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Chicago Joins the Growing Number of Cities That Are Strangling Free Speech Meet Foster Friess, Rick Santorum’s Billionaire Sugar Daddy Education Will Get You a Job! But We're Cutting Education. Dewey Beats Truman! I Mean Santorum Beats Romney! SOPA and PIPA Are Stalking Horses for Silencing the Powerful Voice of DemocracyHeadlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- Rick Santorum: De-Lawyer'd
- Obama Sings Al Green at the Apollo: Let's Stay Together
- Mexico drug war deaths over five years now total 47,515
- Obama Administration Approves Rule That Guarantees Near-Universal Contraceptive Coverage
- Krugman: Taxes at the Top
- Marianne Gingrich says Newt eyed Callista as his ticket to the White House
- In South Carolina, The Cain Train Collides With Colbert’s Super PAC Satire
- Dubious Pipeline Assertions Become USA Today Headlines
- Bernie Sanders: We must stop this corporate takeover of American democracy
- Chicago Joins the Growing Number of Cities That Are Strangling Free Speech -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- SOPA is Dead: Lamar Smith Withdraws Bill from the House
- Left to Obama: Time for Constitutional Amendment Against Citizens United
- Gallup Editor-In-Chief: Romney Support 'Collapsing' Nationally
- How an Ex-Wall-Street Power Player Embraced the Occupy Movement
- The End of Romney: Wall Street Journal Speculates on Romney's Tax Return Dodge
- "Several protesters were arrested this morning for blocking an entrance to the Wells Fargo building in downtown San Francisco, as demonstrators began what they hope will be a day-long disruption of the city's Financial District."
- UC Berkeley Faculty Stand Between Occupy Protesters, Police Crackdown
- The Evangelical Dilemma in South Carolina: Adulterer or Mormon?
- Newspaper Editor: Israel Should Consider Assassinating Obama
- Herman Cain May Have Just Killed The Tea Party
- How and Why Anonymous Took Down the FBI's Website
- The Latest GOP Assault on the 99 Percent
- Kentucky Gov. Cuts Education Funding While Preserving Tax Breaks For Biblically-Themed Amusement Park
- Democrat Elizabeth Warren Raises $1M in a Day for Election
- The Woman Behind the Recall of Wis. Sen. Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald
- In the Gusher of Super PACs, Even One Named ‘The Internet’
- Active-Duty Soldiers Take Their Own Lives at Record Rate
- Scott Olsen: Casualty of the Occupation
- Stephen Colbert Breaks Character to Discuss 2012 Presidential Race
- France's Sarkozy: Military Strike On Iran Would Trigger Middle East War
- Robert Reich and 'Amend 2012' Launch Campaign for Constitutional Amendment to Overturn 'Citizens United'
- NATO's Afghan Alliance Unhinged by Growing Mutual Mistrust: US military report reveals how issues such as arrogance and cleanliness are leading Afghan soldiers to shoot Nato trainers
- Dr. King's March to Occupy DC for Economic Justice
- Senator Reid Postpones PIPA Vote
- House Republicans Head to Retreat Amid Frustration, Low Ratings
- The Swinging Days of Newt Gingrich
- Partial GOP Victory: "The Supreme Court on Friday ordered a Texas panel of judges to reconsider the latest maps drawn for the state's legislative districts."
- David Swanson | Lucid Derangement
- Iraq's Maliki Accused of Detaining Hundreds of Political Opponents
- The Slow Starvation of Senior Services
- Are Conservatives Still Pulling a Cover Up In the Case of an Alabama Child Molester?
- The Power of Conservative Victimhood
- Alarming New Trends in Anti-Immigrant Activity From Old Nativist Groups to the Tea Party
- Republican Racism is an Air Raid Siren, Not a Dog Whistle
- Conservatives Freak Out Over Romney’s Kryptonite: Money
- Goldman Sachs Bonus Day Is a ‘Bloodbath.' Poor Babies.
