't you give us a little bit and then show us a link for those (few) that are actually interested in reading the rest?
Thank you.
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
winter patriot
said on 12/28/2004 @ 5:39 pm PT...
... and if you don't trust the Christian Science Monitor, you can read the original report here.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
said on 12/28/2004 @ 8:22 pm PT...
Grim -
Just click on the "From Reuters..." text above in the original article. Will take you right to the article.
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
said on 12/28/2004 @ 8:27 pm PT...
I've deleted attorney jim's copied and pasted bin Laden spam after the third time he posted it on this blog.
You may copy and paste a few paragraphs from anything you like, you may give the link to any article you like. You may NOT spam this blog with thousands of words of inanities in three different places.
I'd also recommend most of you guys simply ignore A.J. until he slinks back under the rock he crawled out from. But that's just my opinion.
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
said on 12/28/2004 @ 11:20 pm PT...
Hey Winter Patriot,
Good come back to attorney Jim! LOL Brad is right and it's his BLOG SPACE, so maybe it's time to say farewell to attorney Jim with some parting shots or comments.
Attorney Jim, if the only substantive attack you can make against the crux of all my commentary is whether or not George DUMBYA was reading "My Pet Goat" on 9/11, or that I should "Grow up!", then you must be a pretty lame ass attorney.
Secondly, George DUMBYA was already informed of the first World Trade Center attack before he went in for his photo op. While "reading along" with a child reading "My Pet Goat" he was informed that the United States of America was under attack with a second plane crash. What? No surprise? No shock and awe? Maybe as Michael Moore said, he was spending some time trying to figure out who screwed him? And then again, maybe you can enlighten us why the White House Emergency Response Director, who does not travel with the President, was conveniently traveling with him on 9/11 instead of being at her post in Washington?
If you can stand my humor, my reference in a prior commentary about "My Pet Goat" was meant to be a fecitious joke about a President who doesn't read newspapers, yet can read a children's story. George DUMBYA may be a good speech reader but he is not an independent thinking leader. Take away his prepared notes and coaching, and he's a bumbling fool. Which is why he reads his speeches prepared by highly paid speech writers and political consultants. Do you really think George DUMBYA is the one who comes up with ideas and speeches about "Democracy in the Middle East"? Well that's what the servient corporate media tells the people, but then again, that's another public deception.
Finally, just wanted to take you to task about calling everyone in here "Conspiracy Theorists". Again, a catch all phrase for attacking the credibility, and not the substance, of a person or their argument. Funny, the United States Government files "conspiracy" charges against Americans everyday!
A criminal conspiracy is simply an agreement between two or more people to engage in a criminal act. Plain and simple! George DUMBYA and TRICKY DICK Cheney are two or more people! Two or more people who can collude to stand down the security of the United States on 9/11. Two or more people who can collude to illegally invade Iraq long before 9/11. Two or more people who can collude to fix a Presidential election.
Unfortunately, if you control the FBI, Justice Department, and Congress, you can file your "Conspiracy Theories" against Americans everyday, but you can also prevent such theories from becoming the basis of an investigation and prosecution against yourself or your friends.
Will we ever know the truth about 9/11? Will we ever know the truth about the conduct of a consortium of electronic voting machine companies with partisan interlocking arrangements tied to a right-wing Christian Dominion movement, the Republican party, and America's Military Industrial Complex? Without checks and balances, and without a corruption free independent media, it is highly unlikely because the people who should be investigated control the people and the process to investigate, report, and prosecute. And that is no "Conspiracy Theory"!
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
said on 12/29/2004 @ 5:34 am PT...
As hard as it may be, I agree with Brad...if we ignore atty. jim, he will fade from henceforth...let's just ignore him, okay? besides.....some would say that the GOP plant people just like atty. frustrate us...move us away from the topic at hand...keeps us disheveled if you will...we don't have time for the likes of him....more important business at hand..we only have until january 6...what does anybody know out there? I cannot confirm that even one senator is cosidering objecting to the electoral vote on january 6...and let's assume for a moment, that one does...what the hell does that mean? We need some direction....someone needs to take the helm...and push atty. jim the hell out of the way!
