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  1. Relieved that Newt decided to keep his campaign positive. Can't imagine what he'd be like negative.
  2. Exactly. “@TheFix: Am I right to say that there was NO foreign policy question in tonight's #cnndebate?”
  3. You want jobs, justice, growth, opportunities, fairness, and strength? Start with fighting corruption. Stop $$ from running DC. #CNNdebate
  4. And let's not forget Elitist Entitlements: Tax loopholes, bailouts, subsidies. #CNNdebate
  5. Romney, don't forget: A government of the people, for the people, by the people. #CNNdebate
  6. Every candidate's Super PAC filed to keep their donors anonymous until after the primary. Wonder what that is... #CNNdebate
  7. Commercial break question: Will issue of lobbyists writing policy, Corps buying political favors, widening income gap come up? #CNNdebate
  8. I believe in life. I vetoed bills that did not also protect the life of the mother or against rape & incest. #CNNdebate
  9. Because Newt gets to moderate his own debates. #CNNdebate
  10. Oh look, a Super PAC-funded commercial. #notwinning #CNNdebate
  11. For all his anti-regulation talk, it's strange to hear Santorum talk about more regulation on the Internet. #CNNdebate
  12. America is a beacon of freedom of communication and information. SOPA is censorship. #CNNdebate
  13. Bring back "Made In America." #CNNdebate
  14. 2/3 of new jobs in America created by small biz. Corp lobbyists write policy that hurts small biz, kills competition, stifles innovation.
  15. Mitt, don't apologize for being successful. Apologize for tax evasion. For offshoring. For flopping on campaign finance reform. #CNNdebate
  16. When I get home to my home where my home is at my home. #CNNdebate
  17. Romney, you're putting off tax returns until April so you can make sure they're up to snuff. Care to share last year's? #CNNdebate
  18. @JakeHForRonPaul True. Ron will take the Fed to task.
  19. There is no change on this stage. No one has a record of reform. No one has the courage to stand against corruption. #CNNdebate