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Friday, Jan. 20, 2012
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Palestine -- Israel
Palestinians to renew efforts for bid to U.N.
01-20-2012  • 
Palestinian officials say that they will resume their effort to gain U.N. membership, and that they could launch a nonviolent third intifada because they see no chance of reaching a peace deal with the current Israeli government.
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Donna Hancock
News Link  • 
Agency: Iran shuts down shops selling Barbie dolls
01-20-2012  •  Associated Press 
Police have closed down dozens of toy shop for selling Barbie dolls, part of a decades-long crackdown on signs of Western culture in Iran, the semiofficial Mehr news agency reported Friday.
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Donna Hancock
Join the Arizona Breakfast Club
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Politics: Republican Campaigns
Republicans stand together to oppose piracy law
01-20-2012  •  Associated Press 
Standing in near unison, the four remaining contenders seeking the Republican presidential nomination are condemning a proposed anti-online piracy law that its critics say is overly aggressive.
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Donna Hancock
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Philosophy: Socialism
Dems propose 'Reasonable Profits Board' to regulate oil company profits
01-20-2012  • 
The Democrats, worried about higher gas prices, want to set up a board that would apply a "windfall profit tax" as high as 100 percent on the sale of oil and gas, according to their legislation.
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Donna Hancock
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Police State
Man arrested after spitting on sidewalk in Daytona Beach
01-20-2012  • 
An 18-year-old Daytona Beach man was arrested after he violated a city ordinance by spitting on a sidewalk, which police said created an unsanitary environment for others in the area.
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Donna Hancock
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Arizona's Top News
Federal official in Arizona to plead the fifth and not answer questions on 'furious'
01-20-2012  • 
The chief of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Arizona is refusing to testify before Congress regarding Operation Fast and Furious, the federal gun-running scandal that sent U.S. weapons to Mexico.
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Donna Hancock
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From Israel: Vote Ron Paul and Let My People Go!
01-20-2012  • 
Lately I’ve been having trouble sleeping. I sit here in my living room in Karnei Shomron, Israel, on the 8th night of Chanukah, wondering what other miracles lay in store on January 3rd and in the months ahead. The name Ron Paul is constantly at my f
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Donna Hancock
casey Biotech
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Politics: Republican Campaigns
CNN Smackdown by Ron Paul Supporters at South Carolina
01-20-2012  • 
CNN was giving very little time to Ron Paul at the SC Debate. And at one point Santorum, Romney, and Gingrich answered a question and gave their views on abortion.
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Donna Hancock
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Ron Paul's Weapon - The Constitution "Whip" Part 1
01-20-2012  • 
Dr. Manning shares some light on Ron Paul's Weapon "THE CONSTITUTION". Vote Ron Paul 2012 - "The truth is the only weapon the wicked fear"
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Donna Hancock
Feature Article  •  
Philosophy: Anarchism
'A' Was For America: My Journey to Voluntaryism
Pete Eyre
   The ideas of liberty and of voluntaryism specifically have made me a better person. Most individuals mean well, but they've only been exposed to the misinformation peddled in gun-run schools and by the mainstream media
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Feature Article  •  
Beating Up on Chavez
Stephen Lendman
   Imperial Washington wants regime change
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Marriage Revival?
01-20-2012  •  arclein 
What is behind this shift? Another recent Pew survey reported that four in 10 Americans think marriage is "becoming obsolete." Particularly interesting is that 47 percent of those who think marriage is becoming obsolete say they would like to marry
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Robert Klein
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How can we help the Iraqis who risked their lives to help us?
01-19-2012  •  Philadelphia Inquirer 
I've received a slew of e-mail from Iraqi interpreters who are in hiding because Shiite militias have pledged to kill the "traitors" who aided the Americans. I've also received e-mail from U.S. military officers desperately trying to get their "terps
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Powell Gammill
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Chris Dodd Thinks Anti-SOPA/PIPA Websites Are Abusing Their Power
01-19-2012  • 
The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) decided it just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to hire somebody who allegedly knows exactly what it takes to buy a senator.
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Powell Gammill
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Ron Paul Highlights in 1.19.12 Debate (Video)
01-19-2012  • 
Visit for past highlights plus other interviews.
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Joe Plummer
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Politics: Republican Campaigns
What Is It About Ron Paul?