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
attorney jim
said on 12/29/2004 @ 5:44 am PT...
Winter patriot: here is a partial charter for the Defense Advisory Board (yes, it is a THINK tank):
Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee (DPBAC) is more commonly known by the shorter form, Defense Advisory Board. According to the official charter (, it serves the following role:
1. The Defense Policy Board will serve the public interest by providing the Secretary of Defense, Deputy Secretary and Under Secretary for Policy with independent, informed advice and OPINION concerning major matters of defense policy. It will focus upon long-term, enduring issues central to strategic planning for the Department of Defense and will be responsible for research and analysis of topics, long or short range, addressed to it by the Secretary of Defense, Deputy Secretary and Under Secretary for Policy.
Please note that their major purpose is to provide an independent OPINION to the Pentagon.
Yes, the left has been lying about this being an official Pentagon report. It is a think tank OPINION provided to them; nothing more & nothing less.
Nice Try Winter "patriot". Nice try.
Now what is REALLY offensive is deleting the Bin Laden letter to America from this Blog. I find that a curiously crude attempt at censuring what Brad does not want to see. Very strange that he would do that since it very tellingly points out that the most important thing America must do to prevent future attacks by Bin Laden is to CONVERT to Islam.
What is the matter Brad? Think you can keep censuring the truth out of this blog forever?
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
attorney jim
said on 12/29/2004 @ 6:59 am PT...
Ramsey Clark joins Saddam defence team
Former US attorney general says his main concern is protecting rights of former Iraqi leader.
AMMAN - Former US attorney general and left-wing activist Ramsey Clark is to join the defence team of Saddam Hussein, a spokesman for the toppled Iraqi president's lawyers said on Wednesday.
Clark, who held the office of attorney general under US president Lyndon B. Johnson, "is one of the members of the defence team of president Saddam Hussein," Ziad Khassawneh said. "This honours and inspires us."
The former top US justice official, who arrived Tuesday in Jordan where the defence team is based, has become known as a left-wing lawyer and firm critic of US foreign policy since leaving office.
He visited Saddam Hussein in Baghdad in February 2003 just before the US-lead invasion and has also been involved with the defence of former Yugoslav leader Solbodan Milosevic, on trial for war crimes at a UN court in the Hague.
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
said on 12/29/2004 @ 9:27 am PT...
atty jim sez:
no doubt your parents worked WITH the Nazis', right?
The truth once more escapes you. If you are going to be one of us, you must speak honestly and with awareness.
It is actually your leader family who worked with the NAZI's. The family business was seized by law for dealing with the NAZI enemy during WWII under the Trading with the Enemy Act. I trust that you know Prescott S. Bush was papa and grandpapa?
"Existence of a $3,000,000 fund established here by Fritz Thyssen, German Industrialist and original backer of Adolf Hitler was disclosed today in a news story in the New York Journal American ... Whether the money is for Thyssen personally, or, perhaps for some of his high-placed Nazi friends in the event of an 'emergency' compelling them to leave Germany, no one knew. However it will do neither Thyssen nor any of his Nazi friends any good now, as it has been 'frozen' along with the $4,500,000,000 Axis assets now held in this country. The money exists in funds of the Union Banking corporation [UBC], an investment company incorporated and licensed under New York state laws in August 1924. Money for its $400,000 capital stock came from Thyssen's bank Voor Handel En Scheepvaart in Rotterdam. Among members of its board of directors are E.B. Harriman, Ray Morris and **PRESCOTT S. BUSH**, partners in the firm of Brown Brothers Harriman and company, of which W. Averell Harriman is now American minister plenipotentiary to England." (The Zanesville Signal, Zanesville, Ohio, Thursday, July 31, 1941, emphasis added)
On October 20, 1942, under authority of the Trading with the Enemy Act, the U.S. Congress seized UBC and liquidated its assets after the war. The seizure is confirmed by Vesting Order No. 248 in the U.S. Office of the Alien Property Custodian and signed by U.S. Alien Property Custodian Leo T. Crowley.
