Iconoclast Publisher’s New Novel Entitled ‘Epitaph’
Written by The Publisher   
Thursday, February 24 2011 04:51 am

Epitaph W. Leon Smith, publisher of The Lone Star Iconoclast, has authored a new novel, Epitaph, which is available at Amazon.com in both paperback and Kindle versions.


Epitaph is an Orwellian type thriller about a minority newspaper man who, along with an elderly farmer/rancher, challenge a military/corporate land grab. This emotional, riveting book is loosely based on actual events, including cave exploration, love interests, cattle mutilations, murder, depleted uranium testing, Comanche Indians, and a unique twist about a man fighting to undo racism. The book culminates in a decision that could change things forever.

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Chemtrails Over Central Texas
Monday, January 03 2011 04:01 am

W. Leon Smith


Chemtrails It has been several weeks since this site has been updated, due to unexpected health problems of its publisher, me, which occurred in late August 2010. I suffered 73 strokes and spent time in three hospitals.

Chemtrail Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4U2a6rAOAE
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