01-19-2012  •  youtube (h/t Lew Rockwell blog) 
This video was based on an article written by Rafi Farber, YouTube user name, merfitudinal. You can read the entire article here: Please take the time to visit his site and thank him for writ
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Powell Gammill
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World News
8 Guilty for Prison Massacre in Rare Trial of Haiti’s Police
01-19-2012  •  New York Times 
In a country where officials who abuse their power are almost never held accountable, 8 of 14 police officers tried for a 2010 prison massacre were found guilty on Thursday in the southern city of Les Cayes, Haiti.
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Powell Gammill
4409 you tube Mark Victor attorney for Freedom
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Drug War
Honduras Congress OKs Drug-Related Extradition
01-19-2012  •  AP 
Starting Feb. 1, the Central American nation will be able to sign extradition treaties with other countries, including the United States, which has sought the change.
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Powell Gammill
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Space Travel and Exploration
Russia, US explore new joint moon base colony
01-19-2012  •  Terrence Aym 
The Russians are serious about the moon and think the U.S. should be too. Their incentive can be summed up with one word: China. Quite simply, China wants to own the moon. The Russian Federation and its space agency Roscosmos finds itself in the curi
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Terrence Aym
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Politics: Republican Campaigns
Stephen Colbert, Herman Cain To Hold Rally Together In South Carolina
01-19-2012  • 
The comedian and host of Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report" will hold a rally in South Carolina this Friday with former GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain. The event will be entitled "THE ROCK ME LIKE A HERMAN CAIN: SOUTH CAIN-OLINA PRIMARY RA
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Donna Hancock
Feature Article  •  
"Michael Crow, a former agent [of the CIA], is now president of Arizona State University"
Ernest Hancock
   "Two Scandals, One Connection: The FBI link between Penn State and UC Davis" Another Member of the National Security Higher Education Advisory Board is Michael Crow, President of ASU
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Feature Article  •  
Politics: Republican Campaigns
Ernest Hancock
   The "Lame-Stream Media,... the Media that is sooooo Last Century" had their chance to be "Fair and Balanced"... Well, now they are to be completely ignored. Here's how!
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Events: Arizona
Debate Watching Party - Hancock's - Thurs, Jan 19th, 6 p.m. til??
01-18-2012  • 
CNN to Host Final Debate Ahead of Crucial South Carolina Primary
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Donna Hancock
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World News
Situation Deteriorates, Pakistan Tells US Envoy to Stay Away
01-19-2012  • 
The US State Department is reporting today that a request to allow Special Envoy Marc Grossman to visit Pakistan has been turned down by the Pakistani government, citing the “prevailing situation” in the nation.
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Donna Hancock
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Free Speech
SOPA Proves: Hollywood Hates Your Freedom
01-19-2012  • 
Old-line media companies have taken a hostage in the battle against modernity: the Internet
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Donna Hancock
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Politics: Republican Campaigns
HURT: Why use ‘despicable,’ clueless left-wing media to moderate GOP debates?
01-20-2012  • 
There is growing consternation in Republican circles and among conservatives over why Republicans keep allowing the various Communist, leftist and otherwise anti-American TV networks to host GOP debates.
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Donna Hancock
News Link  • 
Anonymous Goes on Megaupload Revenge Spree: DoJ, RIAA, MPAA, and Universal Music All Offline
01-20-2012  • 
Anonymous has sure been quiet lately, but today's federal bust of Megaupload riled 'em up good: a retaliatory strike against (and plenty of other foes) leaving them completely dead.
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Donna Hancock
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Protests and Protesters
Egyptian critic of military rule beaten in street
01-20-2012  • 
A clip posted on social networks showed a small crowd punching and kicking Nawara Negm, and hurling abuse at her. Her assailants could be heard saying she wanted to drive a wedge between the ruling military and the people.
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Donna Hancock
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Politics: Republican Campaigns
Redford slaps Romney as Sundance filmfest opens
01-20-2012  • 
Veteran US actor Robert Redford took a dig at Republican frontrunner Mitt Romney, his party's White House nomination battle and Congress as he opened the annual Sundance film festival.
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Donna Hancock
Hidden Golden Nuggets
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Education: Government Schools
Teacher Accused Of Pouring Hot Tea On Battling Students
01-20-2012  • 
Police are reportedly investigating a claim that a teacher dumped hot tea on a 15-year-old high school student and an 18-year-old classmate after they refused to stop fighting in school.