In August, under the same authority, Congress had seized the first of the Bush-Harriman-managed Thyssen entities, Hamburg-American Line, under Vesting Order No. 126, also signed by Crowley. Eight days after the seizure of UBC, Congress invoked the Trading with the Enemy Act again to take control of two more Bush-Harriman-Thyssen businesses - Holland-American Trading Corp. (Vesting Order No. 261) and Seamless Steel Equipment Corp. (Vesting Order No. 259).
The documents from the Archives also show that the Bushes and Harrimans shipped valuable U.S. assets, including gold, coal, steel and U.S. Treasury bonds, to their foreign clients overseas between 1931-33, as Hitler engineered his rise to power.
See "Trading with the Enemy The Nazi - American Money Plot 1933-1949", by Charles Higham, Delacorte Press, 1983. In that book, among other things, the courts ruled that Standard Oil of New Jersey was an "enemy national" business (p. 62). The FBI surveillance showed that NAZI banks were in bed with them:
"On June 23, 1941, J. Edgar Hoover wrote to Morgenthau: 'During the monitoring of foreign funds at the Chase Bank, FBI discovered various payments to oil companies in the United States. There are indications that the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey has been receiving money from German oil sales by order of the Reichsbank.'" (page 21).
Is there a family feud going on here and it is time for them to get back at US who took their loot and put it in the american treasury?
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
Darin G. Legore
said on 12/29/2004 @ 9:48 am PT...
*Maybe we should buck-up our export trade and send all the Diebold voting machines from Ohio, 2004! Then we'll be sure to know 'our man' wins no matter what. Oh, and make sure Ken Blackwell's Triad Corp COUNTS the votes afterwards. We want no surprises in 'our occupied territory' of Iraq, and no revote as in Ukraine.
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
said on 12/29/2004 @ 11:02 am PT...
Ramsey Clark to join Saddam Hussein defense team? Another left-wing nut helping the enemy of democracy?
Let's see here. Is that the same Saddam Hussein that:
"...and he gassed his own people."
"...and he gassed his own people."
"...and he gassed his own people."
"...and let's remember, he gassed his own people."
Thank you George DUMBYA and TRICKY DICK Cheney for that useful insight. You two should know. It was you yourself TRICKY DICK, as well as George HW Bush, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, et al who gave Saddam aid and comfort...and poisonous gas...and the helicopters to spray it! And what did you all do when you were aiding Saddam in his war crimes and crimes against humanity, well you increased military, financial, and political aid to your dear friend of Democracy, Saddam Hussein.
So let's see here?
Hmmm? I think i'll take the left-wing nuts!
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
said on 12/29/2004 @ 11:45 am PT...
> Ramsey Clark joins Saddam defense team
Yeah, Al-JabinLaden forgot to mention that Ramsey is behind the Impeach Bush webpage/organization.
Ramsey is a known communist, isn't he? Oh, I am sorry; I will be accused of red baiting! He looks like he is not healthy. Perhaps "death awaits him with big nasty pointy teeth."
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
a jim
said on 12/29/2004 @ 11:50 am PT...
According to Amnesty International, you are wrong about who armed Saddam.
I know you like to hate America, but please give credit where credit is due for arming Saddam and stop blaming America for all the ills of the world.
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
winter patriot
said on 12/29/2004 @ 12:33 pm PT...
You know what, Freebird? We may have been duped about who gassed the Kurds at Halabja in 1988.
This article claims that the crime was committed by Iranians and blamed on Iraqis. It quotes CIA sources, too.
Here's an excerpt:
Having control of the village and its grisly dead, Iran blamed the gas deaths on the Iraqis, and the allegations of Iraqi genocide took root via a credulous international press and, a little later, cynical promotion of the allegations for political purposes by the US state department and Senate.
Stephen Pelletiere, who was the CIA's senior political analyst on Iraq throughout the Iran-Iraq war, closely studied evidences of "genocide in Halabja" has described his group's findings:
"The great majority of the victims seen by reporters and other observers who attended the scene were blue in their extremities. That means that they were killed by a blood agent, probably either cyanogens chloride or hydrogen cyanide. Iraq never used and lacked any capacity to produce these chemicals. But the Iranians did deploy them. Therefore the Iranians killed the Kurds."
Yikes! What if we've been lied to for all these years about this as well? Wouldn't that be a kicker?
