
Tell the world "I helped RECALL FITZ!"Do your part! Commit to filling out at least *one* Fitzgerald petition.

Sign up for a shift this weekend!
Or print a petition here.

Everyone who gets 10 signatures to RECALL FITZ gets this awesome “I helped RECALL FITZ” button.

These buttons are not for purchase. They must be earned.


  • Jefferson County Democrats office at 320 South Wisconsin Drive in Jefferson
  • Dodge County Democrats office at 116 Monroe Street in Beaver Dam
  • 403 East Lake Street in Horicon
  • Ziwisky Law Office at 109 N. 3rd Street in Watertown.
  • Grassroots Columbus – Fall River office at 315 East James Street in Columbus. M-F 10am – 6pm, Saturdays 10-5, and Sundays 11-5. 608-698-5832
  • Recall office in Stoughton at 220 East Main. Stoughton is outside our district, but it’s near the border and they’ve volunteered to carry our petitions.
  • Labor Temple in Madison at 1602 S. Park Street, Room 104. Madison is outside our district, but many district residents work in Madison.
  • Saturday, Jan. 7: The Mode Theater in Waterloo from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

You don’t have to live in the 13th District to circulate the petition, but you must be eligible to vote in the 13th to sign it. 

THANK YOU! Your efforts are making history!

  1. Along with Walker, both of the Fitzgeralds need to go. All three are destroying our great state.

  2. Wish I could sign your petition, 10 times! U.P. backer. Good Luck!

  3. Please post information when you are able to accept donations!! You have support up north in Oneida County!! GOOD LUCK!!

  4. You are wonderful!! I only wish I lived in the 13th to sign! Fitz is corrupt and crooked and just plain dirty! Thank you for taking this on FOR THE STATE OF WISCONSIN.

  5. Went to Cambridge Square today and no one was there. Where can I sign?

  6. yes, right by the post office?

  7. Are you going to be in Deerfield anytime soon?

    • I just gave out some petitions and a “Recall Fitz” sign to a woman from Deerfield this morning. I’m not sure where she’ll decide to set up, but please let me know if you don’t see anyone out over the next few days. A group of us is also planning to visit Deerfield next weekend.

  8. I live in Sun Prairie and will be in the 13th senate district after the redistricting. I am available to help collect signatures next week. Let me know if you need the help.

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