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Donna Hancock
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What is it about Ron Paul?
01-20-2012  • 
I wrote this article, "From Israel: Vote Ron Paul and Let my People Go!" on December 29th. Since then it has gone viral.
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Donna Hancock
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Economic Stimulus
Cleansing Land Titles With Ellen Brown
01-20-2012  •  arclein 
Only 16 percent of the mortgage assignments were valid. Twenty-seven percent of the invalid assignments were fraudulent, 35 percent were "robo-signed" and 10 percent violated the Massachusetts Mortgage Fraud Statute. The identity of fina
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Robert Klein
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Politics: Republican Campaigns
Stephen Colbert Comes Out for Ron Paul
01-20-2012  • 
..... asked by Mika Brezenski on MSNBC's Morning Joe about who he likes, Colbert being funny initially says "Herman Cain" .... Mika then presses him asking who he likes that is still running and Colbert replies: "Ron Paul"
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Donna Hancock
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Politics: Republican Campaigns
Ayatollah Santorum the Sanctimonious (ASS)
01-20-2012  • J. DiLorenzo 
In a January 18 interview with Glenn Beck Rick Santorum decided to compare his view of the Constitution with that of Ron Paul. His statements can only be described as delusional and totalitarian.
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Donna Hancock
4409 you tube Mark Victor attorney for Freedom
Radio/TV  •  Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
Jan 20th, 2012 - Luis Ewing-L. Neil Smith-John Bush, Catherine Bleish-LRN.FM M-F, 9-Noon, EST
Program Date:  2012-01-19
   Luis Ewing, activist, spreads flyers to help educate people about their rights - L. Neil Smith, science fiction writer, libertarian, new book released today (Jan 20th, 2012) called Down With Power - John Bush and Catherine Bleish, r3VOLution activist
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Wisconsinites v. Governor Scott Walker Opinion  •  
Wisconsinites v. Governor Scott Walker
January 21, 2012
Stephen Lendman
   Class war rages in Wisconsin
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Ancient Mechanism For Mammalian Evolution
01-20-2012  •  arclein 
The retro-transposon's copy-and-paste behaviour has long been considered totally self-serving. However, the study showed that when a retro-transposon containing a CTCF-binding sequence spreads around a mammal's genome, it can deposit functional CTC
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Robert Klein
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Salmon Khan ON SOPA and PIPA
01-19-2012  •  youtube (h/t Lew Rockwell blog) 
What SOPA and PIPA are at face value and what they could end up enabling. The heroic founder of Khan Academy—"learn almost anything for free"—explains these two State power grabs on behalf of corporatist pressure groups.
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Powell Gammill
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TAXES: Federal
Millionaires Back Buffett Tax If They’re Exempt
01-19-2012  •  Bloomberg 
Millionaires support Warren Buffett’s view that the wealthiest should pay more in taxes, as long as it’s other rich Americans, according to a survey released today.
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Powell Gammill
Freedom Engineering
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TAXES: Federal
Excellent Video on the Tax-the-Rich Mentality.flv
01-19-2012  •  youtube (h/t Lew Rockwell blog) 
We have a spending problem in America. This video clarifies the magnitude of just how much we spend, IN JUST ONE YEAR!!
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Powell Gammill
News Link  • 
7 Charged as F.B.I. Closes a Top File-Sharing Site
01-19-2012  •  New York Times 
In what the federal authorities called one of the largest criminal copyright cases ever brought, the Justice Department and the FBI seized the Web site Megaupload and charged seven people connected with it with running an international enterprise bas
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Powell Gammill
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States' Rights
A Judge Rules Vermont Can’t Shut Nuclear Plant
01-19-2012  •  New York Times 
A federal judge on Thursday blocked Vermont from forcing the Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor to shut down when its license expires in March, saying that the state is trying to regulate nuclear safety, which only the federal government can do.
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Powell Gammill
Feature Article  •  
Freedom's Phoenix
Tom Woods on DYI w/ Ernest Hancock Jan 18th Video
Drew Phillips
   Jan 18th, 2012 - Hour 3 Thomas Woods Webpage: TomWoods.Com Webpage: RevolutionPac.Com Thomas Woods, Ph.D., Revolution PAC Advisory Board Chairman, New York Times bestselling author and senior fellow, Ludwig von Mises Institute.