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]
said on 12/29/2004 @ 2:55 pm PT...
We're always lied to and it's time to bring the liars to justice.
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]
said on 12/29/2004 @ 3:21 pm PT...
Sorry, attorney Jim, I'm not wrong about who armed Saddam! The United States and it's Military Industrial Complex provided military, chemical and biological weapons, advice, and technology to Iraq! In fact, if you read the article you posted, the US is clearly shown to have supplied Saddam Hussein, with US companies needing government approval to do so. This of course, does not include our financial and political aid, military and intelligence assistance that was also provided. The US Government has yet to reveal who they approved to supply Saddam. Those embarrasing secrets!
When the Iraqi's allegedly gassed the Kurd's during the battle of Halabja in 1988, they were using American made helicopters. Where did they get them from? The sad fact is, we were arming both Iraqis and Iranians...or did Amnesty International forget about Iran Contra?
I take exception to the idea that I or anyone else commenting here "hates" America. Simply because we know our country can provide failsafe legitimate elections, be a world leader for peace instead of the profiteers of war, protectors and not destroyers of the global environment, and an advocate for human rights rather than corporate exploitation, we challenge our country to do better and we call upon our corrupt government to change course or else!
COMMENT #47 [Permalink]
atty jim
said on 12/29/2004 @ 5:10 pm PT...
awww, freebird, you can admit it to me: you HATE America. Come on you will feel better if you just say it out loud:
There, don't you feel better now? NOw run along you little "wannabe rebel", I think I hear your mommy calling you for bed time, and don't forget to brush your teeth!
COMMENT #48 [Permalink]
said on 12/29/2004 @ 5:30 pm PT...
Another substantiveless response by you know who, the attorney wannabe!
COMMENT #49 [Permalink]
atty jim
said on 12/29/2004 @ 7:06 pm PT...
I remember people like you during the Vietnam War helping the enemy kill American soldiers. Now you same people are doing it again, this time in Iraq.
COMMENT #50 [Permalink]
said on 12/29/2004 @ 9:23 pm PT...
A-jim (I'll let you and everybody else figure out what the "A" stands for.)
You mean brave soldiers like George DUMBYA, who was guzzling brews in Houston while young men who didn't have his financial or political connections lost their lives and limbs in Vietnam? Or are you talking about the guys who were drafted and had no choice but to fight for their lives while the sons of wealth and power took a pass from the war that made their fathers rich?
I'm against illegal murderous wars, then and now, and how many more are going to die so you can fill up your gas tank tomorrow? Helping stop corrupt stupid hypocritical wars saves lives, it doesn't take them. If we took all the money spent on your right wing wars in recent years and invested it in clean alternative energy, we'd all be riding in water powered cars and have solar cell networks cheaply providing most of our electricity.
But we're not going to get that from an oil & gas President and Vice-president. Go to Google Search and enter "Run Your Car on Water" as reported by Jerry Mazza. Energy companies want us permanently attached to their gas pumps and transformers. The Military Industrial Complex wants to keep making profits fighting for oil & gas. And the rich fat slobs who avoided Vietnam want to keep collecting their unearned oil and gas royalties from Daddies inheritance.
Ironically, its the chickenhawk George DUMBYA who is having our soldiers killed for his buddies in the energy industry and Military Industrial Complex. That's why George DUMBYA & Company were planning to invade Iraq from DAY 1 of their crooked administration. And why they had the Pentagon in March 2001 preparing maps to seize and distribute Iraq's oil assets after the invasion!
All they needed to wait for was the triggering event and mechanism necessary to implement their best laid plans. 9/11 wasn't just a tragedy, it was a strategically political necessity to foment fear and anger in order to generate support for an invasion they had long planned! Most people in here are angry over stolen elections. I'm angry over the mass murder of nearly 3,000 Americans and the people who are getting away with it!
Don't tell us whose killing Americans, while you support that murdering hypocrite with his crooked smirk living and working in the White House!
COMMENT #51 [Permalink]
said on 12/30/2004 @ 3:10 am PT...
COMMENT #52 [Permalink]
said on 12/30/2004 @ 9:03 am PT...
