Mike's Blog

And Then There Were Three . . . or Texas Toast

 Between Multi-Millionaire Mittens laughing about his envious 15% tax bracket, Sick Santorum’s concern that “blah . . . ” people are getting welfare, and Neptune Newt’s derision for people who can’t afford to stuff themselves with cheeseburgers, is there any current candidate in line with the average American working person? Record-high unemployment, record number of newly homeless, record number of foreclosures . . . . and the top three candidates want to end the only programs that offer even a smidgen of assistance?   Forget Ron Paul, he wants to shutter all of Washington DC and mandate personal armies, police forces, fire departments, paramedics, home schools . . . yeah, that’s relate-able.

How can Newt Gingrich, who’s never missed a meal in his life, want to deny food to hungry children? It’s galling to see this well-fed lobbyist wave his flabby arms around complaining about the food stamp program.  Newt’s suggestion that President Obama is a “food stamp” President and that hungry students should work at schools as janitors just proves what level of compassion lies inside his clogged conservative heart.

Now that it appears Newt’s ex-wife is going to drop a couple of bombshells in an ABC interview airing on Nightline tonight, so Newt can soon return to his old business of sucking down lobbying money, Tiffany jewelry, and buckets of KFC.  That is, unless he gets a bump from Rick Perry’s endorsement (insert guffaw here). 

Perry withdrew from the face today, citing three key reasons: 1: he ran out of Aqua Net, 2: somebody told him Texas was about to secede and he could be crowned Rick the First, King of Texas, 3: he said the central reason to step aside at this particular juncture was to  “. . . .uh . . .wait a minute . . .. gimme just a sec . . . can I phone a friend? . . . . .. uh, no.”

Somewhere in Texas, a village is rejoicing over the return of their Idiot.

Also on the table tonight, The Wisconsin efforts to recall Gov. Scott Walker are gaining steam and President Obama’s bold stance against the oil barons in rejecting the Keystone XL Pipeline they so desired. Good one, Mr. President.  And you’re taking a stand against SOPA and PIPA, too.   Keep this up and you’ll soon regain much of your cred with traditional Democrats.

Join us for a smorgasbord of topics not covered by the corporate media!  Call 877-996-2556 LIVE at 9PM ET!


Hi Truthseekers!  Molly Malloy is selling Girl Scout cookies so her troop can go on their first camping trip, but we’re giving away 100 boxes FOR FREE as a thank-you gift for supporting our independent broadcasting efforts! 

The first 100 Truthseekers who sponsor an hour of the program will receive a FREE box of cookies randomly selected from the three all-time favorites: Samoas, Tagalongs, or Thin Mints.   Girl Scout cookies are only available once a year, and we only have 100 boxes to give to you, so when they’re gone – they’re gone!

Click on the sponsorship tab to sponsor an hour, then we’ll ship your FREE cookies after February 15th.  Thanks for keeping it lit!

Kathy's Diary

Mike received this email from a listener.  This is his response to reports of the latest military scandal of a(nother) disgusting abuse of Muslims by our military.   What did President Bush say about why they hate us?  Because we have freedom?  Because we can buy a home? 
One more splash in the urine stream…
Mike -

OK, first I thought, and I very hastily wrote:

“Nice one, the Semper Fi bunch, pissing on the dead Taliban, doncha think?

Idiots.  Semper Fi my entire ass.”

And, I then continued:

“But, then, upon immediate second thought, the second one bursting inside the initial thought, came this:

But, hey — this is what we expect them to do, figuratively — they just took it literally.”

And, then, this thought burst through, too:

“First, to kill someone, you must dehumanize him…”

And so on.  

And I had already done that particular rant about war, and futility, and endless suffering and costs in blood and treasure and lost opportunities and wastes of all kinds, over and over and over.

Already been done, forever, and my mind was toast from hosting that rant, and replaying that program so often since 1965. 

I started shutting down. 

I hung the sign around my neck:  “Next show at 3:00.” 

I stepped out for lunch.


Now, I have had some little bit of time, a few hours, to let it all percolate around in my skull, making meat coffee up there.

It has not left me alone.

I keep coming back to it.

Here are my current ruminations on that whole Semper-Fi urination event:

I know, I know:  War is not civilized.

So, then:  

Why should we be surprised when those conducting such a fine enterprise as is war, 
are themselves not civil, do not appear to have been tamed by civilization, to have not been civilized?

Great questions.

As always, I have no answers.

There will be more questions, in a moment, and about this same thing.  


I wondered if they joked, Ghostbusters-style, all macho and laughing, if they thought there was any hazard in “crossing streams.”

Terrible, I know.

But, funny, somehow — and, I was, just that fast, more like them.

I was sharing the guilt, as a veteran, but one who never had to mop up like these guys have been asked — I mean, ordered — to do.


Yes, these are frustrated guys, away from home and mom and shopping malls and McDonald’s, and are all twisted up good, no doubt, by their insane jobs we continue to demand they perform, and there they are:  being macho in their camaraderie.

But, is this any different a type of behavior than any other warriors have taken upon any other dead enemies in the long span of time, the awful history of this fabulous species, us?

Perhaps the shared videos next time will feature solid waste.  Or worse.
What happens then?


How many warriors, so called, are there because of no work at home?

How many are there because they believe, incorrectly, that they are heroes, protecting the country — when they are in fact there to grease the skids on corporate profits, on ensuring CEOs get their ninth vacation home on schedule, to make sure China knows we can still beat our chests with the best of them…. for who knows how many more reasons equally and totally worthless, and without any value whatever, without any morally redeeming reasons?

How many Marines — or soldiers, or sailors, or airmen and airwomen — are aware they are being used, and that they are — PISS ON ALL OF IT! — just giving back a little, this one time, and in public, exactly what they themselves get, and have gotten all along, and will continue to get from this country?

Any different, these reactions,  than the folks who deal in civilian death and destruction daily — cops, firefighters, EMTs, ER personnel — and joke around and laugh all throughout doing their jobs, just to get through it in one piece, without too much mental harm being done?

Is this little “row” just a cultural thing — the symbolism being the main inflammatory agent here?

Is it the same sort of revulsion we feel for Asian cuisine featuring dog?

Is it more than that, or less, or substantially different?

Is it the show of utter disrespect heaped upon the dead, whom we rarely see, most of us, in society — and, when we do, only in sanitized situations, with certain expectations on how the bodies will be treated, how they are always to be treated, without exceptions, no matter what their station in life?

Is it the ultimate hypocrisy of us all, expecting warriors to “play nice” in all situations?

Have we all seen too many John Wayne movies, or started to believe the “we’re better than they are” exceptionalism we’ve been spouting and shoving down everyone’s throats, all over the world?

Is it the ultimate hypocrisy in another way, to have any sentiments or thoughts whatsoever, about the dead meat, about the carcass that a person’s spirit leaves behind at the time of death?
I ponder and ponder, and nothing much yields — so I go back to pondering.

It’s an interesting moment for consideration.

Were these urinary actions offensive?  

Hell, yes, I believe the actions of these United States Marine Corp members were offensive and dishonorable.

Damned straight.

But understandable?

Man — that is a much, much tougher question.

And, beyond the initial, knee-jerk reflex of my own certainty, I am not entirely sure why it is, exactly, that I find it so offensive.

But I do know I find it is very educational, instructional, and insight-producing to keep after that “But, why?” question, any time, every time, and certainly this time,  when it comes up, and not duck or dodge it — and to keep after it until something finally breaks loose and gives.

Beyond understanding, beyond knowledge, we got nothing, we humans.


Alex in Oregon

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