- Conservative Web Forum FreeRepublic Declares Jihad Against Mitt Romney
- The Roberts Court and the Separation of Church and State
- Meet The 40 Members Of The Congressional Koch Caucus
- Romney has Held Five Positions on His Tax Returns in Just Four Feeks
- Conservatives Freak Out Over Romney’s Kryptonite: Money
- Wisconsin Recall Elections a Sure Thing, but New ID Law May Block Anti-Walker Vote
- Obama Administration Approves Rule That Guarantees Near-Universal Contraceptive Coverage
- Gingrich Surges into Lead in South Carolina
- Kucinich Proposes Public Financing to Overturn Citizens United Ruling
- Singing Legend Etta James Dies at 73
- Blood Feud: The Man Who Blew the Whistle on One of the Deadliest Prescription Drugs Ever
- "You've got to be kidding me. The US Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that Congress can remove works from the public domain and re-copyright them in order to bring the the pieces into compliance with international copyright schemes. Yeah, because that doesn't run completely against the spirit of copyright law or anything."
- "Federal prosecutors have arrested seven hedge fund workers, alleging that they were part of a 'tight-knit circle of greed' that took home nearly $78 million in illegal profits."
- The Republican Nightmare
- The GOP Circus Tour Continues: "Perry quits, Santorum wins Iowa and Gingrich’s ex-wife talks, requiring almost hourly recalibration."
- Australia Set to Recognise Aborigines as First People of Continent
- Gingrich Cancels Campaign Event Due to Poor Attendance
- Chart of the Day: Republicans Don't Trust Anyone (Except Fox News)
- Canada High Court Refuses to Hear Torture Cases
- Obama to Press Congress to Revisit $1.2T in Cuts
- France Weighs Afghanistan Pullout After 4 of Its Troops Are Killed
- Ten NATO Troops Killed in Afghanistan in 24 Hours
- Attention Mr. Romney: "A new tax law passed in 2010 and taking effect next year is supposed to recoup taxes owed by citizens abroad who have offshore accounts."
- Bush’s CIA Director: We Determined Attacking Iran Was a Bad Idea
- Tax Cuts, Privatization and Deregulation Disguised as Public Policy
- Maddow: "What Is It About Newt?"
- Communities Challenge NDAA, Its Supporters
- Is Newt "Mr. Blather" Gingrich Surging in South Carolina?
- Barak: Israel 'Very Far Off' from Decision on Iran Attack
- Grandiose Gingrich and Mitt Romney’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Debate
- The Decline of the Established Anti-Immigrant Organizations and the Rise of Tea Party Nativism
- SOPA and PIPA Are Stalking Horses for Silencing the Powerful Voice of Democracy -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Education Will Get You a Job! But We're Cutting Education -- Paul Buchheit for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- The Rightward Tilt of the GOP Becomes an Avalanche -- Steven Jonas for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Meet Foster Friess, Rick Santorum’s Billionaire Sugar Daddy -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Japan newspapers: Radioactive material used in new construction
- Nomi Prins: S&P; Downgrades and Banks: Threats to Global Stability
- Senate Democrats Hold Fast to Anti-Piracy Bill
- 7 Charged as FBI Closes a Top File-Sharing Site
- Perry Closes Campaign, Endorses Gingrich
- Consumer Agency Fights Aren't Over: Now Republicans Try To Defund Them
- William Rivers Pitt | Lynching the Dream
- ‘Unemployed Graduates’ in Morocco Set Themselves On Fire to Protest Lack of Jobs
- How the Obama Campaign Will Use Romney Offshoring Revelations
- Bodies of the Poor Piling Up at Chicago Morgue
- Limbaugh: "Everybody Has An Angry Ex-Spouse"
- Dump 'Citizens United'!
- SOPA/PIPA Blackout By the Numbers
- Robert Redford: Sundance Reflects the 99 Percent
- 2012's Civil Liberties Apocalypse Has Already Happened
- Portland, Maine City Council Votes To End ‘Corporate Personhood’
- GOP Contest Has a Day Full of Upheaval
- NJ Lawmaker: Gay Marriage Nears Veto-Proof Support
- Air Force’s Top Brain Wants a ‘Social Radar’ to ‘See Into Hearts and Minds’
- Group Sues Over Denial of Permit to Protest Citizens United at Courthouse
- As It Turns Out, Santorum Won Iowa By 69 Votes
- Capitalism’s Real Gravediggers
- Rethinking the Taliban: Don't confuse them with al-Qaida. It's time to start negotiating our way out of Afghanistan
- Texas Critics Cheer as Rick Perry Drops White House Bid
- Secret Cayman Island Funds: Did Mitt Romney Candidacy Just Suffer A Mortal Blow?