Good follow-up comments all!
COMMENT #53 [Permalink]
said on 12/30/2004 @ 11:46 am PT...
The national archives point out that Rumsfeld was very chummy with Sadaam and Aziz as an envoy of the US Government.
This was after the US knew fully and completely that WMD were being used against both Iran and the Kurds.
Declassified documents clearly point this out:
COMMENT #54 [Permalink]
said on 12/30/2004 @ 12:03 pm PT...
All you have to do is familiarize yourself with the Project For The New American Century, and its members, who are now in the White House. Their plans are clearly stated in the PNAC outline: global domination through perpetual war. 911 was the "Pearl Harbor" they said they needed in order to get the Iraq war in motion. They really don't even hide the fact that they were responsible, if you are paying attention. All the evidence is around and so plain to see.
The documentary, "HijackingCatastrophe"(available free at Information Clearinghouse), states it well.
The War on Terror is a complete hoax, and is used to perpetuate fear in the public. Whatever happened to all those perfectly timed terror alerts?
World empire is their goal and there is nothing religious about it. "spreading Democracy is the biggest joke of all, and really not very funny.I agree, why not just use their precious vote-stealing machines, and really make the Iraqi election work out right. And BTW, we are being totally used by Sistani against the Sunnis. He has the power, I believe.
The budget deficit is purposeful, as is the stripping of all social programs, so as to cripple the people of this country and totally subjugate them. The impoverished young people will have no choice but to go into the military to fight their wars.
The Iraq war is going just as planned, with no exit strategy, not enough troops and equipment, and no way of winning. They want to stay, with their 14 military bases, makes fortunes rebuilding the totally(they hope) devastated country, and have their strategic positioning to go on to form other colonies.
They are in a huge hurry to steal all our money and use us in their grand plans.
We are being used in one of the biggest scams known to man. I hope eventually people will be able to face the truth.
I do think, though, that they are getting impatient, moving too quickly, not covering their tracks, and that they will fail. I would like to help them achieve that end.
COMMENT #55 [Permalink]
winter patriot
said on 12/30/2004 @ 12:06 pm PT...
Well said, Freebird. And according to the man who was hired to ghost-write Bush's 'autobiography', Bush was planning to invade Iraq a long time before he was even elected!
This is a long quote, but it's a good one.
Houston: Two years before the September 11 attacks, presidential candidate George W. Bush was already talking privately about the political benefits of attacking Iraq, according to his former ghost writer, who held many conversations with then-Texas Governor Bush in preparation for a planned autobiography.
According to [Mickey] Herskowitz, George W. Bush�s beliefs on Iraq were based in part on a notion dating back to the Reagan White House � ascribed in part to now-vice president Dick Cheney, Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee under Reagan. "Start a small war. Pick a country where there is justification you can jump on, go ahead and invade." Bush wanted to invade Iraq before he even became president.
In December 1999, some six months after his talks with Herskowitz, Bush surprised veteran political chroniclers, including the Boston Globe�s David Nyhan, with his blunt pronouncements about Saddam at a six-way New Hampshire primary event that got little notice: "It was a gaffe-free evening for the rookie front-runner, till he was asked about Saddam�s weapons stash," wrote Nyhan. "I�d take �em out," [Bush] grinned cavalierly, "take out the weapons of mass destruction�I�m surprised he�s still there," said Bush [...]
Republicans, Herskowitz said, felt that Jimmy Carter�s political downfall could be attributed largely to his failure to wage a war.
Why didn't all this get published? Read on:
In 1999, when Herskowitz turned in his chapters [...], Bush�s staff expressed displeasure --- often over Herskowitz�s use of language provided by Bush himself. In a chapter on the oil business, Herskowitz included Bush�s own words to describe the Texan�s unprofitable business ventures, writing: "the companies were floundering". "I got a call from one of the campaign lawyers, he was kind of angry, and he said, �You�ve got some wrong information.� I didn�t bother to say, �Well you know where it came from.� [The lawyer] said, �We do not consider that the governor struggled or floundered in the oil business. We consider him a successful oilman who started up at least two new businesses.�"
In the end, campaign officials decided not to go with Herskowitz�s account, and, moreover, demanded everything back. "The lawyer called me and said, �Delete it. Shred it. Just do it.� "
"They took it and [communications director] Karen [Hughes] rewrote it," he said. A campaign official arrived at his home at seven a.m. on a Monday morning and took his notes and computer files.