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News Link  • 
Anonymous takes down Department of Justice, RIAA, Motion Picture Association and Universal Music
1-19-12  • 
In response to today’s federal raid on the file sharing service Megaupload, hackers with the online collective Anonymous have broken the websites for the Department of Justice, Universal Music Group, RIAA and Motion Picture Association of America.
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Alma Sommer
Kielsky Rike PLLC, Attorneys
The root cause of the housing bubble and collapse

 Opinion  •  
The root cause of the housing bubble and collapse
Menckens Ghost
   In a continuation of a sorry tradition of badly biased thinking and superficial reporting, it appears that the narratives from the ideological media about the housing collapse and corresponding financial meltdown have been incomplete.
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Feature Article  •  
Casey Research Articles
Don't Frack Me Up
Marin Katusa
   To many walking the planet, fracking has a seriously bad reputation.
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Politics: Republican Campaigns
RNC May Face Messy Delegates Issue
01-19-2012  • 
If the GOP presidential race is not effectively over following the South Carolina primary, it could easily drag on for months — with potential confusion about delegate counts.
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Donna Hancock
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Economy - International
Sinking the Petrodollar in the Persian Gulf
01-19-2012  • 
These days, with a crisis atmosphere growing in the Persian Gulf, a little history lesson about the U.S. and Iran might be just what the doctor ordered.
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Donna Hancock
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Compromise ‘Unlikely’ as Protests Grow Against SOPA
01-19-2012  • 
RIAA Spokesman Terms Criticism 'Dangerous' and Bad for Democracy
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Donna Hancock
Freedom Engineering
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Photosynthesis Fuel Company Gets a Large Investment
01-19-2012  • 
Joule Unlimited will build a production plant for turning sunlight and CO2 into liquid fuels.
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Donna Hancock

  Page Two  •  Contents by Subject  •  Articles  •  Opinions  •  Letters  •  More News 

Radio/TV Show   •   Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
Jan 19th, 2012 - Megan Duffield - Glenn Jacobs - (MP3 LOADED)
Feature Article  •  More about Events: Arizona
"God on Trial" Book Signing
Mike Renzulli
A Noble Lie
Feature Article  •  More about Internet
Protesting Internet Censorship
Stephen Lendman
Feature Article  •  More about WAR: About that War
Postponing Joint US/Israeli Exercises
Stephen Lendman
Feature Article  •  More about Internet
SOPA protester on the streets of Tucson. (qik Video)
Drew Phillips
Feature Article  •  More about Casey Research Articles
When Will Gold Reach a New High?
Jeff Clark
Opinion  •  More about Politics: General Activism
California: America’s first failed state
Frosty Wooldridge
Freedom Engineering
Feature Article  •  More about Politics: Republican Campaigns
McCain campaign 2008 opposition research book on Romney
Ernest Hancock
Radio/TV Show   •   Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
Jan 18th, 2012 - Peter Eyre - Mikey Weinstein - Mark Nestmann - Thomas Woods (VIDEO & MP3 LOADED)
Feature Article  •  More about Economy - International
The New Normal: Economic Weakness and Decline
Stephen Lendman
Feature Article  •  More about Israel - Palestine
Israel Plans Major Gaza War
Stephen Lendman
Feature Article  •  More about Voting - Election Integrity
Ernest Hancock
Freedom Engineering
Feature Article  •  More about Politics: Republican Campaigns
Ernest Hancock
Radio/TV Show   •   Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
January 17th, 2012 - Bill Buppert - Jim March - James Babb - Listen Live, M-F, 9-Noon, EST (MP3 UP)
Feature Article  •  More about Politics: Republican Campaigns
Mitt Romney's Hard-Right Agenda
Stephen Lendman
Feature Article  •  More about Israel - Palestine
Abusing East Jerusalem Children
Stephen Lendman
Feature Article  •  More about Events: Arizona
Ernest Hancock
4409 you tube Mark Victor attorney for Freedom
Feature Article  •  More about Police State
Update on Ademo's Caging and Pending Appeal Options
Drew Phillips
Radio/TV Show   •   Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock - Radio
Host: Ernest Hancock
January 16th, 2012 - Chris Lawless - Larken Rose - Sibel Edmonds (MP3 Loaded)
Letters to the Editor   •  More about Politics: Republican Campaigns
America’s War Lords – a monthly expose
Written by: H. Skip Robinson
Read Letter and Editor's Reply

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