- Perry: ‘I Know When It’s Time To Make A Strategic Retreat’
- If Obama Loses: The Courts
- Murdoch Company to Pay Hacking Damages in 36 Cases
- Working and Poor in the USA
- How Republicans Killed Their Own Pet Oil Pipeline Project
- GOP Hopefuls Refusing To Disclose Top Bundlers
- The Past Newt Can’t Outrun
- Responding To Koch Attacks, First Obama Campaign Ad Hits ‘Secretive Oil Billionaires’
- Amy Goodman: The SOPA Blackout Protest Makes History
- GOP Field Leaves SC's Religious Right Uninspired
- Romney Parks Millions in Cayman Islands
- For-Profit Kaplan University Pays Executives a Quarter Billion Dollars, Courtesy of Students and Taxpayers
- Marianne Gingrich Reportedly Claims Newt Wanted 'Open Marriage'
- News Flash for Newt Gingrich: Americans Do Not "Own" Their Jobs
- Keystone XL Is Dead—Again
- US Army Burns Off Final Chemical Weapons in Utah
- Newt Gingrich: I Would Ignore Supreme Court as President
- SOPA and PIPA: The Wrong Tools to Combat Online Piracy
- Is Mitt Romney the GOP's "Great White Hope"? Is He the Whitest Living "Code Word" for Vote for the White Guy?
- Koch Brothers' Ties to the Nazis
- In Fight Over Piracy Bills, New Economy Rises Against Old
- Despite Threats, Iran Unlikely to Block Oil Shipments Through Strait of Hormuz
- Professor Gingrich was “often absent” and “spent little time teaching history.”
- Weekly Applications for Unemployment Benefits Plunge to Lowest Point in Nearly Four Years
- Netanyahu to Post’s Editor: My Two Main Enemies – Haaretz and NY Times
- Dewey Beats Truman! I Mean Santorum Beats Romney! -- Tony Peyser for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- How Today’s Income Inequality Kills Tomorrow’s Economic Mobility
- In Syria, World Inaction Fuels Armed Revolt
- Iraq: Political Turmoil Continues as Maliki Forges Autocratic Reign
- Sarah Palin: "If I were a South Carolinian, I'd back Newt" No doubt, she would be appointed ambassador to Russia if Gingrich were elected, and the embassy would be moved to her home in Wasilla, since she can see Russia from there anyway
- An All-Female Democratic Ticket in 2016?
- Newt Gingrich Promises Palin a Presidential Appointment and Commits a Felony
- Will GOP Use Another Partisan Judge to Help Them Out by Delaying Walker Recall Vote?
- For God So Loved the 1 Percent …
- "President Obama, declaring that he would not bow to congressional pressure, announced Wednesday that he was rejecting a Canadian firm’s application for a permit to build and operate the Keystone XL pipeline, a massive project that would have stretched from Canada’s oil sands to refineries in Texas."
- 1 Million Recall Signatures vs. 1 Partisan Judge
- When New Obama Chief of Staff Was NYU Exec, School Ceased Recognizing Union
- Homeless Rate Ready To Rise As Stimulus Cash Runs Out: Study
- Thousands in Jerusalem protest racism against Ethiopian Israelis
- Mitt Romney Gave Millions of Dollars Worth of Bain Stock to Mormon Church
- GOP Lawmaker Bob Marshall Says Children With Disabilities Are God's Punishment For Their Moms Having Had Abortions -- Tony Peyser, BuzzFlash at Truthout
- The Rise of the Authoritarian State in the US: Constitutional Rights Transferred to the Whims of People in Power -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- World Bank Warns on Risk of Global Recession
- Battle For The Senate: Numbers Favor GOP, But Control Is Still Up For Grabs
- Bill McKibben on Keystone XL Announcement
- Torture, Review of Legal Mail at Issue During Guantanamo Military Commission Hearing
- The GOP's Race Problem
- No Union Labor Used at DNC Speech Site, Contractor Says
- Why Wikipedia is Not Online Today. You Should Know. Internet Freedom May Depend Upon It.
- Glenn Greenwald: Chris Dodd’s Paid SOPA Crusading
- With Recall In Motion, Democrats Consider Candidates To Challenge Walker
- The Republicans' Dark-Money-Moving Machine
- Syria’s Torture Machine: British Documentary Offers Cause For Concern In More Ways Than One
- Emanuel's "Sit Down and Shut Up" Ordinance Aims to Chill Protest in Chicago
- Are the Ratings Agencies Abandoning Fiscal Austerity?