So, said Herskowitz, the best material was left on the cutting room floor, including Bush�s true feelings.
"He told me that as a leader, you can never admit to a mistake," Herskowitz said. "That was one of the keys to being a leader."
You can read the whole article
">here, if you can stand it!
COMMENT #56 [Permalink]
said on 12/30/2004 @ 12:17 pm PT...
Winter patriot points out that it is difficult for many to believe that some or all of the 9/11 official stories put out by the 9/11 Commission and others is flawed, dishonest, or a cover-up.
Some of this is based in deep psychology. Try turning a child against its parents and you will discover it is not natural.
Likewise, since our country is a part of the extended self in the sense of a parental entity (some places it is called the "fatherland" or "motherland"), it is difficult to find listeners.
In reality our country is a part of the extended self ("us") and it is quite natural to tend to reject what are perceived as attacks on us.
This is healthy psychology not unlike innocent until proven guilty. However, when there are substantial facts to back something up, it is only the emotionally timid and immature that will reject such facts and recoil into a shell of "don't you ever say anything bad about MY ....". ("America right or wrong"). This is denial.
But our own declassified secret documents in our own national archives show that our government has contemplated killing many innocent americans for the sole purpose of blaming an "enemy" country for it and as a pretext for invading that country.
The acts contemplated include bringing down an airliner full of "college students", placing bombs at various locations, and other forms of mass murder.
YEP, murdering innocent american civilians and blaming it on other countries has been officially sanctioned by at least the Pentagon.
We are not required to uphold criminal "parents", whether they be father figures or mother figures.
No, instead we demand our true "parents" ... democratic, compassionate, and honest government. The rest can go to hell.
Here is a link to the northwoods papers in the national archives that shows our government contemplated mass murder of americans:
COMMENT #57 [Permalink]
winter patriot
said on 12/30/2004 @ 12:32 pm PT...
Cheers and many thanks for your contribution, Teresa.
The big hoax was plain to see, even through the major media filters, on the day of 9/11. But unfortunately too many people were so busy weeping or screaming that they could not see it clearly. If I am reading this right, that is exactly what the perpetrators were hoping for.
Not only was it the biggest scam of all time, but the major media are deeply complicit in the coverup, as they have been since the day of the event [or long before, in some cases].
So it's up to us to spread the truth. It's a truth so awful that most people don't want to believe it, so horrible that they don't even want to hear about it. And that's a big problem for the '9/11 truth movement'. Or at least it has been, until now.
But more and more Americans are starting to see that the war is a crock, and that the 'election' was a crock, and it won't be long before they become more receptive to the fact that the official story of 9/11 is a crock, too.
It's up to us to spread the word, and it is very late in the 'game' ... but it's not too late, not yet anyway, and we are finally starting to make some progress. So let's keep hammering on it and see where our efforts will lead.
Maybe we will fail in the end, but the alternative --- doing nothing --- is unthinkable.
COMMENT #58 [Permalink]
said on 12/31/2004 @ 3:45 am PT...
You're right, Dredd. If we face the murderous character of our parent, our perceived survival is at stake. So blind we are to it, that we can't see when this parental madness is directed at us.
The parent is also something that is created out of the collective germ plasm, so we are responsible, and can't face the guilt and impurity of that knowledge.
But some of us do see. Why is that, and what are we to do?
In Mythology, they just went ahead and did away with those criminal parents.
I guess if enough of us are truly democratic, compassionate, and honest, our leadership will reflect it.... At the same time, facing the truth, and doing what we have to do about the present generation.
It would be such an amazing step forward if the people of this country faced the truth about 911.
COMMENT #59 [Permalink]
said on 12/31/2004 @ 6:21 pm PT...
Wow! Alot of commentary in!
COMMENT #60 [Permalink]
winter patriot
said on 12/31/2004 @ 8:29 pm PT...
These bloody murderers are not MY parents. LOL.