What We Missed

Etta James died today at 73.

Samhita says smart things in this article about Jay-Z and the B-word.

Jessica talks purity balls on Anderson Cooper’s show today.

Ann on talent.

Beautiful photos of the Loving family, plaintiffs in the landmark case Loving v. Virginia which legalized interracial marriage in the US.

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Religious attack on no co-pay birth control coverage defeated

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced today that it will not allow an expanded religious exemption to the requirement for no co-pay birth control coverage that HHS ruled on in August. The administration’s exemption for insurance plans provided by houses of worship will remain in place. Conservative religious groups, including the influential US Conference of Catholic Bishops, wanted religiously affiliated groups like hospitals and universities to be able to opt out of covering birth control as well.

This is an important victory in the long battle to expand access to contraception. Religiously affiliated groups will have just one additional year to comply with the new rule – other groups will have to start offering no co-pay birth control next August.

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Mitt Romney: Mr. 1% is 99% superficial

Mitt Romney at the South Carolina debate
Image via.

Something happened during last night’s debate in South Carolina. I had an epiphany about Mitt Romney. Romney is supposed to be the nominee according to everyone in the media. I think he might actually be the nominee. But if he turns out to be the Republican challenger to President Obama this fall it’s become very clear that he’s vulnerable – not only because of his flip flops but because of his superficiality. Romney simply had nothing of substance to say when his canned talking points failed.

Romney’s flip flops are legendary. But to me last night’s debate performance was more damaging to his candidacy than whether or not Romney changed his position on abortion. Up to this point he’s gone almost under the radar during these debates on a crowded stage full of extremist Republicans like Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry and earlier with Herman Cain’s infamous 9-9-9 plan.

Last night only four men were left as Rick Perry dropped out of the race yesterday morning and endorsed Newt Gingrich. Romney’s tax returns and the possibility of him keeping off shore bank accounts in the Cayman Islands are making headlines and so he went into last night a little off balance. With more candidates on the stage Romney is able to hide the fact that while he’s a disciplined candidate clearly focused at all times on attacking President Obama, he’s also a shifty candidate who’s uncertain when he can’t arrive at one of his talking points with an easy rhetorical pivot. Read More »

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Anti-Feminist Victim Blamer in my own backyard

Cathy Young flyerSo I’m sitting in Business Associations class Wednesday night pretending to listen to the professor talk about tort liability (just kidding, I was really paying attention!) and I get a Facebook message from a like-minded law school classmate. The message says that the law school’s Federalist Society is having an event the next day called, “Presumed Guilty? Rape, Feminism, and False Accusations” with conservative journalist Cathy Young.

Now I had seen the flyer for the event which had the title, “Presumption of Guilt: Is Our Legal System Unfair to Men?” but it said nothing about rape and had a man with a baby on it (See above). So I contacted students who are on the executive board of the Federalist Society to ask them if the program was about rape or about something else. They confirmed that it was about rape.

If you are a regular reader of this blog then you know that sexual assault and victim blaming is my passion. I write about it a lot and I am also a survivor myself. So the idea that my own law school would hold such an event about the so-called problem of false rape accusations was troubling to me and I decided to attend. To listen and learn, if given the opportunity to ask a question, and of course live-tweet.

I arrived in a purple sweater to show solidarity with my fellow survivors and advocates. The school’s Women’s Law Forum organized themselves swiftly to distribute purple ribbons to everyone who attended the event, although not everyone chose to wear a ribbon for reasons I don’t really understand. Read More »

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What we missed

What if MLK were to debate Mitt Romney? Katie contrasts the two, highlighting was an ass Mitt Romney is.

Naral has put out an infographic on the war on women’s reproductive rights. It’s depressing, but necessary info.

Yesterday was a historic day for the internet.

NAM has a fellowship for people write about women immigrants. Pass it along to people you think might fit the bill.

Jaclyn Friedman and I are in this month’s Herizon’s magazine talking about feminism, sex, love and romance.

Check out the newest episode of my podcast with Amanda Marcotte, Opinionated. In this one we talk Jay-z and the b-word, feminism and fashion and racist ass Republicans.

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