- Mexico's Anti-Abortion Backlash
- Nigeria's Oil Curse
- Cummings Accuses Issa Of Protecting Republicans Caught In Countrywide VIP Loan Program
- Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich Lament Super PACs but Backed Ruling That Made Them
- Time to Consider Mass Mortgage Refinancings
- Supreme Court Holds the Fate of Medicaid
- US Regulators to Defend Volcker Rule Ban on Proprietary Trades
- Ten reasons the US is no longer the land of the free
- Newt Plays to South Carolina's Racist GOP
- Workers of the World Unite: Romney Says He Pays Only About 15 Percent in Taxes on Perhaps a Quarter of a Billion in Asssets
- Latest Poll Shows Romney Still Ahead in South Carolina
- D.C. Protesters Occupied House Office Buildings
- Wisconsin Dems Make It Official: One Million Signatures Collected To Recall Walker
- SOPA protests shut down Web sites to keep the Net free of corporate/government intervention
- One Million Petition for the Recall of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker
- Wisconsin State Journal Provides the Full Scoop on One Million People Who Signed up to Recall Scott Walker
- Six Reasons Mitt Romney is a Bain to America --Robert Creamer for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Republican National Committee Files Brief Seeking To Allow Direct Corporate Funding Of Campaigns
- The Only Abiding Faith of the Right Wing is in a Mythical Free Market -- Ann Davidow for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Revealed: The FBI's Secretive Practice of "Blackballing" Files
- Santorum Staffer Says Women Shouldn’t Be President Because It’s Against God’s Will
- Bill Moyers: Why I am Returning to the Air
- Former Liberian Dictator Charles Taylor had US Spy Agency Ties
- Richard Power: In This Fractured Society, Lashed Together in Deep Denial, the Day After the Day After MLK Day is More Important
- Have Banks Been Robo-Signing Credit Card Documents Too?
- The Myth of an Isolated Iran: D.C.'s aggressive sanctions are really about protecting the dollar and undermining China
- Recovery at Risk as Americans Raid Savings
- Mitt Romney: A Very Big Gamble for the GOP
- Once Hot, Tea Party Goes Cold
- US Treasury Dips into Pension Funds to Avoid Debt Limit
- Close the Guantánamo Gulag
- Obama Leads Romney Nationally
- A New Batch Of Racist Ron Paul Newsletters Released
- Economic Unfairness, Not Over-Regulation, is the Problem
- The Problem With Citizens United Is Not Corporate Personhood
- US to Force Drug Firms to Report Money Paid to Doctors
- "Internet Censorship Affects Everybody": Rebecca MacKinnon on the Global Struggle for Online Freedom
- Two Years Later: Showdown with Citizens United
- Romney Pays Taxes Like a Rich Guy
- Evangelical Leader: "Romney and Mormons are No More Christian Than a Muslim Is"
- Polls: Republican Voter Enthusiasm Drops
- Not on Trial Yet: Those Who Knew of Manning's Unstable History
- DNC Shortens Charlotte Convention to 3 Days
- Gingrich: I ‘Don’t See’ Why Calling ‘Food Stamps’ An African-American Issue Is Insulting
- ‘Occupy Congress’ Protest Planned as Lawmakers Return
- Virginia Republican: "Children with disabilities are God’s punishment to women who previously had abortions."
- Even Fox News Is Skeptical Of The Case Against Obama’s Recess Appointments
- Even Texas Republicans Don't Want Perry
- "A record 84 percent of Americans say they disapprove of the way the Congress is doing its job compared with just 13 percent who approve of how things are going."
- Nancy Pelosi: GOP Knows Mitt Romney Can’t Win
- Sarah Palin Slams Newsweek for Giving ‘Conspiracy Kook Writer’ Andrew Sullivan Cover Story
- Ahmadinejad in Managua: WikiLeaks Reveals U.S. Fears of Nicaraguan-Iranian Rapprochement -- Nikolas Kozloff for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Global Corporations Have No Allegiance to US, Move Headquarters and Divisions Overseas -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- I'm Confused: It's Okay to Kill Afghanis, But Not Okay to Urinate on the Bodies? -- Jacqueline Marcus for BuzzFlash at Truthout
THE LIGHTER SIDE: - Letter From George W. Bush To Rick Perry
- The Rude Pundit: A Brief List of Conservative Men Who Need to Be Punched in the Balls
- The Part of Marianne Gingrich Interview That ABC Left on Cutting Room Floor