I'm delighted to announce the launch of Global Motherhood, a new section within HuffPost Impact dedicated to the health and well being of mothers and babies around the world, and sponsored by Johnson & Johnson. Global Motherhood will go beyond matters of physical health to address the full spectrum of issues affecting mothers and their babies, with a special focus on the dangers faced by pregnant women in underdeveloped countries and the guilt and fear that accompany childbirth for many women. It will also be a place to share our personal stories. With infant mortality on the rise in the U.S., and 1,000 women and girls dying everyday worldwide, we need all the innovation and creativity that we can muster. Only by tapping into our collective wisdom will we arrive at the solutions we and our children deserve.
The latest New York Times/CBS poll shows that all the remaining Republican candidates are unpopular with voters nationally. No wonder Republican primary voters continue to be dissatisfied with their choices.
The launch of the Global Motherhood partnership between Johnson & Johnson and The Huffington Post offers the opportunity to give voice to the power of mothers as champions for the health and survival of their children, their families and, by extension, their communities.
Hormesis is a little-known term with huge implications. It refers to a fascinating phenomenon: a favorable biological reaction to low doses of chemical toxins, radiation or some other form of stress that is damaging, even fatal, in higher doses.
I fear that until we deal with the underlying structural factors driving inequality, we're going to see it go ever higher.
China's size and its centralized governance have enabled the creation of a parallel Internet universe connected to and separate from the one outside. China is pursuing a distinctive response to the Internet.
Over the past few weeks a number of well-followed bloggers have used those blogs to announce trouble in their marriages. Is the blogosphere at its best when it serves as a group therapy session? Or at its worst?
Pretending that food doesn't matter to health is at best denial, at worst a serious delusion. We should not mortgage health to pay for culinary delight, any more than we should give up culinary pleasure to purchase health. We can love food that loves us back.
Coffee has always seemed to facilitate thinking and catching ideas. Not only that, but the flavor of coffee is beyond the beyond good. Even bad coffee is better than no coffee at all. For many years, I drank probably 20 cups of instant coffee per day.
With our list of these seven perfect little travel accessories, your trip will go off without a hitch.
Globally, we are seeing a significant decline in maternal death rates -- a one third reduction since 1990. And yet we still have a long way to go. Childbirth remains the biggest killer of young women around the world.
Call this new institution, the corporate power brokers of Silicon Valley and other digital meccas across the country, the Fifth Estate. Pulling the plug on SOPA was the occasion for their political coming out.
The case was argued by a 27-year-old female lawyer from Texas -- Sarah Weddington. Female lawyers were so rare in those days that the Supreme Court lawyers' lounge didn't even have a ladies room. There were no female judges. Weddington faced a wall of older men.
Then I saw them, in the upper left-hand corner of our gated waste disposal area -- two pieces of human waste lying conspicuously upon the ground.
You know you've really got to hand it to Newt Gingrich -- and I don't mean the Republican nomination. Personally, I'd think twice about even asking my wife for an open face sandwich -- much less that whole open marriage thing.
The oncology world is overdue for an etiquette guide. There's no script for what to say to someone with a life-threatening illness, but if you can avoid saying these 10 things, you're off to a good start.
I love to cook. Oddly enough, this love provided the perfect recipe to bring my grandmother and I back together after three years of not speaking.
Our goal: to create a vibrant community around the shared dream of a healthy pregnancy, a safe birth, and a baby who will survive and thrive -- basic human rights that all too often are simply out of reach for women in the developing world.
The gun industry is dominated by manufacturers, distributors and retailers who profit so handsomely from high-volume sales to traffickers that they will fight any serious effort to curtail them.
Look out, GOP presidential front-runner Mitt Romney could be on the verge of losing two Republican primaries in the space of a single week.
You'd think that by the time we hit our 50s we'd have made peace with our breasts. Not so. Breast augmentation is on the rise among all age groups and so are its risks.
It was not long ago when we stood by in distant and utter shock, praying only as we could for the well being of the Haitian people.
Bobbing for apples is one of the silliest games played by humans, and I won't glorify it by describing its rules (if any) here. But it does raise the compelling scientific question, "Why do some fruits float and others don't?"
The current system fails more than just immigrants seeking opportunity and fair treatment. It fails all of us by refusing to embrace a future that welcomes diversity and equal access to the American dream.
As I sat in my study at home one day with my head in my hands, God said, "I will take care of you." That voice spoke. My brain registered the exact words.
The last 30 years of sentencing policy may provide an answer. Getting "tough on crime" became popular among the public and politicians alike. We rejected the notion that a criminal could be rehabilitated.
I've been waiting to encounter the famed biodiversity of the Amazon. I have pictures of a yellow-green butterfly and the green frogs that hopped inside when it rained too hard for too long.