December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!!


May 3, 2011

Heh. And fuck you, repukes.

May 2, 2011


More pics from around the web

"Anybody else wanna see my birth certificate?"


-- seen on teh intarwebs.

Oh, yeah, they went there!

Call the wehhhhmbulances!

Major flaming butthurt at Fox "News" and the freetards at the conservaturd sites as they ... just ... can't handle the fact that this happened under Prez Obama's watch.

Ha hahahahahaha! Suck it, you fucking stupid morons. Suck it long and suck it hard.


"This is the 'Mission Accomplished' moment President Bush [sic] only fantasized about."
- heard on the news this morning.

April 4, 2011

Hi guys

Sad news: my mom passed away yesterday due to complications from cancer. We seemed to have spent all our time with her these past few months as she got weaker and weaker, but I do not begrudge one second of it. She was singing and joking almost till the end, and she not only worried about us, but all the charities she donated to. She was a terrific lady and will be greatly missed.