As residents of Earth, we've grown accustomed to having just one moon. Let Saturn and its 62 moons be the solar system's showboat; that just leaves us on this planet to enjoy our single natural satellite all the more. Or so we thought.
Although it all sounds ridiculous today, in 1835, knowledge of the moon was lacking and the belief in extraterrestrial life, including lunar life, was commonplace.
Have you seen a bright light zipping around in the sky and wondered if you were witnessing an extraterrestrial visitation? That UFO could have been a fancy remote control airplane lit up with LED lights.
The fear of Friday is skeviphobia, the fear of the number 13 is triskaidekaphobia, and the fear of Friday the 13th is paraskevidekatriaphobia (aka friggatriskaidekaphobia).
When national media outlets give such a large platform to hucksters who make false promises and beguile the public, they are as much to blame for the public deception as the fake psychics themselves.
At some point in life you may have raised the topic of ghosts or UFO's to friends or loved ones. It's almost as if you may have "cooties" by saying the word "ghost" and '"I saw" in the same sentence.
Over the last couple weeks, the climate blogosphere has been lighting up over a recent report that enormous plumes of methane are bubbling to the surface off the coast of eastern Siberia in Russia.
The Money Drawing Aromatic Bush Bath smelled like a pretty nice bath -- old lady scent, I would say, but nothing scary. And then the funniest thing happened. I immediately won the lottery!!!
I am now 48 hours into a meat-, dairy-, sugar-, alcohol-, chocolate-, processed-food- and taste-free vegetarian detox cleanse, which is the longest I've gone without eating meat by roughly 46 hours.
The next time you check your moves in the mirror and reflect on how special you are, consider that somewhere in this universe or in another parallel universe, your double might be doing the same.
The ongoing animal rebellion against mankind's domination of the Earth took a sudden turn in December.
"Whisperers" are serial killers with a special talent: they kill through other people, awakening in them the archaic and apparently soothing desire to kill. We are all potential murderers.
The art of cigar smoking is almost like a rite of passage. It's like getting your first car, going to your first concert, or having your first beer. It's something you remember for years. And so it should be.
By the early 1900s, the so-called "fantasy brothels," which offered Disney-style themed rooms along the lines of Versailles, Venice and the Orient, had opened themselves up to tourists by day.
Now that it's actually 2012, the year in which those fictional events supposedly were to have taken place, you may be wondering: Is the Mayan calendar a real thing? Were we warned? Is 2012 the end of the world?
The ancient Mayan people maintained a complex system of calendars, which ended with this year, 2012. This anomaly has caused many to wonder whether the great calendar-makers foresaw an apocalypse in our era. The truth is more complex.
I think that many economists and others who dismiss the potential for robots and automation to dramatically impact the job market have not fully assimilated the implications of machine learning.
In many of these stories, the stupid is someone simply wanting police help and wouldn't even merit a ticket if pot weren't illegal... so don't forget that the biggest stupid is prohibiting adult use of marijuana in the first place.
There are hundreds of theories about the supposed apocalypse predicted by the Maya for 2012, but the implication for Guatemala, southern Mexico and Belize is clear and immediate: more visitors.